4:43pm Nov 25 2009
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~BUMP 2~
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:35pm Nov 25 2009
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8:37pm Nov 25 2009
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((Someone lost a post in here.))
8:37pm Nov 25 2009
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8:37pm Nov 25 2009
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10:43am Nov 26 2009
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Sparkfire nodded to Shadesky and then padded back into the medicine cat's den. "Two lives left Nightstar, pick your fights carefully." she said.
4:11pm Nov 26 2009 (last edited on 7:49pm Nov 26 2009)
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Nightstar was still shaky, then glanced up at Sparkfire. Yeah, sure, two lives, Lets have people think that, even though I only have 1. "What did you give me?" She demanded, recalling the herbs Sparkfire had laid out for her before she died. There was catmint...and something else.....
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:51pm Nov 26 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:02am Nov 27 2009
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"It was just catmint." said Sparkfire without hesitation, sifting through the remaining scraps with her paw, the strong scent of catmint covered what remained of nightshdae.
11:12am Nov 27 2009
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((Can I edit the charrie list? Ish buggin me.))
11:16am Nov 27 2009
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Hopekit sqealed loudly, blindly falling up against her mother as she started suckling. Nightstar narrowed her eyes, then batted away her daughter's paw as she seperated the pile of leaves from one a nother, trying to see if she could find the herb that had caused her so much pain.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:17am Nov 27 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((Lol sure if you can remember everyone! XD And my computer is going really slow because my brother has to download something so I might not be on much, or I'll be posting like every 10 minutes. XP))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:18am Nov 27 2009
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Posts: 1,441
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:30am Nov 27 2009
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StormClan: Leader: Nightstar,she-cat, NightshadeTW-1 Live left
Deputy: Crowheart, tom, whatever6551 Medicine Cat: Sparkfire, she-cat, whatever6551
Warriors: Hazelfur, she-cat, whatever6551 Crowheart, tom, whatever6551 Skyshadow, she-cat, NightshadeTW Shadesky, tom, NightshadeTW Lynxbloom, she-cat, wolf18834 Hawkstep, tom,fullmoon Sparrowfrost, she-cat, whatever6551 Brightleaf, she-cat, NightShadeTW Dreamcloud, she cat, whatever6551 Orangescorch, tom, whatever6551 Cherryspring, she-cat, NightshadeTW Tidewave , she cat, fullmoon Venomleaf, she cat, wolf18834
Apprentices: Applepaw, she cat, whatever6551 Cinderpaw, she cat, NightshadeTW Flintpaw, tom, wolf18834 Moonpaw, she cat, fullmoon
Mentors: Applepaw-Sparkfire Cinderpaw- Dreamcloud Flintpaw-Hawkstep Moonpaw- Cherryspring Queens/Kits: None
Elders: None
~ DarkClan: Leader: Bloodstar, tom, whatever6551-5 Lives left
Deputy: Shadowfang, tom, NightshadeTW
Medicine Cat: Spoolweave, she cat, fullmoon
Warriors: Bluestone, she-cat, NightShadeTW Leafpelt, she-cat, whatever6551 Fishleap, she-cat, NightshadeTW Soulfire, tom, wolf18834 Foxtail, tom, whatever6551 Jadewhisper, she cat, whatever6551 Rocketrage, tom, whatever6551 Featherstorm, she cat, whatever6551 Owlcomet, tom, whatever6551 Blissheart, she cat, NightshadeTW Light, she cat, whatever6551
Apprentices: Dogpaw, tom, whatever6551 Heartpaw, she cat, whatever6551 Ravenpaw, tom, NightshadeTW Mentors: Dogpaw-Shadowfang Heartpaw-Soulfire Ravenpaw- Foxtail
Queens/Kits: None
SunClan: Leader: Sunstar, tom, fullmoon-9 Lives Left Deputy: Cougarfeather, she-cat, whatever6551 Medicine Cat: None Warriors: Magmasight, tom, wolf18834 Thunderstorm, tom, NightshadeTW Badgermask, she-cat, whatever6551 Foxfire, tom, fullmoon Mysticflame, she-cat, NightShadeTW Apprentices: Queens: Kits: Pluskit-fullmoon Minuskit-fullmoon Rogues/Loners: Deathfang, tom, NightShadeTW

11:31am Nov 27 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((:P Ta da! So how was your Thanksgiving?))
11:34am Nov 27 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((i g2g, may be on later. :) ))
11:39am Nov 27 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((Awww, okay, see ya later. And I had a pretty good Thanksgiving. I stuffed myself with food, thats for sure. *^-^* And my mom'ss friend came over to have Thanksgiving and her daughter is my friend and we were like having a mini party down in my room because we were emailing my friends and messing around going crazy. XD And I'll put that charrie list up later because I bet it'll take like 15 minutes to get to the page. :/))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:43pm Nov 27 2009
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Posts: 6,296
Spoolweave walked up to Dogpaw. "I'm a full medicene cat now......." She tried to sound happ, but her voice cracked. "I'm called Spoolweave now."
4:49pm Nov 27 2009
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Posts: 5,279
Dogpaw laughed. "That's so cool! You got your name before even I did!"
4:57pm Nov 27 2009
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Posts: 6,296
Spoolweave shuffled her feet. "I could have been a medeicne as five moons. Do you know how medicene ca aprentice's become a medecine cat?"