2:19pm Nov 25 2009
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((:P I've never met Sparkfire pissed off, and if there's one thing she hates, it's being told what to do rather than asked...)) "I'll say what I want Nightstar!" Sparkfire hissed bitterly. "I'll go get some new catmint if you're too stubborn to admit that you have black cough, or you simpy want to take it away from anyone who may have something curable!" she said, stomping out of the medicine cat den and towards the rescue party. "I'll lead you to where Applepaw must have gone, then I'll go back to camp with catmint." Oh, but she wasn't bringing back catmint for her dear mother. She would bring back a sprig of nightshade, the two herbs smelled similar anyways. Crowheart nodded. "Let's move then! Sparkfire, lead the way!" he said. Sparkfire growled and led the patrol into the forest on Applepaw's scent to the twoleg garden.
2:19pm Nov 25 2009
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2:19pm Nov 25 2009
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2:19pm Nov 25 2009
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2:19pm Nov 25 2009
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2:39pm Nov 25 2009 (last edited on 2:48pm Nov 25 2009)
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((Hahaha. Sparkfire's scary when she's pissed. XD Post coming)) Nightstar scowled, her temper burning away. She was about to say something sharp back, but Sparkfire had already gone. She glared at the entrance, frowning, thenstood up. She wasn't really planning on going anywhere, but the scent of herbs made her feel a bit weird. She blinked, trying to withstand the dizzy feeling. She couldn't tell whether it was from the scent of herbs or because of blackcough. She shook herself fiercly, then sighed heavily. Just as she tried to clear her throat, a strong and painful cough came up, making Nightstar make a quiet shriek of pain. No blood.......yet.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:40pm Nov 25 2009
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((:P Such an interesting character))
2:48pm Nov 25 2009 (last edited on 2:49pm Nov 25 2009)
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((Hahahah yeah.)) Cinderpaw ran as fast as she could, staying closley behind Sparkfire.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:52pm Nov 25 2009
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Sparkfire stopped at the patch of catmint. "She would have been right here, you continue the search." she said, picking catmint. Nightstar wouldn't eat nightshade if it wasn't hidden. Crowheart nodded, then saw Applepaw... inside the monster! It was driving away down the thunder path! His tail drooped. "You guys, Applepaw was inside that monster." he said.
3:00pm Nov 25 2009
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((Are you planning on killing off Applepaw or making some epic appearance? XDD)) "WHat? You saw her in there?" Cinderpaw asked, hoping he was lying. She didn't want to see her sister go.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:05pm Nov 25 2009
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((You'll see)) "Yeah, I saw her." said Crowheart dryly. He jumped up to the window and nearly jumped out of his skin. "They left their dog, so they'll probably be back, even if they don't have Applepaw, we can get a bit of revenge." he growled. Sparkfire finished with the catmint, taking a leaf of Nightshade from under the tree and bounding back to camp. That would be all it would take. Nightstar would die... and be healed in a way.
3:15pm Nov 25 2009
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((Suprises, surprises.....c:)) A flash of sorrow went through Cinderpaw's eyes, but quickly switched to fury. "Those twolegs will be sorry for what they did!" Nightstar tried to get confortable in the nest, coughing every now and then, getting worser and worser like it was supposed to if you got blackcough.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:21pm Nov 25 2009
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Sparkfire entered the medicine cat den and dropped the herbs in front of Nightstar. "Eat these, though I doubt you'll feel any better, catmint doesn't help cats with black caough." she said bitterly. Crowheart waited for the twolegs to return.
3:22pm Nov 25 2009
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Spoolpaw looked calmly at Bloodstar. "No cat dare lay a paw on medicene cats. Espeically one going to moonfalls." She looked at Nightcloud and showed a small smile.
3:23pm Nov 25 2009
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((Okay, so where is the patrol and what are they doing? Hawkstep's mind went for a little walk....))
3:23pm Nov 25 2009
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Bloodstar sighed. "Okay, after all, you do need your full medicine cat name, and no one knows how to give that to you, run along." Nightstar purred. "Simply follow my scent, and your instincts Spoolpaw." she said. "I've already picked out the best name for you."
3:25pm Nov 25 2009
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((They saw Applepaw be taken away in the monster and Crowheart is waiting for them to return, even if they don't bring Applepaw back they'll attack the twolegs, who'll release their chihuahua on them. :P))
3:26pm Nov 25 2009
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Nightstar looked up, glaring at her daughter for the bitterness in her voice. (What a horrible death! XD) Not saying anything, she opened her mouth and bit down into the herbs Sparkfire gave her, chewing them up and then swallowing. Something felt...different...(Death coming in next post! Jeez thats sounds weird to say!) Cinderpaw hopped up next to Crowheart, waited along with him.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:27pm Nov 25 2009
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((What, does Nightcloud turn into a leader when she dies? You keep on saying Nightstar, lol))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:29pm Nov 25 2009
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((Grrrrrrr. Sorry about that. I mean Nightcloud. *pounds head*))