5:07pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 6,296
((What? I read it in like, five seconds. Thats not fast!))
5:08pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((:O But Basil has a crush on Hawkblood. Things are gonna get ,essy. I'm sure you are accepted Dj, you're bio's spotless. :) Can Sparrowfrost have a crush on Toxicpaw when he becomes a warrior? She's boring, and lonely, and she was my first charrie here, so it'd be fitting. XD lol))
5:08pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 5,279
5:08pm Nov 30 2009
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5:08pm Nov 30 2009
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((btw, Dj, do you need a recap on whats happening right now so you can jump in?))
5:08pm Nov 30 2009
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5:09pm Nov 30 2009
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Kaina, muttering to herself, walked for some time before finding a fairly nice stream. She waded in it until the water starting becoming deep. Kaina purred as the water washed her muddy fur. Then she clambered out of the water, her fur soaked. Kaina shook her fur, letting spinning water droplets fly. Kaina sat down near one of the only trees in the area she was in.
5:10pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 6,296
((I know, I love it when one female crushes on a male, and then the male crushes on another female. It leads to a huge catfight. *Epicness gong gets hit*))
5:14pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((A literal catfight in our case. *that was really lame XD*)) Basil, who had been drinking out of the river moments earlier, jerked her head back in seeing Kaina. "I was drinking that." she growled.
5:17pm Nov 30 2009
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Hawkblood started padding towards the lake. "Scuse me, ladies." He said, taking a quick drink, then, when he was finished, he headed off into the forest for prey.
5:19pm Nov 30 2009
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Kaina looked at the other she-cat and her eyes glinted, amused that someone was having a bad thing because of her. She flicked her tail. "Really?" she said in nasty mock surprise. A fight wasn't what Kaina needed right now, but she couldn't help her arrogant heart. Kaina was as blind as a badger to any danger that could or will occur.
5:19pm Nov 30 2009
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Basil watched Hawkblood like an awestruck kit. "You just drank all the mud on her pelt." she exclaimed.
5:21pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 2,097
((Yup, Whatebers. And I would love a recap. *wanders around absentmindedly holding the Chippy napkin.*))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
5:22pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 6,296
Hawkblood spun around. "So? We drink out of the stream every day. Its probably already loaded with fish poo." And with that, he stomped into the forest.
5:46pm Nov 30 2009
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((ROLTFL *mauls Dj for Chippy* I'll do one for each clan, from it's point of view, that'll be fun. :D "Hi I'm Sparkfire, the Stormclan medicine cat." said the she cat as she approached Toxicpaw. "You must be new here, I can tell by your scent. Welcome to Stormclan! We're the biggest clan in the forest, well, we're supposed to be, Darkclan is growing to be a hazard. Anyways, in our clan, the leader is Nightstar, mother of Shadesky and Skyshadow. Shadesky lost his back leg a while back, but he is still a warrior. The deputy is Crowheart, the black cat with blue eye over there. He'll be leader soon, Nightstar's on her last leg. I'm not in the clan camp right now either. Nightstar doesn't appreciate me enough, but I'll show up at the next Gathering so she has a chance to apologize. Back in Stormclan, my apprentice, Applepaw, is missing, stolen by twolegs. I have a feling she'll be back though." she said. "I'm talking too much, good luck in Stormclan! Crowheart will give you a mentor, Nightstar's out looking for me!" "I'm Jadewhisper, a Darkclan warrior. Don't be intimidated by our name, we're really not the worst cats in the forest. Around Darkclan camp, things are pretty hectic. Nightcloud, our medicine cat died at the last Gathering with black cough, and her apprentic, Spoolweave is the new one, but she's not very good yet. Me and Foxtail used to be mates, but we broke up when I let Dogpaw go as a spy to Stormclan. Heartpaw, Spoolweave, Ravenpaw and Dogpaw are all my kits. Leafpelt just had Shadowfang's kit though, named Hopekit, the other two died. Tragic, eh? Shadowfang's the deputy, he's my brother, and the reason I'm here, but that's ancient history. Bloodstar is the leader, he's got a bunch of lives left, and is determined to bring us to the top. Our newest warriors are Rocketrage, Owlcomet, and Featherstorm, the three motherless kits that appeared in the nursery, and Blissheart, Owlcomet's exotic Stormclan babe mate.Our oldest warriors are Fishleap, Bluestone, Dewdream and Shadowfang, but that's not saying much, they're all pretty young. Well, that's pretty much all you need to know, knock yourself out kid." "My name is Light, I am a loner, like Wolf was. You don't know Wolf, do you? He 'the king of Starclan', or the protector of the clans. He had one son, Canis, but they both died trying to stop Darkclan and Stormclan fighting, so I was left. I am Owlcomet and Rocketrage's sister, stolen at birth and almost killed, but Wolf saved me and raised me until I could be on my own, then he went off and died. So I was left with his job, to take care of the clans. No cat expected it to be a she-cat with this job, but it is. I can feel the pain and suffering you all feel, and I absorb it like a sponge to protect you from it. I can tell what your feeling, but sometimes I can't tell about myself. I literally know you better than I know myself, and I'm just meeting you now. Freaky aim't it? Well, I'm in Darkclan territory right now, but I'll be leaving soon, I have to cushion the blow the forming Rockclan will have on the already present Stormclan, Darkclan and Sunclan, though there isn't many cats in Sunclan, they wont last against Rockclan."

5:46pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((Long recaps eh?))
7:50pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((Holy.....*faints from such long post* JEEZ! How long did THAT take ya to type up? It soooo long! Wowww.......)) Nightstar sighed. She wouldn't be able to find Sparkfire now. Maybe she'd come back or something, or go somewhere that she herself could pick up the scent, and then talk to her. Once more, her belly grumbled. She purred to herself, then picked up her pace as she ran back towards StormClan territory, but on the way looking for something to eat. TO her right, she saw the start of LeafClan territory, trees starting to crowd each other. Licking her lips, she ran into the forest, staying low and keeping quiet. Just up ahead, she could hear a stream flowing. Flicking her ears, she could hear the faint rustle of leaves. Turning her head, she could see a mouse. Within seconds, she'd pounced on it and it had lost it's life.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
9:16pm Nov 30 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((And of course you can join, Dj. *^-^*))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:12pm Dec 1 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:31pm Dec 2 2009
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Posts: 1,441
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing