2:54pm Nov 22 2009
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((Applepaw went to find some catmint but a twoleg kit took her and Nightstar got mad at Sparkfire for letting her go alone so she was about to go out but Crowheart stopped her. Not much))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:57pm Nov 22 2009
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Spoolpaw sat in the camp, tears flowing down her cheeks. Why?? Why?? She ignored the fresh-kill pile, and stalked to the medicene den. Thought flowed into her mind. What was merigold used for?? How many poppyseeds should she use for a cat?? She shook her head. Nightcloud would know, but isn't here. StarClan took her away. She suddenly felt angry at StarClan. Angry at the world.
2:57pm Nov 22 2009
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2:57pm Nov 22 2009
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2:57pm Nov 22 2009
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3:06pm Nov 22 2009
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Bluestone mourned silently for Nightcloud, near the warriors den. Why'd she have to die? Spoolpaw doesn't know everything yet! We're gonna have to ask StormClan or someone to teach her everything else! Poor Spoolpaw and Bloodstar!
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:14pm Nov 22 2009
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((Hmmmmhmhmhmhmmmmmm. I wonder if anyone's wrote a song about boredom....that'd be funny. ANd earlier today some random person sent me a tesuri egg. O.o))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:15pm Nov 22 2009
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Nightcloud bounded down from Silverpelt, looking younger and healthier than anyone could remember. "I'm still here to help you Spoolpaw, don't fear, Sparkfire can give you your full name at the half moon." she purred, rubbing her smooth, ghostly pelt next to Spoolpaw.
3:17pm Nov 22 2009
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3:24pm Nov 22 2009
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~and then time goes whoosh and its next morning. :D~ Nightstar blinked open her tired eyes, sunlight pouring into her den. Looking around, she could see that she'd had a nightmare or something because she was away from where she'd fallen asleep and her claws were unsheathed, a few dents in the ground. She could also tell that she'd been coughing during her sleep because her throat burned terribly. She walked out of her den, about to go to the stream just outside of camp.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:36pm Nov 22 2009
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Spoolpaw shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "It's not the same without you!" She cried, looking at Nightcloud's ghostly figure. She sighed. "I just feel so angry right now. Angry with myself. The Clan, The two-legs, even StarClan. I didn't want you to die!"
3:37pm Nov 22 2009
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((I gotta find something else for the other cats to do...)) Nightstar climbed down the rocks that led to her den, walking towards the entrance. If only there was a stream INSIDE of camp, if would be a lot easier. She glanced at the fresh-kill pile, still stocked with food. After she got a drink she would...blinking a few times, she picked up her pace and shortly after got to the stream. She began thirstily lapping at the water, dehydrated. It quenched her thirst, and a bit of the pain in her throat, but certainly not all of it. She shook her head, then started walking back to camp.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:40pm Nov 22 2009
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((Ok what did i miss with Nightcloud?O_O))
3:41pm Nov 22 2009
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Applepaw was scared. The larger twoleg had put her in a metal den, impossible to escape, nd she was airborne. She mewed pitifully as she was put down. The box started vibrating and she heard a roar. In sudden panic, she realized that she had been eaten by a monster! Nightcloud laughed softly. "It'll be alright Spoolpaw, death is only a part of life." she purred.
3:41pm Nov 22 2009
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((Nightcloud was the darkclan med cat and she had black cough and died at the Gathering, she is now visiting Spoolpaw as a ghost to finish her training.))
3:45pm Nov 22 2009
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"I know. We all have to die at some point... but, it's just so hard..."She looked at Nightcloud, fresh tears down her cheeks. "I need help. I was only your aprentice for about half-a-moon."
3:46pm Nov 22 2009
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((Lol. I love how warrior cats call cars monsters. XD)) Nightstar walked back into camp, headed straight for the fresh-kill pile. She ended up picking a thrush, and walked over under the HighHill(is that even possible? Maybe there's a cave ro something. XD) She coughed again, sounding worse than last night, and bit into the bird, ripping it apart hungerily. While doing that, she also looked around for Crowheart or someone. She wanted to look for Applepaw, or for someone else to look for Applepaw.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:48pm Nov 22 2009
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"That's why I'm here Spoolpaw, tomorrow, tell Bloodstar that you have to go to the Moonfalls, I'll guid you, but tell him you already know the way and it's important that you go alone, and then you'll come back as a full medicine cat, and I'll help you until you're ready to handle it on your own."
3:50pm Nov 22 2009
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Crowheart padded up to his leader. "You should really move to the medicine cat's den soon, you're getting worse, and we don't want to spread the disease around camp."
3:53pm Nov 22 2009
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Nightstar glanced up at Crowheart, just as she finished her meal. "If I go now, will you send out a patrol to search for Applepaw?" She asked, a hint of humor in her voice.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing