5:00pm Nov 27 2009
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"Your mentor dies. It's a good thing that doesn't happen for warriors, or dead mentors would turn up under every rock in the forest." laughed Dogpaw.
5:01pm Nov 27 2009
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5:01pm Nov 27 2009
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5:01pm Nov 27 2009
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5:01pm Nov 27 2009
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5:04pm Nov 27 2009
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a tear went down Spoolweave's cheek. "It's just not fair!" She cried. "Why did she have to die??!" She slowly started to calm down. "Sorry Dogpaw.... It's just...." She trialed off. ((Can somebody get a thorn in their pad or something?))
5:06pm Nov 27 2009
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((Heh heh, no.)) Nightcloud hissed and cuffed Spoolweave's ear. "Stop whining, I'm right here you idiot! And I'll leave if you're going to act like that!"
5:47pm Nov 27 2009
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Spoolweave blushes. "Sorry, but it's not the same. You, like, dead."
6:54pm Nov 27 2009
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Nightstar's eyes widened as a small piece of nightshade was revealed. Killed by her own warrior name. How epic. But sad, because her own daughetr killed her, not that she wasn't gonna die, anyway, but now whenever she actually lost her last live everyone's gonna think she'll still come back to life. Some cats probably still thought she had 3 lives left. But ANYWAYS, back to the situation. Nightstar was staring down in horror at the deadly herb before her. "...Wha.....?" She said in disbelief.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:58pm Nov 27 2009
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((Can Hawkstep become a murderer? I just got a plot twist.. Heheheheh.... No, I am not going to kill any character's with out permission.))
7:01pm Nov 27 2009
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((Lol who you thinking about killing?))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:02pm Nov 27 2009
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((Not sure yet......... but I want him to almost kill Spoolweave, and then someone dramatically saves her. Havent found the person yet....))
7:27pm Nov 27 2009
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Tornpaw blinked his eyes and walked outside the apprentices den. He kicked at a small pebble on the ground. If only Drala were here. The two siblings could've had some fun, and he would not have been left bored, but oh well. Dreams don't always come true.
7:27pm Nov 27 2009
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((Ah. Well, tell me when you think of someone. Maybe he could team up with Deathfang and bring back RockClan, the meanest Clan out there.))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:55pm Nov 27 2009
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((That would be like, pwnage awsome! So, am I allowed plot-twist?)) Hawkstep retracted and contracted (Is that the right word?) his claws. The earth crumbled under his paws. He glared at Nightstar. She chose HIM. He glared at ________(I forget the deputy's name). He wasn't cared for in his Clan. He almost wanted to murder Tidewave. He growled. He scraped his claws against the dirt again. I'm leaving. He stealthily crept towards the camp entrance. He looked around, and crept into the bushes. Hawkstep tore at the rabbit on the ground. He stuffed his muzzle into it's blood. Hawkstep. He snorted. From now on, I will call myself Hawkblood. Hawkblood smirked, and left his half-eaten rabbit in the dust. Now, babe I can find a mate..
8:31pm Nov 27 2009
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Flitnpaw paced back and forth, impatient for the Twoleg moster to come back, if it ever did. His sister had been in there, and he was tired of just waiting around for her to come back. Flitnpaw flicked his tail, and sat down. He started fidgeting with with a tiny twig. Waiting was a pain for him.
12:25am Nov 28 2009 (last edited on 12:27am Nov 28 2009)
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Posts: 1,441
~BUMP~ *sighs* ((can't really do anything until Whatever gets back. And yeah, plot twist accepted as long as you get someone else cat into it and not just yours! So it's not like a plot twist with only you in it and stuff. XD)) Brightleaf watched as Hawkstep left the camp. Probably out to go hunting. She shrugged, then padded over ot the fresh-kill pile and took a thrush.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:46am Nov 28 2009
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Desired Name: Basil Position: Rogue Family: No one noteworthy Mate:No Crush: Hawkblood Age: Adult Clan: none Additional Info Gender: Female Appearance: click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> Personality: A mental she-cat who appears crazy, but knows what she's talking about. She knows alot about herbs and flowers, but has no desire to help any cat. She has been watching Hawkstep *cough* Hawkblood, and has taken a wierd liking to him. She has been waiting for his turn to evil, and know she will dare to approach him. She longs to get close to him, and teach him the values of poison. She has no desire for clan life. Her claws are short and trimmed, suggesting she may have been a kitty-pet once. She denies such a past though.
10:50am Nov 28 2009
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Sparkfire frowned. "I must have picked it by mistake." she said softly. "The two patches were very close together." She trailed off. Applepaw woke up when the monster fell asleep abruptly. She felt herself rise and be carried into another twoleg den, they opened the box she was kept in, and she crept out catiously, claws unsheathed. She yowled as they stuck needles in her. She heards their faint voices. Prepare the operation, she's just old enough to be spayed. What was that supposed to mean?! Applepaw felt paniced.
11:34am Nov 28 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((Bump. I think bringing back Rockclan is a good idea))