6:08pm Aug 12 2009
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(( Alright. )) Wolf blinked his sightless eyes and sniffed the air slightly. He smiled. "Hello.... Leafpelt, I presume?" he said in a gentle voice, but wary.
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6:15pm Aug 12 2009
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(( Ello? ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
6:15pm Aug 12 2009
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Ok im back! I'll post everything i need to say on the next post! this is just to let you know that i'm online!
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:33pm Aug 12 2009
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((Ok Hi everyone! i havent been on lately all that much since im back to school. but i will be adding any new cats to the first page as soon as i finish this post. Wolfmoon, go ahead and write more about Swiftstar and Foxpaw, and wolf188, if i havent said this before, sorry for not RPing with you! when Nightshade gets back i'll be naming your mentor so hopefully you wont be as bored! i'll be editing this once more when i find out what to put on here! and whomever wanted to be the med. cat may be the med. cat of StormClan! i'll say that Starstepper disappeared or something.))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:44pm Aug 12 2009 (last edited on 6:44pm Aug 12 2009)
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((lol that is a pretty long deion but they can be as long as you want them to be. people just might not read the whole thing! XD XP but anyways. and girls, you dont have to write short paragraphs. they can be 4 paragraphs or more. i usually like reading long posts.)) Skyshadow ran after Chip as she headed for the entrance. She stopped in front of Chip just as she was about to go through the leafy tunnel entrance. "You don't need to leave! You can stay, if you'd like. I could teach you how to battle and how to catch prey and you could meet some new friends! You're old enough to be an apprentice, so I'm sure Nightshade wouldn't mind if I mentored you if you joined StormClan." ((did Skyshadow fix Frostwing's leg yet???))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:45pm Aug 12 2009
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Foxpaw gazed at Swiftstar. "Why can I speak here?" She asked, the question buzzing in her ears. ~ Swiftstar smiled. "You can talk because in Starclan, you are restored to your full self. You cannot die or get hurt or have any disabilities here. This is the safest place in the heavens." Swiftstar replied in a kind, gentle voice. ~ Foxpaw smiled slightly. "Will I be able to talk when I go back?" She asked happily. ~ Swiftstar grew sorrowful. "No. You will be mute once more. But I can give you something that will help you speak, not in voice, but in vision." ~ Foxpaw quivered sadly. 'How?" She asked, subdued. ~ Swiftstar smiled. "I give you the gift of letting your emotions and thoughts been seen through your eyes. So when others are speaking, you ca show whether or not you are angered, happy, etc." He said tenderly. ~ Foxpaw smiled. "I guess that's cool." She whispered, happy at the thought. "Will I still be able to keep others from reading my emotion and thought though through my face?" She asked worriedly. ~ "Yes. If you want to have a poker face, you will still be able to do that." He replied with a smile.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
8:11pm Aug 12 2009
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Posts: 441
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
11:36pm Aug 12 2009
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Posts: 706
12:57am Aug 13 2009
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Chip looked unsure and then said "Really? I would love to join, I miss having a family." as she looked up at Skyshadow, her blue eyes glittering. She looked around the clan and said "But will they accept me?" She looked down and said "I want to be accepted. I wanna catch prey and protect my family from cats who try to hurt them." as she walked back into the camp sitting down as she purred to SkyShadow. (Sorry I take so long to reply I live in Australia)
10:07am Aug 13 2009
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Posts: 507
(( Sorry I wasn't on. || NANO! Come and interact with my charrie! )) Leafpelt was suddenly confused. How does that cat know my name? She thought to herself. She wasn't known to be in a clan, and as a loner she tended to keep her herself hidden and quiet. Recently, it was not many cats that she chose to speak to. She was just so curious as to how on Earth that strange cat knew her name. Leafpelt nodded, adding a "Yes" to her answer. She walked closer to the cat, examining him physically. She wanted to know if he looked strong, weak, fat, thin, etc. None of it mattered, but Leafpelt was just curious. As she examined him, something about him caught her eye. His eyes. They were a pale white color, with no pupils showing. Obviously, he was blind. This interested Leafpelt, since he seemed to have very skilled senses due to his loss of sight. Now, she was very curious. "How do you know my name?" Se asked in a casual voice. She wanted to know, and she wanted the truth.
2:33pm Aug 13 2009
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Posts: 507
(( Bump... ))
2:34pm Aug 13 2009
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4:40pm Aug 13 2009
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Wolf chuckled. "Your thoughts and emotions. Plus, I know right now that you are curious and that you just figured out that I am indeed, blind." He smiled slightly. "It has taken many years for me to earn this skill, but I have succeeded and even p*censored*ed it." he smiled. "Now, are you searching for a clan to join, or are you becoming a rouge like me? Im sure your searching for a clan." He said with a small smile. He blinked his sightless eyes. (( He has river blue eyes. You can barely tell that he's blind. You can only tell because there is a slight mist in his beautiful eyes. ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
8:45pm Aug 13 2009
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Posts: 507
(( Oh, lol ok.)) Leafpelt sat next to Wolf as he spoke. When he was finsished talking, she stood back up, ready to explain. "I am not exactly looking to be in a clan, you see..." She started, looking into Wolf's blue eyes. "Mainly I'm just wondering around alone, making friends with cats in clans. Not exactly ready to be involved in one right now." She frowned a bit, sad. She did not know why she was sad, however. "Have you ever been in a clan?" She asked, curious. Leafpelt's mother left the clan before she was born, and she came from Leafclan. When her mother gave birth to her, she named her after her native clan, and left. She left her kit to defend herself as a loner. Leafpelt has always looked up to Leafclan for that reason, but has never once thought of joining it.
9:12pm Aug 13 2009
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Skyshadow purred. Of course they'll accept you! It's just full grown rogues and loners that they might be hard on. And I'm sure you'd fit in just fine. Our leader, Leafstar, had just recently suffered a severe injury so she has to move on and retire. Her name is now Leafcloud, and hopefully our new leader will be back soon. She's my mother. "Wait, what? Where are you going?" Shadesky meowed suprised, turning his head to see Frostwing and Skyshadow leave. Lately he had been feeling so lonely. Nightshade sat in the center of the circle. as the ceremony went by,Brightstar gave the gift of courage, to defend her Clan. Badgerstripe gave the gift of justice, to judge her Clan fairly. Darkpath gave the gift of loyalty to what she knows to be right. Foxleap gave the gift of tireless energy, so she could serve his Clan to the utmost. Breezestone gave the gift of protection, to defend her Clan as a queen would protect her kits. Strongwish gave the gift of mentoring, to train the young of the Clan. Bramblestar gave the gift of comp*censored*ion, to use towards those weaker than herself. Spottedstar gave the gift of love, to use for all the cats in her care. Tinystar gave her the gifts of nobility, certainty, and faith, to use to lead the Clan in the ways of StarClan. ((I used these lives from the Warrior Cats series! I am giving full credit to the Erins for describing the lives! I only thought up of the names!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
9:13pm Aug 13 2009
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Wolf grew slightly somber. "No. But I did have a mate once. She left me and joined a clan. I watch over all of the clans. I am not a clan cat, but I am free on all of the clan territory's." He said in a slightly brighter voice. "For example. If you were to walk on clan territory, they would attack you. If I was to walk on clan territory, I would either be ignored, greeted, or accompanied. I help keep peace with the clans. I help them if they are need." He shrugged. "I like my job. It's fun to meet the new kits and I like being free." He said gently.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
9:15pm Aug 13 2009
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Foxpaw sighed. Swiftstar smiled suddenly. "The ceremony is over now. I think you will find that you can talk to your mentor now." Swiftstar said gently. Slowly, he walked towards the circle and bowed his head at Nightshade. "Nightstar." He whispered, starting the chant. ~ Foxpaw frowned slightly again. She walked towards the circle of cats, but when she felt the power, she stopped within inches of the circle. Swiftstar showed to be the tallest of them all of.
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12:25am Aug 14 2009
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Posts: 706
((Sorry. Been gone a while. I thought Frostwing left with Shadesky?)) Frostwing sighed. She knew she had to work her leg to get it back to normal, but for now it was just a painful thing stuck to her hips. As she slowly walked, letting it almost touch the ground, she started putting more and more weight on it. Soon she was just limping, and it looked like she was walking on a aching muscle. She started towards the entrance. She didn't know what she was feeling right now and wanted to find Wolf. His insight would help her. If only she knew where he was........ She decided to just wander through her territory....
9:48am Aug 14 2009
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Wolf sniffed the air. "I have to go, but I think Stormclan would be fit for you." He said gently. With that, he turned with a small smile at her and he went towards the Stormclan territory. The scents of so many clan cats washed over his nose. The scent of Frostwing was the strongest. He smiled slightly and sat down, waiting for her to find him.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
10:32am Aug 14 2009
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Posts: 507
Leafpelt listened to Wolf's story about his position. It must seem nice to easily walk into a clan territory with no fear of getting hurt. Sometimes she could pull that off, but with that, she would need to look her best, act her best, and keep quiet. That has been what Leafpelt was trying to do all along. Have peace and friends in all of the clans, without having to join one. It would be like her perfect life to her, if she had that possibility. When Wolf started to sniff the air and speak again, that was when Leafpelt started to get scared. Stormclan had been the most scariest clan to her. She felt like she was going to get slaughtered if she walked into their territory. When she traveled, she never dared enter Stormclan's territory. From what she was taught, Stormclan was a tough and mean clan. Another thing that upset Leafpelt was the whole 'joining clan' thing. She liked being a loner, not a clanmate. If she were to join a clan, her firsts pick wouldn't be Stormclan, since it seemed highly scary from what cats told her. Although she had just met Wolf and Stormclan striked fear into her everytime she thought about it, Leafpelt decided to follow Wolf as he ran off. When she was next to Wolf once again, Leafpelt spoke. "I'm not sure about this..." she said with a frightened voice. "Stormclan scares me and... I'm not sure if I'm ready to join a clan." With that, Leafpelt ran behind Wolf, for she knew her words meant nothing, and he was still going to continue on.