7:32pm Dec 16 2009
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((I don't want another deputy: When Nightstar dies (soon), Crowheart will be Crowstar, that's me. And when Bloodstar dies( me), then Shadowfang will be Shadowstar, and odds are, Rocketrage will be the new deputy of Darkclan, at least I hope.))
7:33pm Dec 16 2009
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((Mashed Potatoes and Rice!))
7:33pm Dec 16 2009
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((Broccoli Miners!))
7:33pm Dec 16 2009
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((Chicken Eyeballs!))
7:33pm Dec 16 2009
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((Frostbite and Chicken Pox!))
7:53pm Dec 16 2009
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7:56pm Dec 16 2009
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((Bye, Whateber.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:07pm Dec 16 2009
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((Whateber-Thanks! It just comes out of my mind! And whatever, okay on the kits and Sunstar thing, but, it's like, SunClan was forgotten. ): Unlick this OTHER Clan that was somebody ELSES edea.)
8:12pm Dec 16 2009
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((ALright, Sea, I'll give 'em a number. :3 And smart idea, Full, that make things interesting. Oh, and Sea-RockClan are supposed to be vicious and battle-hungry, and back then were one of the largest Clans. I can see it from your point of view. But, you gotta remember they aren't a fully developed Clan like StormClan and DarkClan, and they too have quite a bit of cats. And if kinda does seem like a lot, but once they start getting into battles, they'll probably lose some cats along the lines. Plus, we don't know yet if they're with StarClan, the Dark Forest, or new ancestors. I myself haven't decided, since they aren't like...villians, yet they don't respect all of the warrior code since some are demanding new rules, such as medicine cats having kits and having a rogue name. Dunno how that relates to the largness of RockClan and all, but it could somehow affect them. Oh, and Whatever, for one of your cats, you said in was in DarkClan territory, and then in RockClan. O.o))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:19pm Dec 16 2009
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((And, another thing, is the books, there was also the thing about many mouths to feed, so having a huge Clan isn't always the best when it comes to food. 3"))
8:20pm Dec 16 2009
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((And Full, SunClan might not of been so forgotten if you would've roleplayed Sunstar a bit more. :/ You never posted back about Plukit and Minuskit and Sunstar and never roleplayed Sunstar since. Mainly just Hawkblood. I'm just saying.)) Deathstar rolled his eyes at Basil. "Fine. But when it comes to having kits, it'll be hard to take care of others since you'd be worn out and busy with however many kits you have, which is why it's against the warrior code. Just warning you." He meowed, then headed off towards Deathkiss, deciding to go on the patrol as well. ((Hmmm, let's just poof everyone in StormClan back in camp for the time being since Nightstar has to switch apprentices and announce who's going to the Gathering and all.))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:22pm Dec 16 2009
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((Your right....... but Sunstar, like, didn't have anything to do, unless she called a meeting just to say the Clan was doing well. XD))
8:24pm Dec 16 2009
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((Before I post anymore, I gotta ask Sea somethin. XP Uh, did you want Shadesky to mentor Rainpaw or Lionpaw???))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:54pm Dec 17 2009
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Bloodstar sat on the highledge, tail wrapped neatly around his paws. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the highledge for a clan meeting." he said loudly, but gently. Light was already on her way out of Darkclan territory, towards the Rockclan border. ((All of my charries in Darkclan gather from various places)) "Those who are attending the gathering are as follows: Shadowfang, Foxtail, Jadewhisper, Dogpaw, Ravenpaw, Spoolweave, Rocketrage, Featherstorm,Owlcomet and Blissheart." announced Bloodstar. "But before we go, we have a ceremony to preform. Tonight, we welcome two new apprentices. Hopekit and Tigerkit, please come forward." Hopekit, suprised, leaped through the crowd underneath the highledge to sit next to her brother. She smiled at Shadowfang and Leafpelt, her parents. She couldn't help but miss sleeping beside Leafpelt in the nursery, or she would miss it if she weren't going to the apprentice's den! "insert ceremony here* Hopepaw, your mentor will be Owlcomet, and Tigerpaw, your mentor will be Foxtail. you will both attend tonight's gathering with Leafpelt." said Bloodstar. Hazelfur sat next to Shadesky underneath the high-tree where she expected Nightstar to call a meeting soon. On the other side of her was the much younger warriors, Dreamcloud and Orangescorch, and in front of her was Sparrowfrost.

3:47pm Dec 17 2009
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Posts: 694
((Nightshade: Um, Rainpaw please?))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
4:10pm Dec 17 2009
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((Okay Sea. :3 Hmm, you know what I've noticed? Hardly anyone has used the word 'sneered'. Hmmmmm, I gotta find sometime to use that word.........)) "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around HighStone(recognize this???) for a Clan meeting!" Nightstar yowled, her glossy black pelt shimmering in the moonlight. "Before I announce who's going to the Gathering, I need to say something. Since Crowheart's previous apprentice, Duskpaw, died bravely in battle, Crowheart was left without and apprentice, and didn't really meet the requirements for deputy. He'll still remain deputy, but will recieve a new apprentice. Toxicpaw will be his apprentice, and in return, Shadesky will mentor Rainpaw." She meowed, then paused for a moment. "Anyways, Crowheart, Sparkfire, Shadesky, Hazelfur, Brightleaf, Orangescorch, Toxicpaw, Rainpaw, Cinderpaw, and Flintpaw will all go to the Gathering tonight." She then gracefully leapt off the HighStone and headed out. She would've mentioned RockClan, but if she did they'd be late to the Gathering. Tigerpaw ran up besides his sister, puffing out his chest. He then eargerly searched for his new mentor.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:12pm Dec 17 2009
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Posts: 694
((Lionpaw still needs a mentor))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
4:21pm Dec 17 2009
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Foxtail padded up to Tigerpaw, licking his head. "We'll start training tomorrow at sun high so you can get your rest after the gathering." he said. Owlcomet nuzzled Hopepaw. "Congratgulations." he purred. Hopepaw purred and then followed Bloodstar and the chosen cats to go out. How exciting! Her first day as an apprentice and she'd be going to a gathering! Bloodstar realized that Darkclan were the first to arrive. He purred and hopped into his usual spot, waiting for Stormclan... then he scented something strange, heart quickening. A scent he hadn't smelled in moons upon moons: Deathfang. There was something feral about it though, hard to describe. It sort of smelled like the old Rockclan. Crowheart smiled at Toxicpaw, a little ashamed of his previous apprentice's death. He wondered if Toxicpaw was scared with what happened to Duskpaw on his mind. He followed Nightstar out of the camp smoothly, gliding beside Duskpaw.
4:32pm Dec 17 2009
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((Wait, so should RockClan come to this Gathering or just wait until the next one?)) Shadesky ran side by side with Hazelfur, keeping the same pace as everyone. He had trained himself hard with only 3 legs, and now it felt as if he never had a fourth one. Nightstar ran, eventually coming to a stop as she came closer and closer to the Gathering spot. She walked over to her spot, jumping up and sitting down where the StormClan leader should be. Tigerpaw nodded his head at Foxtail. "Okay!" He mewoed quickly, then dashed out of camp with the others.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:32pm Dec 17 2009
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((Let z'em come.))