10:46am Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 40
Mysticheart wandered through the forest, purple eyes glinting, as she watched the path for others. With a glare at the sky, she stalked forward again. "So, oh starry cats of the sky, where are your precious kits I am to join? This is the right forest, the rights spot, down to the leaves I step on." Suddenly, a misty black she-cat appeared on her right, stars shinning in her pelt. "Dear Mysticheart. You need pactience. You are right though. This is the right spot. Now all you can do is wait. But beware, you had better hide. Our kits won't take kindly to a rouge stalking their woods. Hide until this scent finds you-" Stormclan's scent is blown across her nostrils- "when you find them, tell them that you were sent by Starclan to join their clan." Mysticheart looked at the she-cat, saying, "Is that who you are? Starclan?" But by the time she had finished with the question, she was alone once more. She slowly chewed the inside of her lower lip, eyeing the trees. Finally, she walked to a big oak and curled up on a large branch where she could watch the clearing.

10:46am Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 40
((Lost Post??))
10:47am Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 40
10:47am Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 40
((Wanted: Lost Post! Medium sized paragraph, bright pink! If found, you may read it!))
10:48am Dec 29 2009 (last edited on 10:48am Dec 29 2009)
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Posts: 40
((A monster ate this post. So sad))
12:36pm Dec 29 2009
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Bloodstar perked his ears, panic rising in his system. "We have to get out of here." he mewed urgently. "I smell Rockclan." He nuzzled Nightstar affectionately. "I love you." he said, running off without a reply. Crowheart paced around camp, grumbling. ((Can we say Applepaw was found during the timeskip too?))
12:47pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((Sure, Whatever. And nice entrance, CG!)) "Love you, too..." Nightstar's voice drifted off into the starry night as Bloodstar ran back towards DarkClan territory. She shook her fur, regaining her sensed, and headed back towards her territory, hoping not to stir up any more trouble than she'd gotten herself into. She broke into a sprint, dashing through the forest as the StormClan scent got stronger and stronger. She paused for a moment, letting herself rest and to scent the air again. She smelled something....another cat. A rogue, maybe? "Hello?" She called out. She sighed at herself. What am I doing? No cat is going to reply to that! "We can deal with the cat some other time." She mumbled to herself, then ran a bit slowl back to camp. She padded through the entrance, blinking her bright green eyes.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:54pm Dec 29 2009
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"There you are!" Crowheart sighed, voice full of relief. "What took you so long?" he asked. "And I thought you were hunting." he added. (I think Crowheart has a crush on Nightstar too, that'd be epical) Bloodstar padded into the entrance with a rat in his jaws and a slight limp. ((Oh noes! fullmoon isn't here with Spoolweave. Grrr. She's never on. Ima make a few more kits o be a med cat apprentice.)) ((Can i get rid of a few cats too/ Like the ones I never roleplay?))
1:03pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((You could, if you wanted to. or we could just keep them as extra cats in case we ever need to use them for a battle or a Gathering or something. And since Full hardly gets on here much, we could just roleplay her or just make a new med. cat.)) ((That WOULD be epical! >:D GO EPICNESS!!!)) Nightstar smiled, happy to see her deputy and the rest of her Clan again. "No, I wasn't hunting, though I should of. I was looking around the border, because I smelt another cat, but couldn't figure out where they were hiding." She lied, though a bit of it was true since she really had smelled an unfamiliar scent. (Mysticheart) "Bloodstar!" A rush of relief swept over Shadowfang as he saw his leader, but then worry swept over him as he saw his leader limping with a rat in his mouth. "What happened? Are you okay?"
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:09pm Dec 29 2009
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"I was hunting, but the rat scared away my prey and attacked, I figured it woudn't be terrible to eat since prey is unusually scarce this newleaf." replied Bloodstar. "Should we send someone out to look for it? Orangescorch will smell anything you might have missed." said Crowheart. ((You're right, I'll kee thems)) Name: Palmpaw/snow Clan: Darkclan Rank: Med. Cat Apprentice Gender: Female Family/Mate: No Personality: Rp it Appearence[if you don't have a pic]: A simple tabby with green eyes Other: Her scent is strange, almost tropical, so she is named, but it turns out, she loves the snow in leafbare so she is named Palmsnow.
1:18pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 1,441
Shadowfang nodded his head in agreement. "Do you want me to go get Palmpaw? I'm pretty sure Spoolweave is already asleep." Nighstar shook her head. "No, we can look tomorrow. It's been a long night tonight, and the cat couldn't get too far away without running into another cat." she meowed, kinda hoping she could get back to her den and sleep because she was exhausted and worn out.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:43pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,296
Spoolweave shook herself. She couldn't sleep. Her new aprentice, Palmpaw, was asleep, Spoolweave could tell by her gentle rise and fall. Spoolweave silently snuck out, and gazed at the stars. Suddenly, they took shape of two cats intertwined. Spoolweave couldn't tell who they were. Then, they were gone in a bl ink. "Strange," Spoolweave muttered. She then,accidentally fell asleep in the middle of camp.
3:43pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,296
((SorryI haven't gotten to this Rp much, you know, Christmas rush and stuff. Also, I need to start spending a little less time on the computer.))
3:58pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 2,097
Deathkiss caught Hawkblood's scent. "Thinks he can hide, huh?" she hissed under her breath, tail lashing ferociously. "Hey Hawkblood, your mate's going to dump you if you don't show yourself!" she yowled, a smirk on her face. Twilightshine curled up on the ground in fear. Her sister and her mate were gone! What a terrible day. She lied down on her back, wondering silently.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
4:01pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,296
"Huh?" Hawkblood swerved around. "What are you doing?" He hissed. ((When willsh we unlock de plot with Deathkiss, Hawkblood, Twilightshine, and Um..um.um... the rockClan leader?))
4:06pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 2,097
((Deathstar. :3 Sounds so... wow. XD)) Deathkiss rolled her eyes, then explained to Hawkblood. ((It's what Whateber and Nighty said. I can't explain. XD))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
4:09pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 6,296
4:09pm Dec 29 2009
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Hawkblood didn't knowhow to reply.
4:25pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 40
Mysticheart growled at herself for being so slow to respond to Nightstar, but she had to make sure the scent was right! She jumped off the tree with a slight 'umph' and stalked through the woods once more to follow the scent. She found a camp at the end. It was overfollowing with Stormclan scent. Unsure what to do, she curled up in a ball and stared at the entrace, as if to draw another cat from the encloser.
4:27pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 1,299
Flintpaw walked out of the camp to hunt. He started to sniff the air for any cats, when he felt as if someone was nearby. He halted.