4:05pm Apr 3 2010
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Flarewing chuckled. "Rustpaw is the only apprentice so far, so yes I suppose, but not usually do we have them with so much energy. He's just excited for the battle."
4:05pm Apr 3 2010
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4:05pm Apr 3 2010
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4:05pm Apr 3 2010
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4:06pm Apr 3 2010
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4:08pm Apr 3 2010
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Nails grinned, "I've always wanted to learn how to battle," he mewed wistfully, looking with envy at Rustpaw. "Me too," chimed in Willow, her icy blue eyes shining with excitement. Eagle nodded, "I found nails as a tiny kit in the forest, unfortunately, I don't have to skills to teach either of them," she mewed.
4:14pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 4:14pm Apr 3 2010)
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Flarewing smiled. "We have plenty of warriors that can help you with that, if you want, we ca start you off with some basic training as well, so you can fight and hunt as good as the rest of us, and you can learn the warrior code." "I learned the twelfth one just yesterday!" Rustpaw said. He closed his eyes, trying to remember. His eyes snapped open with a smile when he got it. "No warrior may neglect a kit in pain or in danger, even if the kit is from another clan!" Rustpaw recited proudly. Flarewing chuckled. "That's right Rustpaw." he said. Iceblink's tail twitched. "How old are Willow and Nails?" he asked.
4:15pm Apr 3 2010
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"I'm six moons and so is Willow," mewed Nails, puffing hisn chest out proudly. Eagle purred and nudged both with her paw, "Do you wish to do this?" she asked. Both nodded enthusiastically.
4:21pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 4:21pm Apr 3 2010)
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Iceblink smiled faintly, rare for him. "It's good to see young cats so eager to join our clan." he purred. Flarewing nodded. "Iceblink hasn't got an apprentice yet, so he can mentor Willow, and I'll bet Silvertear or Twilightshine can mentor Nails." "They can't be apprentices! They have rogue names!" Rustpaw rotested. Flarewing growled at his apprentice. "Don't be so rude Rustpaw, they can be called Willowpaw and Nailpaw for now, and Eagle can be called Eaglepaw too until he learns the basics."
4:39pm Apr 3 2010
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Glacier flicked his tail in good-bye and trotted off the opposite direction. He managed to catch a vole and a young mouse to eat. Feeling satiated, Glacier curled up under and tree to sleep. He was thinking about that she-cat. He thought about her hard, but could not figure out why she seemed so different. Besides being kind, of course. ((I would like to make an (evil) rogue kit. Most cats get fooled by the little buggers. Maybe Spoolweave can receive an omen, if you wish to alert the Clan? Something like, "There is a coming threat the size of a kit." or "I received an omen, ____star! I saw a kit trying to murder everyone in his quest for power.")) Desired Name: Throttle Position: Rogue, former kittypet Family: Dead. Can you guess why? Mate: YEAH RIGHT. Crush: Not any time soon. Not that it will happen,. anyways. Age: Kit Clan: Pshhh. Additional Info Gender: Male; Tom (Unless you request a femme?) Appearance: -Bottom- Personality: What part of "evil" do you not understand? >:U 
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
4:40pm Apr 3 2010
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((Awww. It's cute!))
4:43pm Apr 3 2010
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Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
5:28pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 6,296
((Wait, I have an idea! We don't have to follow it, of course, but how about Glacier and Spoolweave have kits, and Throttle is one of them? We can timeskip to their birth, and not have it interfere with anything else happening. *not right now, of course*))
7:15pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 2,097
((Whoa that'd be cool.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:17pm Apr 3 2010
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((And then she could have the dream, and she'll get all cryish, and she'll tell Galcier, "One of our kit's a killer."))
7:24pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((ZOMG! That's be pwnsome. I want to be one of the kits, but can Throttle kill her? Like as his first kill, and that's when Spoolweave knows he's a killer, of course, she'll have an apprentice with a warrior name by then to help keep their secret kits))
7:38pm Apr 3 2010
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((And I can be another kit, which survives,but only because she gives him to her Clan after knowing her kit was a murderer.))
11:42pm Apr 3 2010
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((Um Eagle is female o3o)) Eagle smiled, "I suppose I am Eaglepaw for now," she purred. Nailpaw grinned, "This is so cool Willowpaw!" he mewed enthusiastically, his eyes bright with joy.
1:08pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 2,097
((Cool! Sounds awesome. We haven't had a kit killer in the books since...What, Brokenstar? That was random. Sorry. XD))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
1:15pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((:P Sorry, I meant that)) "Okay, so Rustpaw and I can take Willowpaw and Nailpaw on a tour of the camp for now, it's a good chance to get to know eachother." Flarewing said. Iceblink nodded. "And I can start Eaglepaw off on the warrior code." "Is that all right with you three?" asked Flarewing.