2:02pm Nov 28 2009
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Spoolweave ignored the spitting she-cat, and hoisted the loner onto her back. (Strong cat O_o) She slowly walked back to camp. She gently laid the loner out on the ground. "Cobweb..." She grabbed some cobweb from her supplies and gently patted it onto the wound. The bleeding gradgually stopped. "May I ask again, your name?" She asked again politely. "Hedge," Gasped the loner. "Hedge.... nice name." Spoolweave grabbed some marigold, and gently rubbed the pulp on his cuts. The cut in his neck was infected. "Infection..." She flattened her ears, and looked at her mentor hopefully.
2:03pm Nov 28 2009
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2:03pm Nov 28 2009
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<("<) Lets party to find the lost post!!!
2:04pm Nov 28 2009
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2:04pm Nov 28 2009
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One more time! ^(">)
2:16pm Nov 28 2009 (last edited on 2:17pm Nov 28 2009)
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((lol. I'm reading this in Italian.)) Kaina narrowed her eyes. Might as well leave. Besides this cat didn't seem to be worth a fight. She started walking back to her den.
11:35am Nov 29 2009
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((Interesting wolf... I think Basil should be leader for what it's worth, and here's why. She has no desire for clan life whatsoever, so she won't join unless there's a high ranked position with her name on it. Besides, I'm killing off Bloodstar soon, and then we'll have Shadowstar(NightshadeTW), and then Nightstar will die and it'll be Crowstar. Then Rockclan will arise, squishing the forming Sunclan in the process, with either Hawkstar, Kaina as leader, or Basil as leader, or maybe even Deathstar.)) Basil sniffed the blade of gr*censored* in front of her prey absentmindedly. Any p*censored*ing cat would smell her scent. Gravel pressed against her belly as she lay down to eat her catch. Light sat in the middle of camp, taking in the moonlight that bated the camp. She hummed softly, and her eyes glowed ever so slightly under her eyelids. "Light, what are you doing?" whispered Owlcomet, peering out of the warriors den. "You won't like what you hear." said Light, eyes snapping open. "It can wait until morning, we're all tired." she added, curling up outside the medicine cat's den. "Come sleep in the warriors den Light." said Owlcomet. "I am no warrior, I plan on leaving soon. As you recall, Wolf never stayed in one place too long." said Light. "Suit yourself, but it's alot warmer in here..." he said, turning back around and sleeping next to Blissheart. Light sighed and soon fell asleep. Applepaw woke up after a while, hearing nothing but the barks of dogs and the pained yowls of dying cats. She sighed. It would be of no use talking to them. Crowheart sighed. "We have to get back to camp, it's late, Applepaw will have to be avenged som other time." "I'll show you when you start to appreciate me a little more!" hissed Sparkfire.

1:55pm Nov 29 2009
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((Oh, sath, you missed not too much. We decided to bring back Rockclan, since you're on often, and you're new, I think you should make a cruel hearted loner for the leader, that way you can be into the roleplay.))
2:03pm Nov 29 2009
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((I'm back you guys! :D I gotta rereead everything though...and make a new loner because we might need a little more than like...5 cats or whatever. XD Maybe...))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:08pm Nov 29 2009
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((mkay, hurry up and reply though))
2:19pm Nov 29 2009
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((Lol okay I don't think you'd call this quick though. XP I was reading over the Ferosity roleplay, too)) Nightstar snorted. "You should be the one giving me respect! I'm your leader, in case you haven't noticed. And from what I'd seen, you didn't care about whether I died or not when I was sick. You just complained about how it's a waste of herbs! And obviously an apprentice musn't mean much to you, if you let her go out alone and then not bother to look for her!" Cinderpaw frowned. "Tomorrow morning then?" She asked. She was itching to get back her sister, and to fight. Blissheart opened one eye open, awakened by Owlcomet and Light's talking. She's just like a mini wolf. So secretive and always on the move. She purred soundlessly, then closed her eyes and snuggled up against Owlcomet. Deathfang glared at Hawkstep. "What are you doing here?" He seethed.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:28pm Nov 29 2009
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"I'm your medicine cat! I'm your daughter! Ever since you yelled at me you've treated me no better than you treat your dirt, and when you realize I'm too important for you to treat like this, I'll come back." hissed Sparkfire. "I'm leaving!" she turned to the exit of Stormclan camp and left. "Yeah." said Crowheart. "Maybe after sun high though I'll need to do the dawn patrol and send out some hunting parties."
2:43pm Nov 29 2009
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Skyshadow gasped as Shadesky widened his eyes. Did anyone else hear about Nightstar being her mother?!?!?! Nightstar watched as Sparkfire left the camp. Her sorrow was overtaken by rage. Say sorry? Why in the name of StarClan should she say sorry?!?! She's the one who started it! First Nightstar became sickly, then Sparkfire came in to help her. Fine, No problem there. Then Sparkfire thought that she should retire, and she for some reason yelled at her, making Applepaw mad, and Sparkfire leave. She would've said sorry, but when she came back in Sparkfire was being all moody and uptight! Cinderpaw nodded, then started running back to camp. To her left, she could see Sparkfire. "Where are you going?" She asked.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:54pm Nov 29 2009
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"Away." Sparkfire hissed crossly. A twig crunched under her pad as she stomped past. The cold air got in her fur, and wetness filled the air. "First snow of leaf-bare." she mumbed as she headed to a place where no cat would find her, the abandoned Rockclan territory. No cat went there, for fear of the terrifying clan that once lived there.
3:02pm Nov 29 2009
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Hawkblood blinked. "I'm Hawkblood now, and I'm not one of those Clan baffons!" He hissed, and stretched his claws into the soil. "It's all warroir code this and StarClan that! I'm sick of it!"
3:05pm Nov 29 2009 (last edited on 3:06pm Nov 29 2009)
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Deathfang growled. "Renaming yourself, huh?" He snickered, then padded towards the entrance to go hunting. Crawling out of the crevice, he could see a body shaped like a cat(Sparkfire). Another one? How many cats are coming here?! He mumbled something under his breath, then walked out. Cinderpaw looked alarmed at Sparkfire's reply. "Will she come back..?" She asked to no one in particular. Nightstar growled at herself, then started towards the entrance. She really needed to get this over with, or get her life over with. She had one heck of a life. A crush that would probably never accept her, and a daughter who was a medicine cat that just walked out of StormClan. At least she enjoyed the nighttime.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:07pm Nov 29 2009
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Hawkblood growled under his breath. "What's wrong with that guy?! Has he gone deaf?" He then looked Sparkfire, surprised. "What are you doing here?!" He hissed. "Has Nightstar told you to come and fetch me?"
3:12pm Nov 29 2009
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Sparkfire growled. "I come here by myself Hawkrat!" she spat. "I remain alone."
3:14pm Nov 29 2009
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"Oh, so I guess StormCLan is falling apart like the fox-brained Clan it is?" Deathfang smirked.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:19pm Nov 29 2009
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"Nightstar is anyway, and get your insults right, foxes are smart, unlike you mouse brain" said Sparkfire.