2:53pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Grah. XD Sorry, I once had a cat named Eagletalon who was a guy, so I'm getting confused, I'll edit))
2:53pm Apr 4 2010
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2:53pm Apr 4 2010
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2:54pm Apr 4 2010
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2:54pm Apr 4 2010
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2:56pm Apr 4 2010
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Eaglepaw nodded, "He was my mate..." she said, trailing off as she realized his name was a clan name.
2:58pm Apr 4 2010
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"He must have been from a clan." Iceblink said. "Any idea which? The other clans are Sunclan, Darkclan and Stormclan, but Sunclan will be gone after the battle"
3:00pm Apr 4 2010
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Eagle shrugged, "He told me that he had been thrown out of his clan because he loved me, I never thoguht of it much," she whispered, sadly remember her stoick mate who had once stood by her side.
3:07pm Apr 4 2010
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"Maybe you'll recognize his clan with a scent, let's tour the territories, Iceblink suggested. "We can visit our medicine cat and that of Darkclan's nearby the Sunclan border, Darkclan and Rockclan are uniting for the battle."
3:09pm Apr 4 2010
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Eagle nodded, "Good idea," she mewed, wanting to see Swallowheart's old clan. ((What clan should he have been in?))
3:12pm Apr 4 2010
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((Hmmmm... How about Darkclan? It fits. Deathstar (Now the Rockclan leader) was kicked out of Darkclan by Bloodstar when he was replaced as deputy, so we could say Swallowheart was one of his followers, bu got lost and met Eagle instead.)) Iceblink scented the air. "This way" he said, slinking out of camp towards the Sunclan border where the medicine cats were.
3:14pm Apr 4 2010
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Eaglepaw followed Iceblink, her tawny fur blending into the fading red light of sunset. She sniffed the air, scenting many different cats, her nose wrinkling at some of them. She realized she was now accustomed to the scent of Rockclan and found the other scents repulsive.
3:18pm Apr 4 2010
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"This is Spoolweave." said Iceblink "She's the Darkclan medicine cat. Her scent isn't too strong right now because she's been with Basil and Sunclan for so long."
3:18pm Apr 4 2010 (last edited on 3:32pm Apr 4 2010)
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Spoolweave carefully counted herbs. They were down on a few. Yes! She hurried over to Basil. "I'm going to get more herbs." She announced. "I'll be back in a bit." But then she saw the guests, and her heart sunk. "Hi, I'm Spoolweave. I'm the medicine cat." She stayed there to chat for a while. "Oh, I'm just going to get some herbs." She said. "Basil, would you take over? Thanks." I hope I see him.... She hurried through the brush. She found a few herbs, but she thought she would collect them on the journey back. She followed his scent. "Glacier?" She mewed, as she smelled a very fresh scent of him."Are you here?"
3:20pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 5,279
((Pssst, full, please edit. :P Iceblink is showing Eaglepaw around *she's old enouhg to be a warrior but was a rogue*))
3:23pm Apr 4 2010 (last edited on 3:23pm Apr 4 2010)
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Posts: 6,296
((Hm what? What do I edit? I'm confused. *Sorreh, in lazeh mode*))
((Oh, I get it. Sorry. XD))
3:39pm Apr 4 2010
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Basil cocked her head. "Wonder why she's in such a hurry." she said. She smiled at Eaglepaw. "Hello! I'm Basil, Rockclan's medicine cat." she said. Iceblink smiled at Basil. "This is Eaglepaw, she's new here. Her, her kit and her kit's friend are training to be warriors." he said. "Nice to meet you Eaglepaw." Basil said kindly.
3:39pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 9,641
"Oh,hello," mewed Eaglepaw, slightly confused at why the she-cat ran off the moment she said hello, "That was your medicine cat..Threadweave? No, Spoolweave,"
3:40pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 2,097
Glacier opened an eye and saw Spoolweave. He got up, then stretched. Hopefully she wouldn't notice that he had taken a liking to her. "Yes?" he mewed, blinking his practically glowing eyes.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
3:43pm Apr 4 2010
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"Actually, she's Darkclan's medicine cat. She's new. Her mentor died of some odd disease. Nightstar lost one of her lives to it as well." Basil said with a smile. "Did you recognize Spoolweave's scent at all?" asked Iceblink gently.