5:57pm Dec 12 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((I found another freaking Mad Emote Squishy! If only I'd find a Spinning Emote Squishy! They're like 5mil!)) Shadesky nodded to Crowheart, though on the inside was disappointed because he wanted to go and more importantly, talk to Hazelfur. She was one of the few cats he'd pretty much never talked to. (Notice how he completely forgets Frostwing, lol.)) Skyshadow trotted up to Crowheart, then looked towards the entrance. "Ready whenever." She meowed simply, waiting for orders to head out. Nightstar was about to narrow her eyes, but thought better of it since it could lead to another pointless battle between her and Sparkfire. "Excuse me? Last time I heard, RockClan were gone and were kittypets or something, just like MistClan and LeafClan. And I never unappreciated you, I just had a lot on my mind." She told her daughter, holding in the pain she felt from the words Sparkfire spoke.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:01pm Dec 12 2009
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Posts: 1,441
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:02pm Dec 12 2009
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im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:02pm Dec 12 2009
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Posts: 1,441
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:02pm Dec 12 2009
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Posts: 1,441
This is getting old...I bet this time I'll find ym posts though, watch.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:04pm Dec 12 2009
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6:04pm Dec 12 2009
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((Can I have that extra mad emote squishy? XD))
6:09pm Dec 12 2009
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Sparkfire growled. "What do you call this then?" she hissed, flicking her tail at the cats around her. "This is Rockclan, and don't think that just because you're my mother that I'll believe your words." she said. There was no need for secrets.
6:12pm Dec 12 2009 (last edited on 6:12pm Dec 12 2009)
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Hawkblood glared at Nightstar. He hoped he was not reconized. He smelled diferent, and had the scent of a rouge, not a Clan cat.
6:18pm Dec 12 2009
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((Do you really want it, Full?)) (Forgot Nightstar's name for a sec, lol.) Nightstar casted a quick glare at Hawkblood, showing that she knew exactly who he was. She then turned back to her daughter. "I call them cats. And how else do you expect me to get you back, Sparkfire? Applepaw's missing, the CLan's probably noticed we're missing, and are sending out a bunch of useless patrols! I'm not a fan of losing a daughter, especially one that I broke the warrior code for. I honestly already have enough problems going on in my head and this is just another one to top it off." She meowed.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:18pm Dec 12 2009
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Posts: 1,299
"RockClan? How can we be RockClan," Kaina demanded. Even though she did have a kind of liking by the way the name RockClan sounded, and how she had once heard from her father that they were the most vicious ever to have been a Clan, how could she even be part of a Clan? And why would anybody want to be one?
6:19pm Dec 12 2009
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Hawkblood flattened his ears. He didn't like to get in fight's that he wasn't supposed to be in. So he silently backed away.
6:19pm Dec 12 2009
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((I ish trying to collect dem' all.))
6:22pm Dec 12 2009
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Sparkfire turned to Kaina. "Tell me Kaina, you've been living here for almost a moon now, correct? Here with Hawkblood, Basil, *insert other cats here* and me. What do you call yourselves, a clan or rouges, or Rockclan, you've all got what it takes, Hawkblood knows the warrior code, Basil could very well become a medicine cat, and honestly, I think Deathfang should be the leader. Bloodstar was wrong kicking him out of Darkclan, he has true potential."
6:22pm Dec 12 2009
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Posts: 5,835
((I keep getting 'love emote squishy'! It is making me mad because I want a spinning emote squishy!>:( I am lost agian...o.O))
6:24pm Dec 12 2009
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Hawkblood listened to Sparkfire, and silently agreed. Although, he wanted a shot as leader, but, every warrior does. But when she mentioned that he 'knew' the warrior code, he spat.
6:25pm Dec 12 2009
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((Toxicpaw was called to go on the patrol to look for Nightstar with Skyshadow, Sparrowfrost and Hazelfur, led by Crowheart, would you mind if Crowheart was Toxicpaw's mentor instead? He is the deputy, and was pretty depressed over the loss of Duskpaw, his first apprentice, so technically, he;s no allowed to be deputy because he doesn't have a warrior that he apprenticed.))
6:26pm Dec 12 2009
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Sparkfire hissed. "Which is why I believe Deathfang should be leader." she spat. "He knows to follow the code, unlike you Hawkrat." she insulted.
6:26pm Dec 12 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((Lol ssather. I've gotten one Love Emote Squishy. I WANT A DANG SPINNING EMOTE SQUISHY! Maybe if I spin around in my room I'll get one...XD And Fullmoon, what ones do you have already? I'm trying to collect them all as well. Maybe we could trade or something.)) Nightstar didn't like the sound of a new Clan. If RockClan returned, there would be yet another Clan, and more wars. She shivered, remembering how RockClan were always blood thirsty and battled a lot.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:26pm Dec 12 2009
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((He didn't say anything....O_o))