9:13pm Nov 21 2009
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Posts: 6,296
((There is nothing to post.................................... Can Nightcloud die? I need to do something with one of my Charra's. Jus' kidding. LOLZ))
9:14pm Nov 21 2009
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((Whre'd my post go?))
9:14pm Nov 21 2009
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Ther it is!
9:14pm Nov 21 2009
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9:14pm Nov 21 2009
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9:15pm Nov 21 2009
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((He is, but I already know it's gonna happen so I'm in da footer *future*))
9:19pm Nov 21 2009
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Posts: 1,441
(Oooh. Well, can you get back to present? *^-^* You should probably post about something in DarkClan, because Nightstar jsut finished and is secretly watching Bloodstar with love eyes.))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:35pm Nov 21 2009
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Posts: 1,441
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:25am Nov 22 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:11am Nov 22 2009
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~Yet another BUMP~
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:17am Nov 22 2009
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((Sorries.)) Bloodstar cast a glance at Nightstar. He looked back to his cats quickly, confusion hiding behind the fury in his eyes. So Nightstar planned on breaking the warrior code to see him... how epic. He must really be worth it. Nightcloud's breath caught in her swollen throat and she made a terrible hacking sound. Bloodstar's emotion completely vanished and his heart wrenched. He lept off the ledge without hesitaion. "Nightcloud!" he said loudly, standing in front of the medicine cat. "Spoolpaw! What is happening?!" he demanded. Suddenly, just as tears began to come from Nightcloud's eyes, a pool of blood erupted from her mouth. Bloodstar's gaze turned from nervous to devestated. "She-she has black cough. I'd recognize it anywhere." he said in an almost whisper.
11:20am Nov 22 2009 (last edited on 11:37am Nov 22 2009)
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((Lol. I like that word, epic. epic epic epic)) Nightstar looked down in horror at Nightcloud. So I'm not the only one who has it. Well, at least all the odds point to me having blackcough. "Oh no...." She whispered. If only there was a cure! She wasn't even sure Spoolpaw knew all the herbs needed to qualify as a medicine cat, let alone all the remedies. If Spoolpaw was really that new, then DarkClan could be in trouble. At least I haven't coughed up blood. She hopped down from the ledge, taking as much cover as possible under the rocks so the wind wouldn't to her. She sadly looked at the dying medicine cat, and made a low cough, not too loud.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:36am Nov 22 2009
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Nightcloud, tears running down her face managed to catch a small amount of breath. "Bloodstar." she croaked. "You have no idea how-" she coughed, "-proud I am of you." she said quietly as her clan watched in sheer horror. Bloodstar smiled sadly. "I know Nightcloud, I know, let Starclan take you with peace." "No!" she said furious. "There is something you have to know!" she said as loud as possible. Another liter of blood poured out of her jaws. "Starclan won't take me if I don't tell you." she said. "Say i fast and say it short, then let rest overwhelm you." ordered Bloodstar. There was a short pause. "Bloodstar..." she looked up at him with sickly eyes. "...my son..." Nightcloud coughed up some more blood, and she went limp, her pelt shuddered, and the scent of death came over her. Bloodstar couldn't find himself to move.
11:49am Nov 22 2009
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Nightstar gasped at Nightcloud's final words, hearing others murmer and seeing how they looked so suprised. I didn't expect that! Nightstar thought. Now what? Mourn for Nightcloud? It'd probably look weird coming from StormClan, so that really wasn't an option. All she knew was that she needed to get back to camp quick, before she started coughing again or before freezing to death. She shivered. WHat a night, how tragic it is to die on a full moon, especially a medicine cat.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:56am Nov 22 2009
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Bloodstar swallowed hard and lifted his head. "Featherstorm, Fishleap and Dewdream, carry Nightcloud back to camp carefully. "I'll see you all at the next Gathering." he yowled up to the leaders as he led his cats out of the tunnel and towards their camp. Featherstorm grimly padded to Nightcloud's body next to Dewdream and they gathered her in between their shoulders. "Fishleap, you support Nightcloud's head please." said Dewdram.
11:57am Nov 22 2009
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Posts: 1,441
"Nightcloud's Bloodstar's mother?" Cherryspring whispered to herself. "It can't be!" She said almost silently.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:00pm Nov 22 2009
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((Fishleap went to the Gathering? XD)) Nightstar shook herself, trying to stay awake. "StormClan, lets go." She meowed, not as strongly as she wanted it to be. Walking slowly, she quickly started running, and took the lead once more back to the camp. Fishleap nodded, walking over to Nightcloud as she gently picked her up with Dewdream and Featherstorm. She carefully started walking back towards camp.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:07pm Nov 22 2009
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As Bloodstar and the warriors arived in camp, he climbed up to the highledge. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the highledge for a cla meeting!" he yowled. "Tonight we sit vigil for Flarekit and *can't remember*kit. We also mourn Nightcloud, she had black cough and none of us knew."
12:09pm Nov 22 2009
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Posts: 1,299
Flintpaw tramped back to the camp with the rest of the Clan. The Gathering had not had been as exciting as he had suspected tonight would be.
12:12pm Nov 22 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((Not as exciting?! The Darkclan med. Cat just DIED and revealed that she was Bloodstar's mother! It doesn't get more interesting! did you think a badger or a fox or something would attack? Is that even more interesting. XD Lol))