2:45pm Jul 29 2009
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Name: Icefire Position: Warrior Gender: Female Appearence: A silver she-cat. She has darker silver stripes on her back. Her eyes are ice blue. Her fur is short. She also has a scar on her front paw. Personality: Just like her sister, Dragonstar Family: Brother; Firespark >>> Sister; Dragonstar Mate: None Age: 30 Moons Clan: DarkClan
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:28pm Jul 29 2009 (last edited on 6:55pm Aug 6 2009)
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Posts: 706
Desired Name: Frostwing Position: Warrior Gender: Female Appearance: Snow white she-cat with stunning, bright Ice Blue eyes.  " Personality: Silent, for a white cat, she loves to stay in the shadows and is skilled at hiding herself. Was rouge before joining the clan, so some clan-mates are hostile towards her. She doesn't care much about what others think. She just wants them to know that she is loyal, and can hunt and fight as good as any clan born cat, which is kind of hard since she had a dark past, which she never talks about, that makes sure jumpy and she is careful about who she trusts. It may take a few months or so to gain her trust, but no one knows because nobody has ever tried. She loves a good fight. Family: None Mate: None Age: 20 moons Clan: StormClan
4:29pm Jul 29 2009 (last edited on 6:06pm Jul 29 2009)
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Posts: 1,441
Ok everyone sorry I got off. My mom wanted me to help her with something and then I had to eat dinner and all that. Dragonstar, Jemi, and Winter, I'm putting up your characters right now. And I'll put up Icefire as well, Dragonstar. Just put up her info as soon as you can. But besides that, I think we're ready to start! Right now I'm just going to take a vote to who thinks we should start to RP yet. I'll post the votes at the top, so be sure to look! I don't know whether to start RPing or not since jemi is I think the only cat in LeafClan. that would get kind of boring being in your camp all alone! So just post your votes here, and that'll decide whether we get to start RPing or not! Ok I know this sucks, because I just started the RP today, and I just found out that I'm going out of town tomorrow and I'll be out of town until either Sunday or Monday. So RPing will probably start somewhere today.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:32pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 706
I say wait so more can join
4:34pm Jul 29 2009
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ok Dash for Ca$h thanks for the vote and im putting up all the warriors, leaders, and apprentices up right now
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:41pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 706
ur welcome
4:54pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 1,441
If you know anyone else who might want to join this please tell them, because we still need quite a few more spots to be filled!
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:56pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Dragon says we wait.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:00pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 96
[[ I'd love to join if I can ^^; -has done many warrior cat roleplays on another site and read almost all the books ]]
I love being followed...as long as your not stalking me...
Offline...I do not have internet at the moment because I have
Moved and the cable is not in yet. If I am in one of your roleplays
Please just send me a message over rmail. Thanks.
6:03pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 1,441
ok metachick you can join. just follow the ex. on the forum, post it on here, and then youre in! and ok dragon, theres another vote for 'wait'! thanks!
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:10pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 96
(( What positions are open? ))
I love being followed...as long as your not stalking me...
Offline...I do not have internet at the moment because I have
Moved and the cable is not in yet. If I am in one of your roleplays
Please just send me a message over rmail. Thanks.
6:32pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 4,093
((me ta, for Mistclan there's all the positions open 'cept for Leader. c:))
Don't start yet. That's what I say. ;o Wait for a few more characters to get in. :) Speaking of more characters... Name: Shadowstep Position: Warrior Gender: Female Appearance: Shadowstep is a petite, short-furred mottled black and brown she-cat with large eyes the colour of the sky on a stormy day. Her ears are wide and tall, like that of a fox's. Because of her size and stature, she is very agile and in battle can deal quick, sharp blows. Her claws are thick, long and curved, making for an excellent tree climber. Shadowstep's whiskers are very prominent, a blazing white against a dark array of colours. Personality: Because of her kits, Shadowstep learned to control her violent demeanor and instead replace it with kindness. Sometimes it breaks through, though. Fortunately, when raging, almost anyone can calm her down, though only from her own Clan or a friend. Overall she's friendly enough, selfless towards her friends. She is headstrong and rebellious, too, often disobeying the Warrior Code, but never crossing the line into, say, treachery. Family: Younger sister Fawnstar, kits Dapplepaw and Crowkit. Mate: Spiderfang. Age: 25 moons Clan: Mistclan --- Name: Spiderfang Position: Warrior Gender: Male Appearance: Skinny, long-legged light grey tom with white hind paws and white tufts of fur on the tips of his ears. His long of fur hides his thinness, and enemies' claws often get snagged in it. His eyes are a greenish amber. Spiderfang has an excellent sense of ballance and weight, and his hearing is also acute. Around his eyes are long, thin scars, earned from many battles where opponenets tried to aim for his face when they discovered it was hard to get through to his body. His tail is odd; a slight blaze of ginger on the tip that gradually disappears into white fur furthur down, then soft grey. He has very little whiskers-- most were torn out in battle and hardly ever grew back-- so he often has to go by sound and sight during nighttime. Personality: He is serious, quiet, and often goes for the more peaceful side of any arguement. One of his only soft sides is his kits and mate. He always keeps his emotions hidden from others, closing them up until they wear away, then act as if nothing ever happened. Spiderfang is not the type to hold grudges, and after a vicious battle with another Clan he can be perfectly friendly (if you could call it that) the next day or at a Gathering. He takes great interest in healing and Starclan, but could never become a Medicine Cat because there was already a Medicine Cat apprentice when he was a kit and apprentice. He sticks adamantly to the Warrior Code, and can focus on his goals without getting distracted. Family: Kits Dapplepaw and Crowkit. Mate: Shadowstep Age: 28 moons Clan: Mistclan
I never use this many characters, but I think I might kill off a few later. ^.^ I'll post the skellies for the next few in the following post. :3

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
6:34pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 96
(( Are there any leader positions open? ))
I love being followed...as long as your not stalking me...
Offline...I do not have internet at the moment because I have
Moved and the cable is not in yet. If I am in one of your roleplays
Please just send me a message over rmail. Thanks.
6:34pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 993
((XD lol. A little longer. :3 More characters, whee! I'm joining as Mistclan deputy.))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
6:43pm Jul 29 2009 (last edited on 6:51pm Jul 29 2009)
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Posts: 993
((A bio used to be here!))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
6:44pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 1,441
metachick, you can be leafclan leader. you can also be sunclan or rockclan leader, but nobody has joined those clans and we already have some people in leafclan. and winter, thats going to be your last character, because thats a lot of characters to RP!
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:45pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 96
(( I'll be Leafclan leader but my characters won't come till tomorrow or tonight sorry D; ))
I love being followed...as long as your not stalking me...
Offline...I do not have internet at the moment because I have
Moved and the cable is not in yet. If I am in one of your roleplays
Please just send me a message over rmail. Thanks.
6:47pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 1,441
ok dustfeather, just dont overdo yourself! im already worried that winter made too many cats
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:48pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 1,441
thats ok, metachick, just be aware that i'll be out of town tomorrow and all the way until sunday or monday. so if you post it tomorrow, i wont be able to post your cat on the forum until i get back
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:50pm Jul 29 2009
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Posts: 87
Is Leader of Sunclan open becuase I would like to Role play the Leader postion.