5:13pm Nov 29 2009
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((But then Bloodstar wouldn't be able to die protecting her fom a bear!)) Sparkfire, after a bit of hesitation, followed Deathfang into the ex-warriors den of Rockclan.
5:14pm Nov 29 2009
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5:14pm Nov 29 2009
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5:14pm Nov 29 2009
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Hawkblood followed the other cat silently. -Phail-
5:14pm Nov 29 2009
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5:17pm Nov 29 2009
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((Lol thats true. Hmmmm, why's DarkClan gonna fight them again? Oh crap, how's Nightstar gonna lose her final life. After Bloodstar's dead...I know that. Before she was gonna die giving birth, but the two have hardly talked to each other besides when their fighting so that doesn't look like it'll work out...hm.......))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:39pm Nov 29 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:41pm Nov 29 2009
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When Kaina returned to her den she peered out, watching for any other Clan cats. She didn't want to be drive out of here, that's for sure. The rain made it hard for her to see,and it made the old badger set Kaina was using as a den, almost seem to collapse, which was a problem ever since she had widened the opening to the badger set more. The rain that managed to get into the set, which was a lot made the walls of the den muddy. Kaina shook her head in disgust. I really need to get a better den than this hole!
6:22pm Nov 29 2009
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((I have an epic idea, so it's the gathering and afterwards, Nightstar and Bloodstar sneak away to discuss the rise of Rockclan. They realize fighting is stupid, then a bear comes. When Bloodstar is on his last life, mauled and bloody, he tells Nightstar that he loves her and then they mate and such because she agrees. Then he dies, and then Nightstar dies giving birth to Bloodstar's only decendants.))
6:26pm Nov 29 2009
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((Whoa..you just like.....popped up out of no where...thats.....scary. Lol. And it sounds good. We're gonna have to finish this part and then go through time and make it the night of the Gathering, lol.)) Nightstar ran as fast as she could trying to get though the marshy territory of the old MistClan. The mud on her paws were slowing her down, and the rain was becoming increasingly cold, let alone leaf-bare. "Stupid rain!" Nightstar breathed. After a bit, she made it to the old RockClan territory, but was too exguasted to go any farther, she found the closest shelter she could find, then lay down as she quickly fell asleep.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:30pm Nov 29 2009
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((I'm a scary person. XD))
6:48pm Nov 29 2009
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8:31pm Nov 29 2009
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((Lol. A scary person you are. XD)) *POOF* Now it's the next morning. Deathfang opened his eyes, groggily standing up as morning sunlight beamed into the old RockClan warriors den. He stood up, stretching his cramped up legs, yawning as he did so. After that, he walked out into the clearing blinking his eyes a few times one more until they adjusted to the light. Nightstar groaned, waking up. Her pelt was damp, and she was still shivering from the cold. She stood up, blinking the last of the sleepiness out of her eyes. "What am I doing here?" She asked herself, then remembered. She was looking for Sparkfire. She sniffed the air, her fear coming true: Sparkfire's scent was gone. Now how would she find her? Just as she took a step foward, her belly grumbled. "Guess I'd better eat first!" Nightstar purred to herself, then searched the area for something to eat.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:39pm Nov 29 2009 (last edited on 4:44pm Nov 30 2009)
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Hawkblood stretched, and came out of the leader's den. He yawned, and padded groggily out of the den. He looked around. The other two cats were getting groggily out of their dens too.
10:08pm Nov 29 2009
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The first thing Kaina saw in the morning when she woke up was her fur. It was caked with mud. Kaina hissed in anger. I probably look like I was swimming in a lake of mud! Kaina clawed her way out of her den. Might as well go find some small stream to wash my fur, since I'm certainly not going to lick this mud off!
3:47pm Nov 30 2009
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((fullmoon, first of all, we never decided YOU would be leader, second of all, you can't do a major sign from Starclan like that without Nightshade's permission.))
4:45pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 6,296
*I've edited the post*
5:02pm Nov 30 2009 (last edited on 5:40pm Dec 6 2009)
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((I joined before but forgot about this. So please let me actually join and clear my conscience. :( )) Desired Name: Twilight/ Toxicpaw (Toxicsilver) Position: None (Med. cat or warrior after joining RockClan.)/ Apprentice Family: Her cousin Toxicpaw./ His cousin Twilight. Mate: Nope, but looking./ Same. Crush: Deathfang./ Cinderpaw. Age: 28 moons./ 10 moons. Clan: Rogue (Rockclan later)/ StormClan Additional Info Gender: Female/ Male Appearance: Bottom Personality: Will RP it out./ Same.  
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
5:03pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 6,296
((If Twilight becomes a warrior, can Hawkblood crush on her?))
5:04pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 2,097
((You people reply FAST. Sure. And if he gets accepted. XD))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3