9:25am Dec 13 2009
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((Well wouldn't it make sence for her to want to stay in the clan then? With adopted family? And what about her sister, why isn't she as sad as Death? And shouldn't they be happy that they at least have eachother?))
9:25am Dec 13 2009
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9:25am Dec 13 2009
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9:26am Dec 13 2009
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((Super Tomato Party!))
9:26am Dec 13 2009
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((Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice!))
12:21pm Dec 13 2009
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((Well, Twilight sort got over it, being older and all that. But Death, being all tough on the outside, doesn't want to admit it. Something like that.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
12:24pm Dec 13 2009
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((Ah. Soooo... now what?))
12:25pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((When Nightstar gets home, I'll get her to switch Toxicpaw's mentor, then they could go to the Gathering or whatever. DUDE, thinking back to to warrior cat bookies, what if a kit was born in StormClan that was a reincarnation of Duskpaw? that'd be epic.((
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:28pm Dec 13 2009
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((Agreed, but who would be the parents? Only Crowheart was really there when he was killed by Rocketrage, so maybe Rocketrage or Crowheart could be the father?)) Sparkfire looked towards Nightstar. "Let's go, you can expect to see Rockclan at the next Gathering." she said. "Besides, the rest of the clan ought to be worried with your absence, didn't you tell anyone you were leaving?!"
12:39pm Dec 13 2009
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((Either one, but we'd have to figure out who there mate is. And we'd probably have to make DUskpaw be in StormClan if Crowheart wants to see him again, unless we make 'em run away or something. Revenge for Dogpaw! XD)) Nightstar nodded, though not very happy with the thought of RockClan. "I left almost right after you did. It took me a couple minutes for me to get my feet moving, though." She meowed, then started taking off into the forest of RockClan and back towards StormClan camp. Deathstar grunted. "I guess I'll just have to talk to Death later. Come on, Hawkblood, let's get back to camp. They can follow out scent trail. Any rogue in the forest will knwo to come there."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:43pm Dec 13 2009
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Sparkfire grunted. "Now we need to focus on getting Applepaw back. I think we should go back to the twoleg nest, with most the whole clan, charge in, get Applepaw out and then bring her back to camp."
12:50pm Dec 13 2009
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"Sounds good." Nightstar meowed in agreement. "But we might have to hold it back until tomorrow, it'll probably be late by the time we get back, and we still have a Gathering to attend."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:52pm Dec 13 2009
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((Hey what was that one website that needed attention like every day? I lost the link and forgot to look at it. xD))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:54pm Dec 13 2009
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((LOL, www.exhibited-sim.com It's a raptor site, you breed raptors and fight them. Res needs an advent calender.))
12:54pm Dec 13 2009
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"Good idea." said Sparkfire -FAIL-
12:55pm Dec 13 2009
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Toxicpaw sat obediently in one place, but got bored of staring at the sky. He began grooming his fur the long way... Twilight's black fur ruffled as she scraped against something. Her breaths came in small, short gulps. The glimmer in her eyes disappeared, replaced with a weak shine of worry. Death's fluffy pelt slowed her down in no way whatsoever. She was sprinting, and going as fast as she could. Screeching to a halt right before hitting a tree, she turned sharply, blindly headed to StormClan territory.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
12:59pm Dec 13 2009
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((*poofs Hazelfur in Death's way*)) Hazelfur screeched in surprise as some rogue plowed into her. Her thick pelt fluffed out as she jumped backwards. "Who are you?!"
1:00pm Dec 13 2009 (last edited on 1:01pm Dec 13 2009)
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...and *POOF* They're back in StormClan territory. Nightstar ran as fast as she good, dehydrated and worn out, yet she still had a Gathering to attend. -FAIL-
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:05pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 2,097
((Lol. XD)) Death turned around, surprised. "My name's Death and I'm trying to get away from Deathstar." she told the rogue cat. "Well, who are YOU?" Her pelt bristled as she heard the pawsteps of Twilight. But ignored it. Twilight collapsed in front of Death, in between the two. "Too...fast..need...water..tired.." she rasped, burying her head into the leaves on the ground.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
1:07pm Dec 13 2009
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Posts: 5,279
Crowheart met Nightstar at the entrance. "Where have you been?!" he growled like a mother would to a kit. Sparrowfrost chuckled and hung around to see Nightstar get told off by Crowheart.