5:59pm Dec 30 2009
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((Um. I think it was... Twilightshine mated with Hawkblood, but there's some dumb arguement and they separate. So Twilightshine tries to go to Deathstar, but he has Deathkiss or something. At that point Basils' probably trying to convince Hawkblood to leave Twilightshine. But when Twilightshine relises she has kits, she goes back to Hawkblood and they become mates again. And I think that's it.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
6:01pm Dec 30 2009
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Sporks and pitchsporks! Lag fightin' time! >D
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6:02pm Dec 30 2009
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((*becomes a paparazzi and take pics of Dj when she enters* OKAY, anyways, What we could do, is have Sparkfire have a forbidden romance with whoever, and she could have Gemkit(if thats the name you wanted) and/or a reincarnation of Duskpaw, unless we're still going to do the plot-twist where Fishleap has Duskpaw, but I hardly remember that one, lol. And about the Twilightshine thing, she only left Deathstar because she found out she was pregnant with Hawkblood's kits. Deathkiss is the deputy! That'd be weird if he was crushing on the deputy, lol! GOD plot twists are so confusing. No wonder we have so many!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:02pm Dec 30 2009
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Happy Carrot Eaters
6:02pm Dec 30 2009
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((Awww, my bearded dragon is smiling! He must approve that this is indeed an LP emergency))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:05pm Dec 30 2009
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((*poses* And everyone loves plot twists. <33333 Deathkiss is like, in love with her leader. And I don't know about Deathstar, he's emo.
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6:18pm Dec 30 2009
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((YES! now let's simply let the words flow man. *becomes hippee*)) Rocketrage peered accorss the camp at *Fishleap*. He smiled weakly in case she looked over, but he snapped his gaze away. He stared at his paws. Was he somehow attached to the pretty she-cat? Bloodstar shook his head. "My foot will be fine, I doubt it's infected." He lept up to the high-ledge. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high ledge for a clan meeting!" he yowled. "Dogpaw, Heartpaw and Ravenpaw, the time has come that you earn your warrior names." Dogpaw and Heartpaw exchanged glances with Ravenpaw but stepped forward proudly.
6:24pm Dec 30 2009
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((Lol. That's...random.)) Shadowdragon licked his paw, getting a bit of dirt off. His pelt was like a grime magnet. He trotted over to Jadewhisper. "Ahh, all's fine, I presume?" he asked smoothly, tail flicking.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
6:33pm Dec 30 2009
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Jadewhisper nodded. "Yeah, I'm as good as I'll ever be. Ever since Foxtail left I've felt kinda... lonely I suppose." she said. ((I do that sometimes XD)) "Dogpaw will be named Dogstrike, we admire his loyalty and courage. Heartpaw will be named Heartswipe, we admire her cunning and sensitivity. Ravenpaw will be known as Ravenshade, we admire his hunting skills and charm." Bloodstar said. His heart pounded. Would any cat notice that he just named two of Nightstar's traits? Would they recogize the name as Nightstar's? (She used to be Nightshade.)
7:38pm Dec 30 2009
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((Oh, wow. XD And Bloodstar's getting...wussy or something. Lol.)) "Ah, I see." he said with a nod. Shadowdragon edged closer to her. "I miss him. You have to admit he was a good warrior...?" the tom said, thouhg he didn't even know the cat.
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7:43pm Dec 30 2009
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Jadewhisper laughed. "No, he was a hot-headed, ambitious fool!" she said, she eyed Shadowdragon. "Those are my kits up there." she purred, almost bursting with pride.
7:45pm Dec 30 2009 (last edited on 7:50pm Dec 30 2009)
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Mysticheart sucked in a breath, before heaving herself onto her paws. She walked into the Stormclan camp entrance. She sat in the shadows for a while, before walking up to Crowheart, asking, "Where is your leader here?"
7:48pm Dec 30 2009
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((Lol, that was unexpected when you called Deathstar emo! xDDDDD And yet so was the naming ceremony. They didn't even get trained, lol.)) Ravenshade exchanged excited glances with his brother and sister. Yes! They'd finally become warriors! At last! But something didn't sound right. Ravenshade? The name itself was awesome, but it reminded him of someone...was it someone from StormClan? He shook the thought off. Bloodstar wouldn't do that! He'd pin down and StormClan cat that walked on our territory! Nightstar dragged her paws to her den, then almost immediatley fell asleep. It felt like that night had lasted FOREVER.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:49pm Dec 30 2009
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((Oh crap, late post! But she's tired...maybe you should say she's talking to Crowheart instead.))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:49pm Dec 30 2009 (last edited on 7:50pm Dec 30 2009)
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7:51pm Dec 30 2009
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"Well, good enough, right?" he asked with a grin. Shadowdragon's tail flicked again, slightly confused. "Every cat with warrior blood has at least one good trait, right?" he said.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:52pm Dec 30 2009
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((Deathstar's half-emo. ;o I suddenly want a new charrie. *weak laugh* And I have a question, when should we make the plot twists happen?))
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7:55pm Dec 30 2009
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((Gotta go for the night!))
8:02pm Dec 30 2009
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((You'll know when they happen. XD)) Crowheart hissed. "Get off of Stormclan territry rogue!" he threatened. "Nightstar is asleep in her den" Heartswipe and Dogstrike pressed their pelts on either side of Ravenshade's. "Cool name!" Dogstrike complimented. Heartswipe nodded in agreeement. "Also!" Bloodstar raised his voice again. "Hopekit is now six moons old and it's time for her to be apprenticed, and who could better apprentice a kit then her mother? Leafpelt is Hopepaw's mentor!" he exclaimed. Jadewhisper's tail flicked in akwnoledgement at the ceremony. "Yep. Though Ravenshade confuses me, he was always best at fighting, not hunting."
8:05pm Dec 30 2009
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((Psshh. XD)) "Yup." Shadowdragon said in agreement, nodding. "Oh, good for Hopekit!" he exclaimed when the news hit him. "Er, Hopepaw, I...hope." he added with a grin. Shadowdragon turned to Bloodstar.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3