8:00pm Mar 16 2010
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((DJdance: I know, but then Spoolweave has had an apprentice for a while, like ten moons, and she's only been for.... under ten.))
8:01pm Mar 16 2010
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8:01pm Mar 16 2010
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Kentucky fried chicken? :3
8:01pm Mar 16 2010
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8:02pm Mar 16 2010
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((*Pokes page with bazooka* You know my next move >:D))
8:04pm Mar 17 2010
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((I'll start the battle in about 5 mins brb))
8:40pm Mar 17 2010
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((Night's Charries--My Charries Reminder: Color Coding is of the upmost importance right now since we are roleplaying 3/4 clans at the same clan *Rockclan, Sunclan, Darkclan* Don't forget your charries, and good luck everyone!!!!! fullmoon-- I *censored*ume that you still want to keep Pluskit, /minuskit and Sunstar (with her last life) If you can't remember all of your Sunclan characters, could you make new ones for the battle? kthnx Battle Starting! It'll take a while to type 'em all since Night's gone. I'll only roleplay Deathstar and Shadowfang, since Deathstar is Rockclan leader and Shadowfang is Darkclan's deputy, who'll become leader when the battle's over))
9:26pm Mar 17 2010
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((Reference: Flarewing, Iceblink, Basil, Jadewhisper, Foxtail, Bloodstar, Rocketrage, Featherstorm, Owlcomet, Light, Deathstar, Shadowfang, Cougarfeather)) Cougarfeather, to tell the honest truth, had never actually left Sunclan. He simply lurked in the trees, making sure his sister was safe from harm, at the same time keeping himself safe from her demanding orders. He smiled as she tried to groom a spot on her back that he always had gotten for her, mostly because she couldn't reach too well. He fought the urge to leap down and help her with her grooming, but held himself back. He knew that going back now, he would only be treated as a rogue... Deathstar's dark tabby fur stood out against the bland rocky ledge upon which he paced. His cold, narrowed eyes stared at his paws as he paced, glancing at his small (but immensely strong) Rockclan. He sat down suddenly and snorted in frustration, still trying to think of a flawless battle plan. He jumped when his thoughts were interupted by Light, the rogue that now took Wolf's place. "Don't worry, all will go as planned, Starclan knows what is right." Light said gently. Deathstar nodded, but said nothing. He stood up and finally addressed his clan after waiting for so long. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the high stone for a pre-battle clan meeting!" he yowled, trying to sound encouraging. Flarewing and Iceblink glanced at eachother from beneath the high stone, nervous about the upcoming events. They pressed their pelts together. Rustpaw growled playfully and squeezed in between his mentor, Flarewing, and his mentor's brother, Iceblink. "I'm part of the family now too, remember? I'm your apprentice!" he announced proudly. "How could anyone forget, you only announce it every ten minutes." mumbled Iceblink bitterly. Flarewing cast him a glance that said 'lighten up' before he paid attention to Ceathstar. He also looked over at Hawkblood. He had always hoped to befriend the powerful fighter, but never really got the chance to talk to him. Basil groaned, her tail twitching angrily at the rude awakening. "Basil! What are you doing here still?" hissed Iceblink furtively. "You should be with Spoolweave, getting herbs ready!" "Spoolweave should be here!" snapped Basil. "Our camp is bigger!" "But they have more herbs in supply, weve only been a clan for two moons, now go!" Flarewing ordered. "Fine." snorted Basil, grabbing a mouthful of herbs and heading to Darkclan. ((More coming))

2:46pm Mar 18 2010 (last edited on 2:49pm Mar 18 2010)
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((Oh, wow. Impressive amount of charries. :O)) Silvertear trotted out of the warrior's den and sat down beside Twilightshine. She licked her paw before turning to Deathstar. Her tan tabby fur ruffled slightly as she shifted. Deathkiss was already at her place, ready to fight. She cocked her head to Deathstar, gazing at him expectantly. She licked her fur and blinked, waiting for Deathstar to speak. Twilightshine blinked her purple eyes. A glimmer of hunger for bloodshed shone in them. She flashed her fangs and settled down. A rush of adrenaline coursed through her body; she couldn't wait until she had her claws and fangs in a SunClan cat's flesh. Twilightshine licked her lips, relishing the taste of blood, and could almost taste its tang in her mouth as she imagined the fight. Silvertear purred in amusement at Twilightshine. But she too had to admit she felt a need to kill. She flexed her claws hopefully, turning her attention to Deathstar again. Deathkit gave herself a quick groom. She gave a mew and turned to Flarewing, as if her glance would make him allow her to stay and listen to their leader. Her tail flicked, a tiny spark of defiance glimmering in her eyes.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
2:57pm Mar 18 2010
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((Oh and...)) Glacier stretched on the edge of RockClan territory. He breathed in their scents of deadliness. Trying to figure out how many scents there were, he sniffed a strange scent that lured him into the place. Not relising how much danger it was, Glacier trotted to the camp. An arupt stop. He sniffed a better scent and followed it. Glacier wasn't in RockClan territory anymore; it was more like DarkClan's. A sudden change in scents exploded into his nostrils. Glacier nearly yowled in surprise if it weren't for the scuffling sounds from a mouse penetrating his eardrums. Instinctively dropping into a hunting crouch, Glacier stalked the prey. A tiny brown flash of fur blazed before him. He lept from his hiding place and landed squarely on the mouse. Killing it with a swift bite to the neck, Glacier ate the food immediately. He stretched, muscles rippling. Getting up, Glacier trotted off to track more cats. ((Love the idea, full. Pretty cool. I gave your char a chance to scent him, hear him, see him, or even bump into him. He's just wandering about.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
4:16pm Mar 18 2010
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((Reference: Deathstar, Bloodstar, Basil, Flarewing, Iceblink, Rustpaw, Hopepaw, Jadewhisper, Foxtail, Rocketrage, Featherstorm, Owlcomet, Shadowfang, Light, Cougarfeather, Dogstrike, Heartswipe, Leafpelt, Tigerpaw I added a few that I forgot about this time around, and thank you Dj. :3)) Basil saw a strange rogue nearing Darkclan terrtory, catching a mouse on their side. A low growl rumbled in her belly and she sprung out in his path. "What are you doing in Darkclan territory?!" she yowled. Even though she wasn't really part of Darkclan, she had to play the part. Especially if she was going to be aiding Spoolweave in the medicine cat's den, helping cats from both Rockclan and Darkclan prepare for the battle. Dogstrike, Heartswipe, and their apprentices, Tigerpaw and Hopepaw (Leafpelt's and Shadowfang's kits), were on patrol when they found Basil, the medicine cat with a rogue attitude from Rockclan, fur bristled as she tried to size up the larger tom cat. Dogstrike chuckled. "Looks like you've bitten off more than you can chew rogue." he growled, his claws sliding out. Basil hissed. "You'd better not mean me!" she hissed. Dogstrike growled at her. "Of course not Basil, I'm talking to the rogue who is hunting on our territory." he said. "You should head back to Darkclan camp, Tigerpaw can escort you there." Heartswipe said, flicking her tail at her apprentice. With no objections, Tigerpaw obeyed his mentor, grinning up at Basil, excited to have his first warrior mission. "Right this way Basil." he said sweetly. Basil was about to protest, but decided to follow the apprentice and let him have his way. "Why are you so close to Darkclan camp?!" demanded Hopepaw, fur fluffing out. Dogstrike ran his tail along his apprentice's fur with a purr. "Easy Hopepaw, give him a chance to explain himself." In the camp, Bloodstar sat vigil at the clan entrance, waiting for the apprentice runner that Deathstar promised to send when they were needed. He nodded at Tigerpaw, and then stopped Basil. "You're here for Spoolweave, right?" "Yeah." Basil said. "We should plan to make a temporary medicine area near Sunclan for the battle, and we need a location and we can set it up. Sunclan hasn't got enough warriors to do a patrol, so we can simply cross the border and make a place just out of sight and smell from the camp." she said. "Just in case though, we should take some warriors with us." Bloodstar thought for a minute or so. "Okay, You can take Blissheart and Owlcomet, they'll protect you." he said, go talk to Spoolweave and make sure she knows the plan. ((:P I ruined ur secret romance plans. :P ... for now. I was thinking that maybe Spoolweave gets bored during the battle when all the cats are out on the field, so Basil falls asleep and you sneak away to meet Glacier who is being kept at Darkclan camp. :D)) Deathstar's tail twitched. "This is going to be a huge battle." he began. "And we know very well that we cannot do this alone, so we have allied ourselves with Darkclan for the time being." He said. "Darkclan cats may be in our camp, and our cats may be in their camp. The plan is that we, Rockclan send in a wave of 5 or 6 warriors into Sunclan camp to launch an attack. Their mission is to get to know how the camp is structured and it's weak points so that we can take it down easier. The, we send an apprentice to Darkclan, and we all attack at once. If any cat is seriously injured, then they are to be escorted by the apprentices to the field medical area that the medicine cats are designing as we speak." he continued. "The apprentices will be on the battle field, but will not fight. Their job is to watch out for cornered Rockclan or Darkclan warriors and drag them away from battle. One warrior will stay behind at the camp, likely someone from Darkclan, to watch over all the kits, including those of the other clan." he said. "The instructions for each individual warrior are as follows- do not kill a single kit, bring them back to our camp and protect them from harm, and only let the leader, Sunstar, go if she is on her last life and begs for mercy."

4:48pm Mar 18 2010
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((Okays :p)) Hawkblood stood beside his mate, his claws itching. He could feel the power, smell the cats yowling, and taste the blood. He felt a burst of energy, waiting to be set free.
4:52pm Mar 18 2010
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Spoolweave was on her toes, waiting for the battle she didn't want to come. She suddenly saw a vivid vision of the bloody battlefield, cats with broken limbs or bloody bodies. It made her stomach climb up her throat, and her heart to ache. "If only I wasn't a medicine cat.... then at least I could have a companion to cheer me up... a mate."
5:17pm Mar 18 2010
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"Hello." Basil said as she entered Spoolweave's den. "I have an idea where we can set up the medical field for the battle, right inside Sunclan territory, but not too far from their camp. Have you gotten any herbs ready? I brought a few, but not as much as I expect you to have stored here." she said. She remembered the terms and conditions she had agreed to when she herself had become a medicine cat. She had requested the freedom to keep her name as Basil, and the freedom to be allowed to search for a mate. She secretly liked Hawkfrost, but she shook those thoughts away, sadly recalling that he had already chosen a mate without a second glance at her. She brought her mind back to herbs. ((Im in a fancy mood this post. :D))
5:26pm Mar 18 2010 (last edited on 5:47pm Mar 18 2010)
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"Oh!" Spoolweave was zapped out of her trance. "Yes, uh, here it is." She held up the leaf package she had created, full to the top with healing herbs. "I uh, hope you don't mind if you carry a little more... I don't think I can carry this all myself.." She flushed.
5:28pm Mar 18 2010
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((... Hawkfrost? o_O There is no Hawkfrost, only Hawkblood and Hawktalon.))
5:37pm Mar 18 2010
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((I meant Hawkblood. lol. XD And ur supposed to write in brown with Spoolweave because she's from Darkclan. :P)) "Of course I don't mind, actually, I'll carry all the herbs, we need moss for nests for the injured." Basil said. "I already have a spot picked out, follow me." Basil said. She paused. "Oh, and fetch Owlcomet and Blissheart, Bloodsar said to take them with us in case of an attack."
5:46pm Mar 18 2010
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5:47pm Mar 18 2010
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((... once you said it was Hawkblood, I felt bad.... XD))
5:49pm Mar 18 2010
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"Owlcomet! Blissheart!" -Later- "Okay, they're coming. Lead the way." Spoolweave followed Basil, lost in her own world.