6:47pm Mar 18 2010
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Basil nodded. "Try and keep up." she meowed before picking up the herbs and sprinting into the undergrowth. She avoided the place where the rogue had been spotted with Dogstrike and Heartswipe, and managed to make it to Sunclan territory in less then 30 minutes. She dropped the bundle of herbs in the tiny clearing and examined her surroundings. The Sunclan territory was full of sand and rocks, a perfect combination. The clearing was large enough to be Rockclan's camp, but had no shelter other than the thick la yer of trees lining the clearing. The sand was nice and soft, and a few brightly colored shells dotted the golden grains. Scattered through the clearing were small flat rocks, perfect for sunning one's self, but only big enough for one cat. She got started on digging a big hole to keep the herbs out of the blistering sun, and told herself to dig a few more for injured warrior nests. Owlcomet and Blissheart arrived not too soon afterwards, and quickly began to aid Basil in digging multiple dens. They were dug in rows of five around the rocks, each on a perfect hollow in the ground to fit exactly one cat, with space for moss. A little stream ran along the western edge of the clearing, in the direction of Rockclan camp, so if they had to flee, Darkclan would be the obvious place to go.

6:47pm Mar 18 2010
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6:47pm Mar 18 2010
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6:47pm Mar 18 2010
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6:47pm Mar 18 2010
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11:41am Mar 19 2010
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((No prob. It's just impressive how you cope with a gajillion of them.)) "Eh?" Glacier mumbled. He turned to the she-cat, but she seemed to be foscused on other things when he noticed her presence. Glaicer unsheathed his claws and yawned, revealing his sharp teeth. "I'm in no mood to fight. Unless YOU want to." he snorted. "Oh, well I was hungry." he muttered. His claws poekd out slgihtly more, eyes narrowed. "You do not know how it's like for me. Everyday, twolegs are after me. Guns in their grasp. The fire of a single bullet from a rifle killing one of your friends or family. But I have fled from them, and now I am stuck here." he hissed, tail lashing. Twilightshine trotted over to Hawkblood. (Where ever he is) "You ready to fight?" she purred, pressing her black pelt against his. "Because I am." ((Oh, yeah.Twilightshine was Hawkblood's mate, right? o.0 Because he asked her and blah blah blah... Glaicer's talking about where he used to live. Not near the Clans unless you want it to be.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
1:52pm Mar 19 2010
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"I am too." He purred. "Shall we fight together?"
2:05pm Mar 19 2010
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"Yes." Twilightshine mewed. She gave him a nuzzle. ((Oh, oh! What if Twilightshine DIED?! :O I wonder what would happen then, though.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
2:06pm Mar 19 2010
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((Hawkblood would die of friken grief. XD))
2:13pm Mar 19 2010
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((I know, right? XD Where did Whateber go? *looks for*))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
4:27pm Mar 19 2010
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((Basil still is crushing on Hawkblood. :P)) "I never claimed I knew anything, and I never said I gave a rat's tail where you came from, so either help us fight Sunclan, or get off of our territory." Dogstrike growled, his patience running short. Hopepaw was quiet, her claws unsheathed and her fur fluffed up. Heartswipe's tail twitched as she cast her brother's apprentice a warning glance before warily watching the rogue. "Does everyone understand the plan?" Deathstar asked. ((I won't be here tomorrow or all next week, I'm going to New York. Hopefully Night will be back and control my important charries.))
5:45pm Mar 24 2010
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((OMG hi everybody I'm back again!!!!! :D *huggles everyone* It felt SO weird not to be by a computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed you guys!!!!!!!! Now here are some things I have to say lol: - I just read all 3 pages of long posts lol. I was too lazy to ask for a recap so I just read it all, which just goes to prove how weird I am. xD Does asking for a recap sound a lot easier than reading? Especially with stretched pages??
- Hmmm I find that funny how I leave, Full comes back(which by the way, HIIIIII FULL!!!!!!!!!), then I come back and Whateber leaves.
- What's Toxicpaw's warrior name gonna be? Lol, Toxicspot, that cracked me up.
- HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU PEOPLE WRITE SUCH LONG POSTS?! It just seemed like so many lol, but maybe that's just because I haven't been on in a while.
- TELL ME IF I MISS ANYTHING!!!---So basically, there's a lot of new kitties(which I will need to make a new charrie list for), Basil and Spoolweave are making the little spot for the injured cats during battle, Crowheart said something to Nightstar(I'll look back later), Basil is still crushing on Hawkblood(there's a Hawktalon???), RockClan is getting ready to fight, DarkClan is waiting for a runner from RockClan, StormClan is sitting in the dust, and I have one VEEEEEEEERY long post to make. xD
- My computer must hate siggies, cuz for some reason Full's siggy is stretching my page, though that doesn't seem to be happening to anyone else's page. :P I can deal with it though.
I know I said I was going to be back on the 18th, but then I got all this homeowork and all my friends freaked out when I came back and wanted to talk and hang out, and it took a while to wrap all that up lol. But on the bright side, I WON 789 SWEDISH FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUMMY! I'll be making that very long post......once I make sure I didn't leave out anything I guess. OH, and before I go to eat dinner, since there are so many new cats and the charrie list is so out of date, please list all of the charries that you're currently roleplaying. If they are already on the list, then you don't have to bother naming them, unless they need to be changed(ex. the cat became a warrior, ran away to be a rogue, died, etc.) And whoever asked if they wanted to join(sorry if I'm being rude, but I already forgot a lot of stuff from the pages I just read) you can join IF you start using OOC, and you shrink that pic of yours!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:27pm Mar 24 2010
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((OHMAI! Nightengale!!! *HugtackleglompspazO_o's*))
6:38pm Mar 24 2010
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((Nighty! *glacklehugsqueezespasms* I see the page stretch, too. T.T Full, could you please shrink your siggy or something? ZOMG SWEDISH FISH? YUMMY INDEED!!! Twilightshine, Silvertear, Deathkiss, Toxicpaw-to Toxicfire, Shadowdragon, Glacier, and Wolfsomething.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
12:35pm Mar 26 2010
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((I don't like swedish fish. :P I prefer skittlez. :D I saw full's page stretch, and i think she fixed it. Since I'm not sure who's new and who isn't, I'll just list all the characters that are important to semi-important to minor characters. :) Bloodstar (4 or 5 lives left), Foxtail, Jadewhisper, Dogstrike, Heartclaw (changed from Heartswipe, I don't like how it rhymes with her brother. -_- ), Hopepaw, Leafclaw. That's ll Darkclan... Crowheart, Applepaw, Sparkfire, Sparrowfrost, Hazelfur. Hmmm. I need more in Stormclan... Iceblink, Flarewing, Basil, Rustpaw. Those are in Rockclan. Cougarfeather is in Sunclan. He's the deputy, but he'll die soon. :) Also-- don't forget Light, my Rogue. Or your charries: Ravenshade in Darkclan, Tigerpaw in Darkclan. I just thought they might be forgotten. :) Btw, I'm moving Jadewhisper to the elders den after the battle. Yay for Darkclan's first elder!))
9:09pm Mar 26 2010
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((Whoops forgot to reply.)) Glacier licked his paw and put it down. His claws slid out again. He flicked his tail in interest. "You know, I have no idea what or who SunClan is." he hissed. "Looks like I have no choice." Glacier growled. "But to fight you all." He sprang onto Hopepaw, attempting a bite to the neck and to rake his claws down her flank. Deathkiss, Twilightshine, and Silvertear all nodded. Deathkit bounded out of the nursery. She had clearly heard their talk. Deathkit paced impatiently. Finally speaking, she yowled, "Will I fight too?" She flexed her claws in silent anticipation. Her tail flicked hopefully. A glint of the want of bloodshed shimmered in her eyes.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
5:58pm Mar 27 2010
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Hopepaw squealed in terror, having barely started her apprenticeship. Dogstrike lost it. His eyes went wild and he shoved himself in between Glacier and his apprentice. His claws raked the side of his neck up to his ears, scraping the bottom. Heartclaw's eyes blazed. "What's your problem?! Attacking an apprentice with almost no training?Hopepaw, run back to camp and get Rocketrage and the others." she ordered urgently. "Now!" she yowled as Hopepaw stood there dumbly. She sprung at Glacier and managed to get a bite right above his tail, clamping down on his spine. Hopepaw scrambled to get away, ignoring her wounded shoulder as she sprinted back. She was panting when she got back. "Bloodstar!" she yowled at the top of her voice before panting in exhaustion. Adrenaline was wearing off, and she collapsed on the ground. Leafclaw (her mother), raced over immediatly, licking her daughter's scruff. Bloodstar skidded to a stop beside the apprentice. "Rocketrage, take Featherstorm and Jadewhisper and follow Hopepaw's scent to where she was attacked, help Heartclaw and Dogstrike if they need it." he ordered. "Spoolweave!" he yelled in the direction of the medicine cat's den. He cursed, remembering how he sent her and Basil off to set up before the battle. "Does anyone know what herbs to use?" he cried. Foxtail padded forward lightly. "When I was a rogue, I used marigold to sooth my cuts and scrapes." he said. "I'll go get some now." He headed off and came back a short while later with a jaw-dull of yellow and orange flowers. He chewed the stems to a pulp and put it on the wound. Rocketrage nodded to his sister and mother before the trio sprinted to follow Hopepaw's scent. Featherstorm was in the lead, her having the best nose. Iceblink frowned. "No." he said sternly. "You're too young. You're staying at the camp with the guard." he said sternly. Flarewing smiled sadly. He wanted to say otherwise, but the cold truth was that Iceblink was right. Deathkit just wasn't old enough to battle yet.

8:11pm Mar 27 2010
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Glacier shot him an icy glare. "You provoked me." he growled. His tail lashed. "Maybe its your problem. Hogging all this territory for your own group of cats when others are dying, and you attack all outsiders. Even if they are weak. Or dying. Either way, not many cats leave a Clan's territory unhurt. You think so highly of yourselves, with your battle skills and whatnot." Glacier turned around in revulsion. "Let me go, for I have others to care for. You'd just kill them or drive them out of your territory." Glacier grumbled. Without waiting for an answer, he swiftly sprang into the udnergrowth and sprinted off at the edge of the Clan territory. Deathkit sagged. Her claws slid out in rage, but she sagged again and they sheathed. She padded gloomily back into the nursery. Curling up into a tiny ball, she tried to sleep away the disappointment. (('Kay Glaicer's on the edge of the territory. So let's say he's near whereever Basil is?))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:15pm Mar 27 2010
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((And Spoolweave. Okay, howabout Spoolweave smells him, and tells Basil to stay while she investigates. Then she says,"if I don't come back, I'm probably dead, so don't bother looking for me."))
9:18pm Mar 27 2010
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((I suppose, but to that, Basil would reply "Nonsense, I was a rogue once, remember? If you don't come back, I'll come and find you."))