Warrior Cats RPG

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9:50pm Aug 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 441

a wise wolf(me<---) once said my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...

9:51pm Aug 6 2009

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Posts: 1,441
"Oh, that's a shame. If only the warrior code of theirs didnt have the rule to not talk to outsiders."

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

9:51pm Aug 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 441
 "i no"

a wise wolf(me<---) once said my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...

9:51pm Aug 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 441
 "i no"

a wise wolf(me<---) once said my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...

9:52pm Aug 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 441

a wise wolf(me<---) once said my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...

9:52pm Aug 6 2009

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Posts: 1,299

 Name: Lynxpaw

Position: Apprentice

Family: none

Mate: none

Age: 7 moons

Clan: StormClan

Additional Info

Gender: Female

Appearence: Beautiful golden tabby she-cat with amber eyes.

Personality: Enthusiastic and full of energy all the time. Has tons of pride.


9:52pm Aug 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 441
oo cool 20 pages

a wise wolf(me<---) once said my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...

9:53pm Aug 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,441
Nightshade quietly sneaked out of her territory and ran up and hid behind the closest bush to the oak tree. She was downwind, and she was covered in mud, so she was perfectly safe from being caught by her Clanmates or Dogheart and his new friend. She spied on the 2 rogues for a little bit.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

9:55pm Aug 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 441
 dogheart heardthe bushes russle "did you hear someting"he ask shadow

a wise wolf(me<---) once said my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...

9:55pm Aug 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,299
okay Night


9:55pm Aug 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,441
hi wolf thanks for becomin a StormClan apprentice! now who do you want to be your mentor? Frostwing(Dash for Ca$h) could be your mentor but she isnt on all the time like me and nano. nano or i could be your mentor as well. my cats are Nightshade and Shadesky and Skyshadow. and nano is Leafstar(now retired) and Dogheart.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

9:56pm Aug 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 441
i have to go soon but not right this second

a wise wolf(me<---) once said my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...

9:57pm Aug 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 441
o ya i forgot you still need your 9 lives and leader name!!

a wise wolf(me<---) once said my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...

9:57pm Aug 6 2009

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Posts: 1,299


9:59pm Aug 6 2009

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Posts: 1,441

"Yeah, I think it was comin from that bush over there." Shadow pointed with his tail the bush where Nightshade was hiding.

Nightshade tried to be as stealth as possible and crawled back unnoticed back to a tree near her territory. She rolled around in the gr*censored*, shaking all the mud off of her and she cleaned herself as best as she could. She was normally very pretty, but now she had 3 scars across her face and some long scratches and bruises on her body. She tried to look casual, as she approached Dogheart and Shadow.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

10:00pm Aug 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 441
 hi there nighshade!"

a wise wolf(me<---) once said my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...

10:01pm Aug 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,441

oh ok nano darn, it was getting so good! and btw, the newest Warrior Cats RP in now in action. and ok wolf once we get past this scene im gonna end back up in camp and then i'll be appointed as leader, and i'll name your mentor Shadesky. but for right now, you're without a mentor until the scene is over! now you can do whatever you want! c:

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

10:02pm Aug 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,299


10:02pm Aug 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 441

a wise wolf(me<---) once said my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...

10:03pm Aug 6 2009 (last edited on 10:03pm Aug 6 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 1,441
"Hi Dogheart..." She winced as a branch broke off the tree above her and landed on one of her deep scratches. "Who's your new friend?"

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
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