Warrior Cats RPG

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4:53pm Jan 3 2010

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Posts: 6,296
Sunstar padded out of her den, and glared at Cougarfeather. "Who was that, and why did you escort her out without me seeing her??" She asked.


4:54pm Jan 3 2010

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Posts: 6,296
~L's of chicken-bones and green flies!~


4:54pm Jan 3 2010

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4:54pm Jan 3 2010

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4:54pm Jan 3 2010

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6:31pm Jan 3 2010

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Posts: 5,279
((Choco might be joining, is it okay if I give him Hazelfur and Foxtail sohe's all set? I'm recapping over rmail))


6:32pm Jan 3 2010

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Posts: 5,279
It was a rogue. She was lying through her teeth." growled Cougarfeather.


6:48pm Jan 3 2010

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Posts: 2,097

Toxicpaw sniffed the air. "I smell..." he began, sniffing around. "A few mice. They're quieter than the usual. Probably babies or young mice." he said with a nod. "Oh, and... I think vole." he added.

Shadowdragon snapped himself awake, all of a sudden. He watched the other cats seem to pour in. It was slightly startling at the speed they did so.

Wolfsong sat down, waiting for the command to go. He yawned in boredom.


Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3

7:12pm Jan 3 2010

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Posts: 5,279
"Good!" purred Crowheart. "Now what do you see?"


7:38pm Jan 3 2010

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Posts: 6,296
"Oh, really?" Sunstar raised her eyebrows. "And how did you know that?"


7:40pm Jan 3 2010

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Posts: 5,279
Cougarfeather snorted. "It's not rocket science to tell whether or not a cat is lying."


8:08pm Jan 3 2010

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Posts: 2,097

"Hmm..." he murmured, now looking around. "Besides the trees and plants, I see a tuft of fur sticking out from behind that clump of rocks and a flicking, thin tail rested on that broken branch." Toxicpaw meowed.

((LOL. Cougarfeather knows about rocket science! XD))

Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3

8:40pm Jan 3 2010

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Posts: 6,296
"And what did she say?"


12:35pm Jan 4 2010 (last edited on 12:44pm Jan 4 2010)

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Posts: 1,441

((Dj stole my words about Cougarfeather, lol.
Justinbeibergirl, yes you can join.
Yes, Choco can you join and you can give him whatever charries you want ed to give Choco. *^-^* I like the name Choco....

Whatever confuses me so much. xD  She gave Ravenpaw 3 different mentors, and at first Tigerkit was dead, then he came back alive, but then I think she left him out in the ceremony, and now he's alive again. O_o))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

12:42pm Jan 4 2010

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Posts: 1,441

Nightstar nodded, though she still had a concerned look on her face. "Is something wrong Nightstar?" Sparrowfrost said just outside the den. Nightstar turned to face the warrior then spoke. "Sparkfire is sick, and a rogue wants to talk to me." SHe replied briefly.

Shadowfang chuckled at the responses. "Hopepaw, if Leafpelt doesn't care, you and her can come since Jadewhisper is being grumpy." He smiled. "Blissheart can come, Owlcomet, go ahead and get her." He ignored Rocketrage's question.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

3:07pm Jan 4 2010

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Posts: 5,279

((heh heh. Sorry 'bout that. Ravenpaw's Ravenshade now, and Tigerpaw and Hopepaw are both apprentices. Tigerpaw has Shadowfang as a mentor and Hopepaw has Leafpelt.))

Sparrowfrost frowned. "What kind of mouse-brain would let a rogue into the camp?" she laughed.

Applepaw blushed. "Guilty. She just seemed... important to me." she said, flicking her tail slightly. "She can't hurt anyone though, she's surrounded by cats who can fight."

Crowheart gave Toxicpaw a puzzled look. "Hello? Is someone there?" he called after seeing the thin tail.


Owlcomet purred, padding back into the warrior's den and pressing his paw to Blissheart's back. "Wake up Blissheart, are you ready for a late night patrol?"

Leafpelt sighed. "Fine, let's get going then." she said, herding Hopepaw forward like a kit.

Hopepaw groaned. "Stop it!" she hissed. "I'm not a kit anymore!" she hissed. "I wish I was given someon else as my mentor." she groaned. 


Cougarfeather was silent. He bared his teeth. "Since when have you told your older brother what to do?" he hissed, fur fluffing out slightly. 


3:39pm Jan 4 2010

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Posts: 694
((Do Lionpaw and Rainpaw even have mentors?))

Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D



3:41pm Jan 4 2010

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Posts: 694
Back at the RockClan camp, Thunderstrike padded over to Deathstar. "Should we organize patrols here?" He asked his leader.

Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D



3:45pm Jan 4 2010

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Posts: 5,279
((They were posted a while back, but I can't remember.))


6:08pm Jan 4 2010 (last edited on 6:11pm Jan 4 2010)

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Posts: 5


I'm new here, and Whatever6551 told me to check this out.

May I join?

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