3:58pm Apr 2 2010
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After a while, the wound stopped bleeding. She took the cobwebs off, and threw them away. "See?" She then looked around. "Have you seen any Burdock around h- Oh, never mind." She sniffed around. Bingo! She dug one up, and mushed the root into a pulp. She pressed it on his wound. "This may sting," She warned. "By the way, what's your name?" She took the root off, and threw it away as well.
3:58pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 6,296
3:58pm Apr 2 2010
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3:59pm Apr 2 2010
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D:<<<<<<< I still got the bazzooka!~~~
3:59pm Apr 2 2010
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4:04pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 2,097
"Glaicer." he mewed, licking his paw. "And you?" the tom asked. He studied ___ pelt. She smelled like the cats that attacked him, but with some of her own scent. Perhaps she lived in the same place?
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
4:55pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((DjDance: What do you mean, ___ pelt? do you mean her fur colour?)) Spoolweave watched Glacier study her. "I'm Spoolweave." She inspected him for any other bad cuts. "You're good."
11:18am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 2,097
((Yeah. I don't know what it is. And I forgot the "her". T.T So sorry if I confuzzled you.)) Glacier dipped his head gratefully and blinked. His ear twitched. There was something about this she-cat that seperated her from the cats that attacked him. Some sort of special connection... Or power... He didn't understand, being a rogue, so brushed it off until he could figure out more.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
2:25pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 2:27pm Apr 3 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
((....I totally forget. XD I imagine it copper with black flecks.))
2:31pm Apr 3 2010
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"I have to go." Spoolweave said. "Uh- bye?" She rushed into the bush, and had a sudden urge to look back. She did, and she almost went back again. Mousebrain! don't do that! I have to get back to Basil! She hurried back to their spot. "It was a baby fox. I chased it off." She lied to Basil.
3:25pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 3:25pm Apr 3 2010)
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Posts: 5,279
Basil smiled. "Easy peasy, which direction did it go? We'll have to track it down if it went into our territories, and where there's a baby there are usually two others and a mother and father." she said. "We wouldn't want to distract from the battle"
3:27pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((What has happened in the last few pages?))
3:32pm Apr 3 2010
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((Spoolweave and Glacier met and they have a tiny crush on eachother, even though Spoolweave is a medicine cat. :D))
3:33pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Where are they? I'm kind of confused 'cause I just joined D8 I have no idea where to poof in))
3:36pm Apr 3 2010
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((Okay so Spoolweave and Basil are medicine cats of Darkclan and Rockclan, about to go into battle and terminate Sunclan because they are too weak of a clan, and are basically just a band of rogues, it was originally Light's idea to prove Rockclan as a real clan. Light is my loner character with a special connection to Starclan, similar to Midnight in the series. They are setting up a little hospital area in preparation for the big battle.))
3:41pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 3:42pm Apr 3 2010)
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((Correct me if my post is off xD)) Nails padded into camp, Willow and Eagle right behind. "Willow!" he called, "come here!" Willow raced up to Nails, "What is it?" she purred, her black fur shining ebony in the sunlight, "This must be RockClan's camp!" he meowed excitedly, gazing around at their surroundings. "It is," rumbled Eagle, nudging the two forwards, "We're going to join this Clan,"
3:47pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 3:47pm Apr 3 2010)
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Iceblink gazed at the newcomers with a curious growl. He padded forward to meet them with narrowed eyes. "What do you know about being in a clan?" he growled. "You are only rogues."
3:54pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Eagle turned her stony gaze at Iceblink, "Enough to know that being hostile at every moment doesn't help," she mewed calmly, keeping the two younger cats close. Nails looked at the older one, "who are you? Are you one of Rockclan?" he asked curiously.
4:01pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 4:01pm Apr 3 2010)
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Posts: 5,279
"I am Iceblink, one of Rockclan's senior warriors." Iceblink stated, gazing at the trio warily. Flarewing chuckled at his brother and leaped down from a sunning rock to land next to him. "I'm Flarewing." he said "Also a senior warrior, but more fun and less snappy than this guy." he said, flicking his tal towards Iceblink. "And I'm Rustpaw!" Rustpaw squealed, sprinting out from the apprentices den. He didn't stop before leaping forwards, with his claws sheathed of course, and landing on Nails' back, biting his scruff lightly. Flarewing chuckled. "C'mon Rustpaw before you get hurt."
4:03pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Nails struggled under the larger apprentice's bulk, finally managing to leap upwards, dislodging Rustpaw, "I'm Nails," he meowed proudly. Willow padded up behind him, "I'm Willow, Eagle's kit," she mewed softly. Eagle curled her tail around the two portectively, "Are all the apprentices here so rowdy?" she asked, though not unkindly.