7:09pm Aug 15 2009
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Wolf, for the first time in his life, snarled at Frostwing. "No." He said simply. His blind eyes revealed none of the emotions he felt.
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7:11pm Aug 15 2009
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(( Page, 35. ))
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7:25pm Aug 15 2009
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Frostwing stared at him. As tears fell down her cheeks, she whispered, "Why? I loved you. Why won't you talk to me?"
7:53pm Aug 15 2009
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Wolf almost broke into tears himself. "Because You've found somebody else. Be his mate Frostwing. You would be happier. I am no more than a lone rouge." He turned away from her, fighting the tears. "I can't be your mate. He loves you Frostwing. Love him back as you once loved me." he said in a quiet whisper. his body screamed with grief and pain as he said the words that he had dreaded to say.
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8:09pm Aug 15 2009
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Frostwing stared at him, her mouth open, then she clenched her teeth, before saying, "Did you love me?"
8:17pm Aug 15 2009
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Wolf refused to turn. "I still do." He whispered, so quietly that he wondered if she had heard.
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8:31pm Aug 15 2009 (last edited on 8:41pm Aug 15 2009)
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She openly started crying. The tears started flowing swiftly, turning her fur into snow white patches of wet fur. Her ice blue eyes were glazed over with a soft film, looking like small jewls, hardened with confusion, sadness, and pain. She looked at the back of his head, wishing with all her might that he would turn and look at him. She started to suck in her breath deeply and sharply, trying to control her sobbing. Then she stammered, "Then whay won't you talk to me? I still love you too!"
9:00pm Aug 15 2009
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Wolf finally turned and saw her face. His face became twisted and tortured with pain, grief, and sorrow. He longed to reach out and comfort her. "Because.... Because there is another who loves you. One who can always be by your side where as I can't. One who has a lesser chance of dying in a fight, where as I might get killed for trying to speak up and stop the fight. i don't want to leave you Frostwing, but...." he couldn't find the rest of his words. He slowly leaned towards her and kissed her on the lips. "Goodbye. I have to go." With that, he turned and began to run faster than any cat. Tears finally broke and they ran down his cheeks and flew behind him. He cut his paw on a thorn as he ran, but he welcomed the pain as he ran. Blood splattered the ground and he began trailing it behind him as he ran.
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9:19pm Aug 15 2009
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Frostwing stared after him, laying a paw across her mouth. She decided to go back to camp, and maybe find Shadesky. But first she knew she must get rid of signs of her crying. She ran to a small pond, where some cats like to fish, and jumped it, putting her face under water several times. After that she jumped out and licked her fur dry before slowly limping back to camp.... A song rang through her head, which she began to mutter, "'If only, if only' the woodpecker sighed. 'The bark on the trees was as soft as the skies. As the wolf waits below, hungry and lonely. He cries to the moon 'If only, if only'"
9:24pm Aug 15 2009
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Wolf ran through the forest blindly, not caring to sense where he was going. It felt as if he had left his soul behind. He had several deep and several small cuts now. Suddenly, a song popped into his head for no apparent reason. He opened his mouth, and began to sing in a beautiful voice. " Sound the bugle now - play it just for me As the seasons change - remember how I used to be Now I can't go on - I can't even start I've got nothing left - just an empty heart
I'm a soldier - wounded so I must give up the fight There's nothing more for me - lead me away... Or leave me lying here
Sound the bugle now - tell them I don't care There's not a road I know - that leads to anywhere Without a light feat that I will - stumble in the dark Lay right down - decide not to go on
Then from on hight - somewhere in the distance There's a voice that calls - remember who your are If you lose yourself - your courage soon will follow
So be strong tonight - remember who you are Ya you're a soldier now - fighting in abattle To be free once more -Ya that's worth fighting for! "
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9:26pm Aug 15 2009
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((Now what? Our scene is over......... :'( Frostwing's heart has been ripped out, torn, and put back....))
9:28pm Aug 15 2009
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Posts: 706
((So-wee. That was me!!))
9:29pm Aug 15 2009
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(( Well. Wolf still loves Frostwing. Badly. he just doesn't see how it can work. He's constantly watching over the clans, and he can never find the time to see her except when he comes to Stormclan. Poor Wolf. ))
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9:34pm Aug 15 2009
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Posts: 507
(( I'm confused now... Can Leafpelt maybe take Ribunny's kit charrie as her own? Portect her like she is it's gaurdian? ))
9:42pm Aug 15 2009
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Posts: 706
((Poor kitties :( ))
10:47pm Aug 15 2009
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Chip walked up to SkyShadow and said "When will I meet the leader?" she looked very interested but she was limping from a thorn wound in her left paw that had gotten worst. Her blue eyes were shining hopefully.
9:37am Aug 16 2009
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((Im getting tired of wating...))
12:53pm Aug 16 2009
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Foxpaw sighed slightly. She listened to the noises of the forest. The soft rustle of Nightshade's paws as she walked. The soft breathing of the birds in the trees. The flutter of butterfly wings. ~ Wolf sat in the same tall oak he had occupied earlier in the morning. He gazed blindly at the clouds. Suddenly, he stood up. His fur was matted with blood and several scrapes appeared randomly on his fur. "Starclan! Why do you treat me with so much hate?! I've carried out your quest diligently, and yet I've lost my loved one and my clan! What have I done to deserve this!" he yowled at the sky. Birds flew away in fright. "Why Starclan! Why have you abandoned me!" he yowled. He got no response. "Fine! Be quiet and mysterious as you always are! I don't need you anymore! You broke my spirit Starclan! How can I ever forgive you?! Leave me alone!" he roared, his eyes wild with sorrow, anger, and pain. With that, he jumped down from the top branch and hid in his hollow in the tree. He began to weep. Slowly, he fell asleep. Wolf gazed at the scene before him. Everything was beautiful. Perfect. Several cats stood before him, gazing down at him. "Wolf." Whispered one tall cat who had broad shoulders and a smokey grey pelt. "Keep your faith in us. We do not control your life." The tom said in a deep yet gentle voice. A tortoiseshell she-cat stepped forward, moss green eyes gazing at him tenderly. "We are always with you Wolf. Remember that. We would never abandon you. Do not let your faith wander, lost in the dark." She gently licked his shoulder and he felt warmth blossom in his heart. A black and white tom cat approached him with deep sea blue eyes that held more wisdom than the trees. "All will be well Wolf. Watch over the clans. Keep peace among them. Then, when the time comes for you to join us, you will see why we chose you when you were a kit." He said in a soft voice that reminded Wolf faintly of trees swaying in the wind. The tom touched Wolf on the forehead and he felt some part of his own wisdom return to him. Slowly, the Starclan cats faded and his vision dimmed. Wolf woke up with a jerk. tears stained his cheeks. "I will Starclan. I will keep to my faith and follow my mission." He whispered. He began to tend to the worst of his cuts.
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1:47pm Aug 16 2009
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((ribunny, yeah, you can join. you dont need to ask. omg i leave for a day and then i come back to find that i missed almost 2 pages! XD that was a great scene and now that you think about it, i think it wold we a good plot if like, Frostwing fell for Wolf and then Shadesky wanted her back but he got all mad and everything.(kind of like how Ashfur was with Squirrelflight when she fell for Brambleclaw only it ends different!) and then we would go on from there. and Wolfmoon, Nightshade is Nightstar now! XD)) Skyshadow looked at the entrance of the camp."I have no clue when you'll get to meet the leader. She'll be back today for sure, I know. And-" Skyshadow stopped as she saw Nightstar walk in with 2 rogues behind her. She signaled Chip to stay there while she ran up to her leader. "Nightstar! Congratulations! Most of the Clan is gone, but......who's with you?" Skyshadow said with joy as She looked behind Nightstar's shoulder to see Shadow and Foxpaw. "Skyshadow, this is Shadow and Foxpaw. Shadow was the rogue I met a while back and Wolf showed me to Foxpaw. She's mute, but wants to become a warrior, as well as Shadow." Shadesky looked up at the clouds. His heart was almost torn and he felt anger and sorrow at the same time. He was not a happy cat. ((Where's Nano????? He used to be one of the most active cats around and now he's no where to be seen!!!!!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:50pm Aug 16 2009
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Lynxpaw saw Nightstar arrive in the camp. Her tail twitched with her excitement.