9:34pm Jan 5 2010
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Posts: 6,296
Moonflight jumped in the air. "Woot!!!" Then, she realized she was in front of a crowd of people. "Uh, er, thanks." She blushed.
9:34pm Jan 5 2010
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9:35pm Jan 5 2010
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9:36pm Jan 5 2010
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Farty-tarts and amarican warts! (War-ts)
9:36pm Jan 5 2010
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((Your killing meh. Please, LP.))
4:18pm Jan 6 2010
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Posts: 694
((Deathkiss needs to reply to Thunderstrike))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
7:12pm Jan 6 2010
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Posts: 5,279
Light hissed, bristling but not moving. "Insult me again, I dare you!" She snarled. "I know exactly what you're thinking right now and some cats would laugh out loud, but really, save yourself the embarras.sment and let me explain." Light paused, glaring at her surrounding cats harshly. "Sunclan is falling to pieces. They have a weak core, and isn't three clans enough for the forest? All Sunclan is doing is taking up prey and stinking the forest with their exotic scent. Rockclan has twice as much potential, and with help from one of the other clans, and myself, you could all likely conquer them and use their territory for yourselves, split of course with whichever clan that helps you. Then Rockclan will officially earned it's seat at the gathering as a clan, and not a bunch of rogues..." she said in a calmer tone. Basil looked over at the suddenly moaning she-cat, Twilightshine and groaned a bit herself. She padded over and sat down. "What's your problem?" she said harshly. "Good job you all!" said Applepaw happily, nuzzling her siblings. "I can't wait until I get my name too!" Sparrowfrost nodded. "You three can come with me, I'll help you make your nests in the warriors den." Crowheart nodded. "Be careful, get the parents first and then the pinkies, or they'll get carried away before you can say 'fox dung'".

7:13pm Jan 6 2010
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((Of course,when Light's insulted THERE,she doesn't make a move and instantly LEAVE. >:())
7:27pm Jan 6 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((She didn't instantly leave, YOU instantly left! After she insulted you, you poofed Sunstar to your camp without replying! Light is acting the same way as she did with you! Now hush up.))
8:20pm Jan 6 2010
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Posts: 1,441
((Yes, they're back in camp, and Thunderstrike said, "Deathstar wants you to order some patrols" he told her. "I'd like to come..." ))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:27pm Jan 6 2010
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"SO, you're telling us that you actually want us to destroy a Clan?" Deathstar confirmed, astonished. "I'd have to admit, I wasn't expecting to hear that, but I think a fight is just what we need." Cinderflame smiled, puffing out her chest with pride. Spotting her sister, Applepaw, she ran over to her, brushing her pelt against hers. "Thanks! You'll get yours soon enough, you just wait! Although I still don't understand why you chose to be a medicine cat instead of a warrior, but I guess you can't really be one now." She meowed, flicking her tailed towards where Applepaw was declawed.(wasn't she declawed when the twolegs took her?) "But, since you're a medicine cat, it doesn't really matter much since you get to heal other cats!"
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
8:37pm Jan 6 2010
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((Yep, on one paw, and the other one had a torn claw when she was able to come back. She aslo got earrings shoved into her ears by a twoleg kit.)) "I chose because, well, I don't like fighting, and I'm good with herbs." Applepaw said calmly, though Cinderflame's hyper-activeness sometimes got to her core. Light purred, licking her paw nonchalantly. "It is the will of me, it is the will of Starclan. You should go to Darkclan, Bloodstar could likely take many of Sunstar's lives before loosing the remaining 3 he has." She prayed he wouldn't ask why not Stormclan...
10:19pm Jan 6 2010
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"That's cool, I guess." Cinderflame replied, waving her tail exictedly. "Every Clan needs a medicine cat, and you were the perfect pick for StormClan!" She then whisked off past her sister and back into the crowd of cats. Deathstar nodded, though had a puzzles look on his face. "DarkClan? I guess I could, though StormClan is closer to us."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:55pm Jan 7 2010
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"Nightstar has her own issues right now." said Light before he could ask more questions.
5:08pm Jan 7 2010
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Posts: 1,441
Deathstar opened his mouth to ask about Nightstar, but shut it when he decided it wouldn't really matter. "So, do you want us to attack at a certain time? I don't know that much about SunClan."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:27pm Jan 7 2010
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"Midnight would be best. They are usually active more in the day." Light replied. "The half-moon, when their medicine cat is at the Moonfalls. We are aiming to kill this time, and Darkclan will help. Rocketrag has been itching to get his paws wet with blood, and he's a big influence ammong his siblings, who are the daughters and sons of Jadewhisper and Foxtail, who both have friends within their clan. It'll be easy with numbers on our side." Light said. ((Light+ Deathstar perhaps?))
7:43pm Jan 7 2010 (last edited on 7:45pm Jan 7 2010)
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Posts: 2,097
Twilightshine growled through gritted teeth. She squeezed her eyes shut. "What kind of medicine cat are you? Not caring about the others?" she asked, claws unsheathing as she extended a front limb to get a grip on the ground. "Not any kind I know of." she said, heaving herself up. Twilightshine opened an eye, the other one was bleeding. On the ground was a stone...coveredn in blood. Silvertear yawned, and trotted the other direction. "What the..." she murmured, staring at the scene. "Oh, no! Twilightshine!" she exclaimed, scrambling over. "Oh, Basil! You've gotta help her! She has a bleeding eye and...I hear her bellyache." she wailed, panicking for not much reason. Deathkiss was dazed. "Huh? Wha? Oh, yeah, sure, patrols. I'll get right on it. So you go, ahh, I'll go around camp organizing it. Just wait." she said sleepily. Twilightshine's bellyache moans and groans were obvious, as she collapsed on the ground again. "Ahhh," she cried. "Help me..." the she-cat added, squirming in uncomfort. Deathkiss snapped awake when she saw Deathstar talking to another she-cat. Jealousy blazed inside of her. "Patrols..." she murmured as she trotted by, tail flicking as she remembered what she was supposed to do. What kind of deputy am I? Falling in love with my leader and nearly forgetting things... just my luck!
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:50pm Jan 7 2010
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Posts: 5,279
Basil rolled her eyes. "I'm the only one who knows herbs. It's not like I want to be here." she said. She shoved some yarrow in her mouth. "Eat that, you'll vomit the bellyache away. It was probably some crow-food." She smeared herb over her eye. "That'll stop infection and make the swelling go down."
8:05pm Jan 7 2010
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Posts: 2,097
Twilightshine unwillingly chewed the herb and tried to ignore the weird feeling of... stuff on her eye. "Fine." she muttered. The she-cat trotted away, lashing her tail angrily. Silvertear nodded thankfully.She rushed after Twilightshine, trying to cheer the she-cat up. "Go talk to Hawkblood." she soothed. "He'll make you feel better." At the thought of her mate, she felt somewhat better. Twilightshine smiled. "Thanks, but I'll just go take a nap instead." she purred, padding towarsd the warrior's den. Deathkiss turned to Kiana, Silvertear, Icefeather, Fane and Thunderstrike. "Feel like going out on a patrol?" she asked them.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:19pm Jan 7 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Hong, I'm back peoplez!)) Hawkblood fell in step with Twilightshine. "Are you okay?" He aked, affectionatly licking her ear.