1:18pm Apr 4 2010
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Eaglepaw nodded, "Sure, I would love to learn the Warrior Code," she mewed, looking at Iceblink gratefull. Willowpaw grinned, "This is so cool," she meowed, her eyes bright. Nailpaw nodded, "It's like, the first time I've been around other cats, ever," he mewed.
1:33pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((ZoMg full, send Spoolweave back to Glacier!))
1:33pm Apr 4 2010
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1:33pm Apr 4 2010
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1:33pm Apr 4 2010
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1:38pm Apr 4 2010
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Rustpaw purred. "When we get to the training hollow, I'll teach you how to block the attack I launched on you when you came in." Rustpaw said. "It's one of the first moves I learned." he said proudly, with a glance at his mentor. Flarewing rolled his eyes. "You're still not going to the battle Rustpaw, you're too young." Rustpaw groaned, his tail lashing angrily. When they got to the training hollow, Flarewing sat down in front of the two new apprentices. "The first thing you need to know is the first law of the warrior code... "...Defend your clan, even with your life." Iceblink stated to Eaglepaw. "That is the first law of the warrior code." he said. "And the most important." he added. "You may have friendships with cats in other clans, but you must remember that you may meet them in battle someday, and your first loyalty is to your clan, Rockclan."
1:43pm Apr 4 2010
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Eaglepaw nodded, "So, no matter what, I must defend my clan?" she said, thinking over the words. Nailpaw grinned, "Can't we learn battle moves?" he complained, his tail twitching. Willowpaw cuffed around the ears, "Listen to the warriors," she hissed.
1:54pm Apr 4 2010
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Flarewing chuckled. "You will, but you have to know the essentials of the warrior code before you learn anything. "You must also know that an honorable warrior doesn't need to kill other cats to win his or her battles" he said "And that the word of the Clan Leader is the warrior code, along with the words I am speaking now. Those are both very important rules when you battle." Flarewing said. Rustpaw nodded in agreement. "So if the clan leader tells you to retreat or attack, do so." ~ "The second rule is that you do not hunt or tresp*censored* on another clan's territory." Iceblink said. "The exception to the rule is medicine cats, who are supposed to seek help from other clans if necessary, and sometimes they are accompanied by warriors, because some clans are still hostile."
1:56pm Apr 4 2010
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"But the medicine cats can't go to do anything other than that," she pointed out, "Otherwise no one would trust them," Nailpaw grumbled but held his words. Willowpaw looked at Flarewing with shining eyes, "Who made these codes?" she mewed, her eyes wide.
2:03pm Apr 4 2010
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Rustpaw gaped at Nailpaw. "Are you stupid?!" he exclaimed. Flarewing cuffed Rustpaw's ears with an icy glare. "He doesn't know Rustpaw, he's never been near clans before." he snarled. He smiled at Nailpaw. "Starclan made these codes." he said. "Starclan is where our warrior ancestors live, and all of our friends and family when they die, even you will go to Starclan someday" "Unless you break the codes numerous times." Rustpaw said "And on purpose. Then you go to the dark forest, where you must walk alone in the dark for all eternity." he said gravely. Flarewing glared at Rustpaw. "Rarely does a cat ever go to the dark forest." Flarewing said. "Stop scaring the new apprentices. ~ "Elders and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors." Iceblink said. "But we have no queens, kits nor elders, so you just need to make sure you've hunted before eating."
2:07pm Apr 4 2010
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Nailpaw glared at Rustpaw, already annoyed by the cat's harshness, "Why should I know? For all I know my parents were killed for trespas.sing." he hissed. Willowpaw sighed, putting her tail over his shoulders, "PLease don't fight," she pleaded. ~~ Eaglepaw nodded, "Is that to make sure that the clan is always fed? I undertand that it is the queens and kits that keep the clan alive, even if they rely on the warriors,"
2:08pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 2,097
Deathkit strolled out of the nursery. She trotted over to the fresh-kill pile and licked her lips hungrily. "Maybe just a taste..." she murmured. "I'm so hungry!" the she-kit whispered. She grabbed a puny mouse and sank her fangs into its neck. "Yum!" she purred with a full mouth. Her tiny claws dug into the prey's fur as she ripped off chunks of meat. Deathkiss was grooming herself at the moment. When she finished, she felt a cough, but stifled it. Her paws trembled uncomfortably as she trotted over to the warrior's den for a short nap. Twilightshine got up. She licked Hawkblood's cheek and trotted over to Deathkit. "Who were your parents?" she asked the kit, who was practically killing the mouse a second time as she tore off its muscles harshly. Blood stained the kit's dark fur. Deathkit blinked in thought. "I'm not sure." she mewed. "I think they were rogues."Deathkit mused. She returned to eating the small mouse. Twilightshine nodded in understanding. She sat down and began to groom her fur. She stared quizzically at Deathkit out of the corner of her eye. A glimmer of confusion shone in them. Silvertear flexed her claws in anticipation. She needed to kill something. Something. Anything. She exhaled and decided to take a quick nap. Going into the warrior's den, she settled herself beside Deathkiss to sleep.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
2:16pm Apr 4 2010
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"Yes. We take care of elders because they have already done their time as a warrior, and deserve rest for serving their clan so well." Iceblink said. "You won't have any trouble with the next code, Prey is killed only to be eaten, and you are to give thanks to Starclan for it's life." Iceblink paused. "Do you know about starclan?" he asked curiously. Rustpaw shrugged. "I wasn't going to fight" he said cooly, wrapping his tail around his paws. "It should be a rule that you can't fight within your clan, but it's not." Flarewing glared at his apprentice. "Actually, Rustpaw, I do want you to fight." he said icily. "What?" Rustpaw said confused. Flarewing growled. "Demonstarate a belly rake attack against me, and I'll use it against you." he said. Rustpaw didn't hesitate, slipping under Flarewing's body and pushing up with his back paws. Flarewing dropped his weight and squished Rustpaw underneath him before sprining up again and batting his exposed chin with sheathed claws. He smiled at Willowpaw and Nailpaw. "That was a bit complicated, and it only works if you're bigger than your opponent, Nailpaw, try it against Willowpaw.

2:29pm Apr 4 2010
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"No," said Eaglepaw, "I've never heard of it in all my life, though once when I was on another territory, they told me that StarClan would not have me on there, or something," Nailpaw nodded, sizing up Willowpaw. She was definitely smaller, but she would also be faster. He leapt at Willowpaw, sliding under her belly and slashing with sheathed claws. Willowpaw hissed and pushed off with her exceptionally strong hindlegs, leaping over Nailpaw's head and landing behind his head, grabing his scruff.
2:32pm Apr 4 2010 (last edited on 2:33pm Apr 4 2010)
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Flarewing chuckled. "Not exactly how it's done, but it works just as well. Good job Willowpaw, Nailpaw. You're well on your way to being warriors." Rustpaw groaned. "I could beat them both in a practice battle at the same time." he said under his breath. Flarewing shot him a glare. "Okay Willowpaw, this time, attack Nailpaw and see how he does."
2:35pm Apr 4 2010
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Willowpaw nodded and leapt at Nailpaw, using her superior speed to launch herself inder him. She snarled as Nailpaw immedietly went limp, trapping her under himself. She wriggled but he was too heavy.
2:36pm Apr 4 2010
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((Sorry for seperated post, got sidetracked. XD)) Iceblink smiled at Eaglepaw. "Starclan is where warriors go when they die, they watch over us from silverpelt above, the stars." he said. "Every warrior aspires to be there someday, having either lived a long life as an elder, or to have died fighting for their clan. The next code is that a kit must be six moons old in order to become an apprentice, you won't have to worry about that unless you have kits, or become the leader."
2:42pm Apr 4 2010
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Eaglepaw looked at the sky, which was already starting to darken, "You mean, Swallowheart is up there?" she whispered, her eyes brimming with sadness.
2:49pm Apr 4 2010 (last edited on 2:53pm Apr 4 2010)
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"If he was a good cat, and had others that loved him, than yes. Swallowheart is up there." Iceblink said, *censored*uming that Swallowheart was once Eaglepaw's mate.
2:50pm Apr 4 2010
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((Again, Eaglepaw is a she xD))