12:59am Aug 9 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing frowned. She was happy to have a new apprentice, and that Shadow might be joining the clan, but she also knew that that was half the reason Wolf had stayed around. He always talked about a kit he was training, obviously she grew up. But now he would probably move on.... A tear slid down her cheek, for she thought he had completely forgotten him. She turned and ran off, not knowing where she was going...
1:18am Aug 9 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing frowned. She was happy that they had gained a new apprentice, and that Shadow might join the clan. But it meant Wolf might move on. She remembered him talking about a kit he was training that was doing great and had a good potential. Now that she had found a clan, nothing was keeping him here. A single tear slid down from her blue eyes, now a dull blue with sadness, but hard like ice from anger. So he had forgotten about her and just moved on, huh? She swung her head away from the three cats in front of her. She looked through the trees, seeing something only she could see.... An escape. She ran on, the trees blury rectangles with green circles on top. When she reached the border, a choice came to her mind. She could leave, become a rouge again, leave this past behind her, forget it, and start a new life. Find a mate, maybe somewhere in a far away clan. Have kits, watch them grow, find mates of their own, and their kits.... She tried to figure out what she was feeling, hoping it would help make the choice easier. She felt.....it felt like.... nothing! She was numb inside. Her heart was as cold as ice again, like it was before Shadesky had talked to her. Shadesky..... She turned around and walked back to camp, but wanting to see Shadesky the whole way.

1:28am Aug 9 2009
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Shadesky had walked out of camp and found a long, large stick on the ground. He picked it up and walked over to the closest tree to camp. He started to scratch his claws all around it, smoothing the stick for he was so bored. He didn't expect Frostwing to just walk off like that, but is she came back she would be able to see him. Nightshade was about to ask Frostwing why she was crying, but decided not to. She just continued on with her journey to the Moonfall. She could sense many emotions going on inside of Frostwing. Shadow looked worridly at Frostwing as she p*censored*ed him up and dashed toward the border. Was she going to make a run for it and leave the Clans, turning back into a rogue, or was she just trying to calm herself down a bit? He dicided to not think about it, for it would only worry him. He started to think about what StarClan would look like and what they would say to him if he ever got to see them.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:34am Aug 9 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing stumbled upon Shadesky, and said, "I'm sorry. I sensed someone from my past was around, unfortuantly I was right." She watched him smooth the stick for a few moments, then said, "So.... What you doing?" Her emotions were fighting like two clans inside her. Half of her felt like she was using Shadesky, so that when, if, Wolf saw them, he would be jealous enough to stay. But the other half couldn't stand to be away from Shadesky....
1:45am Aug 9 2009
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"It's ok, I forgive you. And I'm guessing I shouldn't ask about the cat from the past, right?" He paused for a few moments, and then said "I'm smoothing out this stick. There isn't much to do nowadays, do I decided to smoothe out a stick.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
9:47am Aug 9 2009 (last edited on 9:51am Aug 9 2009)
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Wolf watched Stormclan. He was standing on the highest branch of an old oak tree that touched the sky. He sighed when he felt Frostwing's pawsteps. "Some day Frost, I will meet with you again. But now.... Now isn't the right time...." He whispered. ~ Fox smiled happily and waved her tail. She followed after Nightshade. She looked at Nightshade. She grabbed a pencil like stick and wrote in the ground. I might not be able to talk out loud, but I can still talk with movements and actions. Don't worry. Yes and No are the easiest ones to do. She wrote, smiling up at Nightshade. Suddenly, a hungry and powerful desire striked her. I want to show Nightshade I can be as good as any other warrior. I want to show her that I can become a leader as well, even without a voice. Im glad she's my mentor. She thought happily.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
5:16pm Aug 9 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing nodded and said, "I know. A cat can easily get bored without a job to do or an apprentice to train..."
10:26pm Aug 9 2009
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Posts: 441
imm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry i wasent on!!!!!!@! my grandma is at my house and is staying this week ill try to be on tomarro
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
4:05am Aug 10 2009
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Posts: 694
May I join? A young kit, 6 months old, was wandering around lost, giving out scared mews, as she accidentally walked into the camp. She mew even louder as she saw the warriors. She sat, her white fur shining in the sun and her fur was filled with thorns, there was thorns in her ears and paws. She was shaking hard and she curled around in a piece of gr*censored*
11:21am Aug 10 2009
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Posts: 441
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
12:12pm Aug 10 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((hi everybody! i was spending the night at my cousins house so i couldnt get on Res that night! and gosh darnet, im starting school tomorrow! so i wont be able to get on as much, but of course ill still get on! and ERlover, i'd be sad if you didnt join! just fill out your bio and post it on here! if you cant fill out all the spaces, just leave blanks in them. and ok so now on my next post i'll RP))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:21pm Aug 10 2009
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((how did a cat learn to write words?? XD lol! but it doesnt matter they can know how to write i just felt like pointing that out!)) Nightshade looked at what Fox had wrote, and then looked back at Fox. Nightshade saw Fox smiling, and she smiled back. "I can't wait to see how you're going to answer once we get back to camp!" Nightshade mewed, know there would probably be quite a few questions from her Clanmates. "We're almost at the Moonfall." Shadesky nodded, stopped smoothing out the stick, and tucked it safely under a holly bush. "I wonder who Lynxpaw's mentor will be. Or who the new deputy will be."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:47pm Aug 10 2009
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Skyshadow heard a faint mewling sound coming from near the entrance of the camp. She walked quickly over there to find a small cat crying out with thorns stuck all over her. She gently picked up the small kit and carried her over to the medicine cat den. Starstepper wasn't here right now, for she was probably finding herbs for Leafstar, who is now in the elders den. Nightshade was once a medicine cat, and had taught Skyshadow at little bit about herbs, so she could use them in an emergency. She found some poppy seeds and took 1 of them over to the kit. She prodded open the kits mouthe, popping int the poppy seed, hoping to make the kit sleepy. She then worked on taking out the thorns sticking out all over the place.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:12pm Aug 10 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing nodded, then looked at him and said, "You deserve either position!"
1:16pm Aug 10 2009
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"No, you deserve those positions! I'm not the 'advice' kind of cat. I'm more like the ' i'm so bored so i'm gonna carve a stick' kind." Shadesky smiled.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:40pm Aug 10 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing laughed lightly, then said, "Really? How do you think the clan would respond to an ex-rouge deputy? I mean, I don't feel like a true clan cat yet, so how will they feel to have one in second command?" She nervously kneaded the ground, then said, "I think I'm going to go for a hunt." She left, walking slowly, but this time she was really focused on hunting. Soon she caught a squirrel. As she was eating it, the stink of fox came upon her. Thinking it was Dogheart or Shadow, after rolling in fox dung to hide their scent, she turned saying, "You guys nee-" but cut herself off when she was looking into the deep, dark, evil eyes of Blackfoot. She looked around quickly, and realized her had sat down to eat outside his den. His mate and youngest cubs were watching from their den, snickering. His oldest was behind him. She stood up and said, "So you're the one who attacked my leader and deputy?" He snickered as well, hissing out, "Of course it was me! Who else could have done that kind of damage?" Frostwing snarled and said, "What made you think we would let you do that? Didn't you think of the rest of the clan? Some of us have delt with worse things than you and your whimpering pup!" The cub snarled and started towards her, but she just stood there, calmly flicking her tail back and forth. Blackfoot blocked his path, as he said, "So you have seen something worse than us? Do tell..." Frostwing smirked, but said, "Well, it was many years ago.." when Blackfoot rushed her. She neatly jumped it the air, but forgot about the cub, who grabbed her back leg and pulled her to the ground. She started to yowl in pain, but quickly changed it to a snarl of anger. She couldn't let them know she had been hurt. Blackfoot's eyes narrowed in anger. Why hadn't she cried out? Surely she knew that they were too much for just her. But as he was thinking this, Frostwing turned and lifted her paw to act like she was about to strike out at the pup's face. Seeing that, he flinched, moving just slightly that gave her access to his neck. She grabbed his throat, not letting go until he was dead. She looked up at Blackfoot. She was a sight, a leg that was bleeding and dragging behind her, her mouth, chest, and throat stained red with his son's blood. Suddenly adrenline ran through her. She snarled angrily and looked from Blackfoot to his mate and young cubs. Blackfoot's eyes shifted nervously. Frostwing smiled and said, "I will leave you alone. But just leave now, or I will come back. I will be checking this den tomorrow, and the rest of my territory! Don't let me find you!" With that, she slowly backed into the shadows. When she was several yards away, she turned and dragged herself back to Shadesky.

2:14pm Aug 10 2009 (last edited on 2:14pm Aug 10 2009)
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Posts: 1,441
((nice post Dash but didn't Nightshade kill Blackfoot and Dogheart killed his mate? Lol it says that on pg 14. We'll just say that Nightshade killed Fury and Dogheart killed a pup.)) Shadesky turned, hearing the sound of crunching leaves. Frostwing had returned, but looked a lot different than the way she had left, she was drenched in blood, from tail tip to head. He could smell that not all of the blood was from her, but quite a bit of it was. He ran up to her and said "What in the name of StarClan happened to you?" Though he already knew the answer from the scent: Blackfoot. ((Whoopee Nightshade finally reached the Moonfall! W00T! Lol!!! And sorry about the time changing so fast but the RP must go on!)) Nightshade reached the Moonfall at the perfect time. The sun was setting and the moon was rising. She walked up to the Moonfall. It was a somewhat large waterfall that spilled freshwater that was so clear you could see the bottom, although the bottom was pitchblack since it was so deep. Nightsahde was getting sprayed by the watterfall as she worked her way up to the waterfall. She stepped on the stones in back of the waterfall and carefully made her way across without falling in the dreaded water. In back of the waterfall was a small cave. She walked forward a bit and then came up to a small room with a large hole in the center of it. Water filled it up as an opening at the top continued to drip water down into it. Shadow and Fox walked into the cave. From Nightshade'sdirections, they lapped at the water and then lay down on the floor. Soon they all began to fall asleep and were soon dreaming.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
2:19pm Aug 10 2009
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Posts: 5,310
[[Nightshade. I'm going to have to quit. Your going to fast for me and I just got back from vaccation.]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:31pm Aug 10 2009
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Posts: 706
((Oh, sorry. I thought they just fought and that was all.)) Frostwing groaned as she said, "Oh, just making our territory a better place for kits." She started cleaning herself off. After several minutes she was clean except for her leg, which was still slightly bleeding. She got up and said, "Well, I had better get some herbs for this." She got up and limbed back to camp, with Skyshade at her side. She stepped into the Medicine Cat's den and said, "Starstepper?"
5:58pm Aug 10 2009
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Posts: 441
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...