12:14pm Nov 22 2009
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((Tigerkit, lol.)) Nightstar ran straight to her den, ignoring the fresh-kill pile and any cats who wanted to know about the Gathering that hadn't come. It was a really short Gathering, yet so much had happened. Going to the far back of her den, Nightstar swallowed, then coughed horribly, her throat burning and temperature rising yet again, even though she felt cold. She almost collasped onto the ground, half falling, half actually trying to lay down. She then though back to the Gathering, coughing again. How could Nightcloud of caught blackcough? She was a medicine cat, and they hardly got sick!
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:14pm Nov 22 2009
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LP (LOL whatever!)
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:14pm Nov 22 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:15pm Nov 22 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:15pm Nov 22 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:21pm Nov 22 2009
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Crowheart glanced at Nightstar and lept up to the tall-tree(original aint it?). "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the tall-tree for a clan meeting!" he yowled. Suprised, Sparkfire and Hazelfur left their guard to gather as Crowheart ordered, along with the medicine cats.
12:25pm Nov 22 2009
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((XDDD I cracked up so bad when I read that.)) Nightstar blinked, surpised to hear Crowheart calling a meeting. What's he doing?! She turned her head, pricking her ears as she listened. Shadesky, Skyshadow, and Brightleaf were all suprised to see Crowheart calling the meeting, but did as they were told and walked over. And Cherryspring and Cinderpaw and all the other cats I roleplay in StormClan except for Nightstar. XD
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:31pm Nov 22 2009
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"Darkclan has lost their senior medicine cat, and we may need to send ours over soon to help her learn the herbs, they also have new warriors and a litter of kits, and Sunclan is no better than a pack of rogues at the moment." announced Crowheart. "Nightcloud died of Black cough, so we all need to be on the lookout for catmint, for ourselves as well as our neighbors if they catch the disease. We can't afford to loose cats." he said.
12:39pm Nov 22 2009
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Nightstar sighed in relief. Normally you would just tell someone about the Gathering, then they'd pas.s it on or something, but a Clan meeting could also work. She thought he was gonna ask about her retiring or something, but that would be insane, and she doubted he'd ever do that. It's probably something Applepaw would do though. She liked Applepaw a lot better when she was a kit. Back to reality, Nightstar layed her head down once more and tried to fall asleep, though had a hard time doing so. "Blackcough?" Brightleaf asked. "What's that? I've only heard of greencough and whitecough!"
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:47pm Nov 22 2009
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Crowheart hopped down from the tall-tree. "Black cough is worse than green-cough, and if green-cough is ignored, you get black cough." he said. Sparkfire continued. "Blackcough is a cough far worse than green-cough, and there has never been a survivor. The first syptom are those of green cough, fever, swelling of the throat glands and coughing, often mistaken for green cough. Then, their glands swell up and inflame, and then they burst, causing the victim to cough up blood.
12:53pm Nov 22 2009
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"Oh, that must be horrible!" Brightleaf meowed, wincing at trying to imagine what it would be like to have blackcough. "Poor Nightcloud!" Nightstar falttening her ears, trying not to hear all about what black cough was. It was horrible, and she just didn't want to hear it, especially with the condition she was in. She groaned, mad for not being able to go to sleep.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:56pm Nov 22 2009
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Sparkfire nodded. "I wouldn't wish that torture upon any cat, even from another clan, even the ancient evil cat of Bloodclan called Scourge. No one deserves to die that way. No one stands a chance." Applepaw tapped Sparkfire's shoulder. "I'm going to collect some catmint, I'll be back soon." she said, bounding into the forest.
1:01pm Nov 22 2009
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((Nightstar's making a face like this right now, lol. -> -_-)) Nightstar opened her eyes, deciding it was useless to try to sleep. She very slowly sat up, leaning against the back of her den. Well, with nothing else to do, she listened to the conversation in camp, no matter how badly she didn't want to. She really had no choice, because she couldn't go to sleep, and she'd probably just have nightmares about it if she did anyways. Alright, now what? Go out there? WHat in the name of StarCLan would I do? Brightleaf nodded. "I remember that story about BloodClan. I was told it when I was a kit."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:03pm Nov 22 2009
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"Yeah." replied Sparkfire. "I find it funny how Bone was defeated by all those apprentices."
1:08pm Nov 22 2009
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((That was funny, lol)) Alright, I'll just say I'm hungry. Because I really am. I haven't eaten all day. Nightstar thought, then stretched for a few seconds before walking out. Almost everyone had disappeared into their dens, so it was basically Just a couple of warriors, Sparkfire, and Crowheart. She walked out of her den, the moonlight washing over her as she walked towards the center of camp where the fresh-kill pile was. Looking towards the entrance, she could see small footsteps leading outside. Looking around, she saw no sign of Applepaw. Brightleaf chuckled. "Yeah, but at least he was avenged for killing Whitestorm."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:12pm Nov 22 2009
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"We should start a Warrior Cats Fanclub!" exclaimed Sparkfire.
"Right" Sparkfire replied. "I kind of wish Scourge hadn't killed Tigerstar though, Firestar should have." Applepaw sniffed catiously in the twoleg garden, grabbing stalks of catmint, completly unaware of the danger that lurked just behind her. She froze when a shadow came over her, and with a yowl she was scooped up by a twoleg kit and rushed into the twoleg den. "Someone help me!" she yowled, positive that no one could hear her and her yowls were meaningless.
1:14pm Nov 22 2009
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((I want to join this but it is wayyyy to far and I have no idea what is goin on...))
1:15pm Nov 22 2009
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((LOL, if you lurk for a while it'll be easier to jump in. :) ))
1:16pm Nov 22 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((Nice. But i already made one! Starting a warrior cats party would be more like it! :D)) "Yeah. Although I think it's kind of funny that-" Brightleaf stopped, seeing Nightstar coming. "Sorry to interupt," Nightstar began, "But where's Applepaw?"
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:17pm Nov 22 2009
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((Ok! I shall do that!*Lurks*))