Warrior Cats RPG

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8:49am Aug 20 2009

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Foxpaw laughed silently and did a spectacular leap into the air. She was trying to show that she loved the idea. Not far away, Wolf was doing the same thing, watching her with pure bliss. Foxpaw smiled at Nightshade and gently nuzzled her. 

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9:42am Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 706
Frostwing laughed gently at the new apprentice and said, "I'm glad I p*censored*ed your test."

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10:41am Aug 20 2009

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Desired Name: Sparrowfeather (paw right now)

Position: Apprentice

Family: None

Mate: None

Age:6 Moons

Clan: StormClan


~Additional Info~

Gender: Female

Appearence:Brown and Black tortiseshell, has a suprising amount of gray in her pelt despite her young age.

Personality: She was born a rogue kit and raised in hiding before her mother's death. She had no oher siblings so at the age of 5 moons, she realized that she would not be able to fend for herself without a clan. She heard StormClan is vast in numbers and hopes to join their ranks.


10:43am Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 5,279
Sparrowpaw sniffed through the undergrowth, avoiding fox trails and following the scent of cats. She hoped that StormClan wouldn't attack her.


12:29pm Aug 20 2009

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Wolf froze when he barely sensed the shuffle of a padded paw step. he turned his head and sniffed the air. He leapt down from the tree and he landed in front of Sparrowpaw.

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12:33pm Aug 20 2009

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Sparrowpaw bristled from head to tail. "Who are you?!"


12:38pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 2,046
Wolf bristled himself. "Watch your tongue Sparrowpaw!" He hissed. "The more question is who are you and what are you doing on Stormclan territory?" He snarled. He was in a good mood, but if the apprentice was rude, he would be his teacher and teach him some manners.

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12:40pm Aug 20 2009

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"I'm sorry." said Sparrowpaw, bowing her head slightly. "You must be a Stormclan warrior. I am Sparrowpaw, as you know." she said. "I am searching for the humble protection of a clan, so I am not killed in my sleep by a hungry fox or angry badger."


12:43pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 2,046
Wolf sniffed and smiled slightly. "I am no Stormclan. I am the protector of the clans. Come. i will bring you into the clan so you can meet Nightstar. If you went into their territory yourself, you will surely die." He said simply. He mentioned for her to follow. "Come." he whispered, walking towards the tunnel.

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12:45pm Aug 20 2009

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"Yes sir." said Sparrowpaw, gulping at the thought of cats tearing her to shreds upon her entry to camp. She padded after him silently, pawstep for pawstep, not wanting to disturb anyhting else.


12:50pm Aug 20 2009

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Wolf walked into the camp and he gazed his sightless eyes hard n Nightstar. "Nightstar!" he called. He could feel Frostwing. It pained him, yet enlightened him. "You might want to pick another mentor because you just gained another apprentice!" He called in a loud, yet enchanting voice. His voice echoed through the camp. he could feel Sparrowpaw behind him.

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12:52pm Aug 20 2009

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Sparrowpaw shyly looked around camp at the dozens of eyes fixed on her as she sat behind the protector. "Thank you sir." she said politely to the cat.


12:53pm Aug 20 2009

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Wolf smiled slightly. "Don't be frightened. They wouldn't dare attack you with me around." he said in a gentle voice. If they did, they know what I could do to them. He added to himself.

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12:57pm Aug 20 2009

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Sparrowpaw smiled. "Ok, Thank you anyways though." she said, standing and walking around camp a little bit. She sniffed some brambles and then returned to Wolf. "Who will be my mentor?" she asked.


1:00pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 2,046
Wolf snarled slightly, but stopped. "We have to wait for Nightstar to decide. Stay still." He said between clenched teeth. He had caught sight of Skyshadow.

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1:01pm Aug 20 2009

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Sparrowpaw froze. "Why?" she said, a bit panicy. "Did I do something wrong?"


1:03pm Aug 20 2009

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Wolf shook his head slowly. "No. Im just..." He paused. "Nevermind. Just stay put and wait for Nightstar's command." Wolf muttered.

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1:05pm Aug 20 2009

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"Got it." said Sparrowpaw, sitting down.


2:09pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 706
Frostwing stared at Wolf and the young she-cat next to him. Who was she? Did he have another mate? Was this their daughter, whom he wanted to learn the ways of the clan? She gulped, knowing that Wolf could sense what she was feeling and thinking. She put on a light voice and said, "Welcome Wolf. How are you since.... our meeting?"

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2:11pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 2,046
Wolf froze slightly, but un-tensed and smiled slightly. "Well." He lied. "You?" He asked lightly. "this is Sparrowpaw. i found her wandering around Stormclan territory and I figured she wanted to become part of the clan."

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