11:37am Nov 28 2009
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((Yeah. *^-^* CRAAAAAAAAAP, I made a really long post on here and just as I was about to hit enter it sent me back a page. Look out for a crappy post now. >:())
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:38am Nov 28 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:38am Nov 28 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:38am Nov 28 2009
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Posts: 1,441
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:38am Nov 28 2009 (last edited on 12:02pm Nov 28 2009)
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((4,000 post baby! Party time! *plays awesome music* I'm so happy! This is probably the roleplay with the most posts ever! :DDDDDD))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:52am Nov 28 2009
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Nightstar narrowed her eyes at Sparkfire as she left the den. "Right next to each other, huh? Yeah right! Not even a, "Sorry I killed you, I was just trying to help." Nightstar muttered almost silently to herself. *and then a flashback goes about nightshade and catmint and stuff that took me forever and then I got sent back a page for no good reason* Standing up, Nightstar shook herself as the last scraps of bloody moss fell off of her. She walked out of the den, the sunlight blinding her. She blinked her eyes a few times, adjusting to the lightness. Well, besides that, she was as good as new. Until she remembered Applepaw. Did they ever find her?
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:56am Nov 28 2009
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((ZOMG WE HIT 4000 POSTS! W00T!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:07pm Nov 28 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((AWESOME!!!!)) Sparkfire growled and caught up with Nightstar. "Are you suggesting that I killed you on purpose?!" she hissed.
12:20pm Nov 28 2009
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Name: Kaina Position: Loner Family: None Mate: None Crush: None Age: 24 moons Clan: none Additional Info Gender: Female Appearance: Kaina is a she-cat with a smooth, long cream pelt with silver markings near her shoulders. Her right ear is almost completely shredded from fighting with another loner and a scar goes right down her chest, an angry red. Kaina's tail has a black tip. Her legs are slender. Kaina's eyes are a piercing, cruel, and cold misty green. Personality: Kaina was arrogant and cared only about herself since birth. Her mother died giving birth to her and she was raised by her father who remained alive. He taught her how to fight and to never trust anyone, who is a Clan cat. One day Kaina and her father attacked a Clan border patrol. They were defeated and Kaina's father ordered Kaina to retreat. Angry by defeat, Kaina murdered her father. Now she lives hateful of any cat who dares approach her, though she has sometimes made friends with some murderers like herself. ((I certainly like bringing back RockClan))
12:26pm Nov 28 2009
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((*grins* Time to introduce Basil!)) Basil stalked through the woods, belly low to the ground, her tail twitching ever so slightly. The mouse darted away. She didn't move again. She waited. Within minutes, the small puff of brown fur had returned, banging it's nut on the root, behind which the hungry rogue was hiding. A soft, silent growl rumbled in her throat as Basil gathered her mucsles. In an explosive tangle of fur and teeth and claws, the mouse was dead. Basil held her prey in her jaws, a thin sreak of blood running down her chin. She set her prey down and stared at it, disatisfied.
1:01pm Nov 28 2009
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((Alright, so RockClan is a yes. W00T! XDD This will certainly bring the thread back to life. RockClan is vicious, rawr! Even their med. cat....if they have one.......ANYWAYS, I gotta go over to my cousins house for the night, so someone can act out my charries if needed, and on the Ferocity one. Though I doubt someone will need to act them out anyways, lol. And yay! Go Basil! *does a cheer for Basil* And NICE peronality for Kaina. Sounds just like Hawkstep. XD)) Nightstar swerved around, facing Sparkfire. "I'm suggesting you show me where you found that catmint and nightshade together, because last time I checked they were spread far apart!" She growled. So much for a caring medicine cat, she's more like a vicious warrior than one!
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:09pm Nov 28 2009
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Kaina peered from around a tree at a loner nearby who was digging his fangs into a rabbit. The loner had just started living here and was a nuisance for Kaina. For a while she had planned to kill the newcomer to this area and hide the loner's dead body in a clump of bushes. It would've been a nice warning for any other loners around and about to find, but she had decided to scare him away. Maybe the fool would fall off a cliff while running away.
1:28pm Nov 28 2009
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Hawkblood flicked his ears. He could hear a bubling stream. He growled. He was near MoonFalls. StarClan shmarClan. He thought. He padded deeper into the woods. The terrain started to get rocky, but Hawkblood didn't seem to mind. He was born with tough pads. His mother said it was because he had some RockClan blood in him. He flicked his ears again. He felt a she-cat's presence. (Kaina). He shook it off, and started padding quicker. He then smelled another female. (Basil) What"s with females?? He thought. Are they trying to overpopulate the earth???? ((Who should be leader? I think Kaina should, and Hawkblood can be dep. Just suggesting.))
1:35pm Nov 28 2009
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((*Shruggs*)) Kaina unsheathed her claws and started to creep on the loner from behind. At the last minute he decided to turn around and saw Kaina, a blood-thirsty look gleaming in her green eyes. Kaina yowled and leaped at the mouse-brained loner, her curved claws gleaming deadly. She dug her claws into the unfortunate cat and sunk her fangs into the loner's shoulders. Blood spilled onto the solid, rocky earth, staining it dark red.
1:40pm Nov 28 2009
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((Idk, but I don't think it should be Kaina, because Wolf doesn't get on that much. :P )) Deathfang walked around the clearing, sniffing over rocks that beneath, had the possibility of hiding something to eat. He was i nthe old RockClan territory, full of piles and piles of stones and rocks and pebbles. Small streams spilled down the rocks in the old camp, creating a small pool right in the middle. The camp was hiding inside the rocks. If you walked to the center of their territory, you'd be lost in miles of rocks. but if you looked closely, you could see a small hole between two large boulders. Crawling through there, is where the camp is. It's impossible to get to from any other way, because it's like a rocky volcano. The top is open full of fresh air and all, but it's surrounded by a towering wall of boulders and rocks, with nothing but a small crevice to get in to camp. Well, while nobdy lives here, I guess I'll take it. Deathfang thoguht silently to himself, then explored deeper.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:47pm Nov 28 2009
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Hawkblood continued to crawl up the rocky terrain, making it impossible for him to be followed. He climbed to the top of the mountains. He looked around. He needed shelter for the night. He crept silently along the rocks, looking for holes or crevases. He squinted, and finally saw a cut in two boulder's, and slipped through. He saw the hazy shape of another cat. He smirked slightly, but hissed. It was Deathfang. He smiled. "Hello Deathfang."
1:48pm Nov 28 2009
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The loner struggled and tried to rake his claws down Kaina's side. Kaina, not caring about being injured continued her onslaught, tearing at ears and ripping at the loner's throat. The loner cried for help many times, but Kaina just sneered and said,"No one'a here to help you, beetle-brained cat!" One gash in the loner's belly continued to bleed and the loner grew weaker. Kaina leaned over and hissed on one of the loner's ears,"Go and never come back here or I'll be waiting to finish you off."
1:51pm Nov 28 2009
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Posts: 6,296
Spoolweave stiffened. She was out gathering Yarrow. I smell blood. She flattened her eyes, the insane smell of inocent cat blood washed over her. She folllowed the scent. She went far past her own territory, and into the old RockClan territory. She saw a she-cat clawing at a loner. "Stop!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. "Stop!" She used herself as a barrier, and looked the loner in the eyes. "Whats your name?" She asked. With much effort, the loner only said half a word "Go-" Then he screamed in pain.
1:52pm Nov 28 2009
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Posts: 5,835
((Eh?(^O_O^)what did I miss!?!))
1:57pm Nov 28 2009
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Posts: 1,299
Kaina stepped off other loner and started to walk away when she saw another cat, carrying Clan scent. Kaina pulled back her lips into the beginnings of a snarl. "Clan cat," she spat in fury. Her dislike in the Clans was very huge as she stood seeing this young Clan cat standing here. She would never forget when she had attacked a Clan patrol with her dead father.