Warrior Cats RPG

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2:13pm Aug 20 2009

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Sparrowpaw shifted her paws uneasily. "Hello miss." she said politely.


2:13pm Aug 20 2009

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((Lost post. :( ))


2:43pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 706
Frostwing nodded curtly and said, "So she's not your daughter? Of another cat?"

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2:45pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 2,046
Wolf froze entirely this time and stayed like that. In a deathly quiet voice, he answered her. "Now what made you think that, Frost?"

OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n

3:00pm Aug 20 2009

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Sparrowpaw scooted away a little bit. Awkward.......


7:15pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 1,441

Nightstar smiled at Sparrowpaw and Wolf. "I suppose another apprentice couldn't hurt." She looked around the clearing, deciding which cat to mentor Sparrowpaw. "Hmmmm...........Ok, I've decided. StormClan, we've once more added a new apprentice. Sparrow come on up here." Nightstar meowed, moving her tail to a spot for Sparrowpaw to sit. "Shadesky will be her new mentor." Shadesky gasped, not expecting to mentor an apprentice so soon.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

7:23pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 2,046

Wolf still stared blindly at Frost, his eyes creating a spiral of blue. He looked away and walked towards Nightstar. He stood on the highrock. Foxpaw nudged him. he looked at her.


 What are you doing?! Only leaders stand there! She thought. 


 Wolf smiled slightly as he stood beside Nightstar. "Nightstar. Do you mind if I stay in your territory for a few days?" He asked, his voice gentle and holding wisdom beyond Nightstar's age, but having a strange commanding air. 

OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n

7:32pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 5,279
Sparrowpaw smiled proudly and leaped to sit next to Nightstar. "Thank you Nightstar, Wolf, and Shadesky" She said, bowing her head.


8:11pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 1,441

"Your welcome, glad to be of help." Nightstar replied sweetly.

Shadesky finally spoke up. "Your welcome. WHen do you want to start training?"

Skyshadow smiled. "We can start right now. Which would you rather do, hunt or train? I'm fine with either one!"

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

8:16pm Aug 20 2009

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Wolf nodded his head. "I will be staying near the entrance of the tunnel. I hope you don't mind." he said quietly, his gaze boring into hers. Foxpaw paused, caught in his gaze.

OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n

8:21pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 5,279
"Ummm, I think I'm better at hunting." said Sparrowpaw, hopping off the rock to greet her new mentor.


8:26pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 1,441

Nightstar nodded, allowing Wolf to stay. "Just make yourself at home."

"Alright, then lets go. Well start off towards the west, and head to the east. Sound good?" He asked, opening up a bit more.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

8:26pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 2,046
Foxpaw batted Nightstar's paw gently. She nipped Nightstar's ear and pulled her towards the fighting ground. She wanted to start with fighting. She was already good at hunting.

OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n

8:29pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 5,279
"Sounds great!" replied Sparrowpaw.


8:36pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 706
Frostwing had stayed silent during his exchange with Nightstar. What had made her think that? The way he looked at her? No. Maybe he was just helping a young, lost cat. "I don't know," she said in a voice as quietly as him.

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8:45pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 2,046
Wolf sighed when he ehard Frost. He trotted to the entrance of the tunnel, gazed at Frost one last time, before exiting and lying down on the left side of the tunnel and gazing into the forest. Blind by sight, but seeing by senses.

OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n

9:00pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((gotta go))


9:07pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 706

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11:45pm Aug 20 2009

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Posts: 694
Chippaw grinned and gave a soft whimper as she lifted her paw, it was bleeding again and said "SkyShadow my paw is sore." softly. She was still not used to pain and she nuzzled into Skyshadow's flank for comfort.


9:31am Aug 21 2009 (last edited on 9:41am Aug 22 2009)

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Posts: 5,279
Sparrowpaw flicked her tail eagerly. "So when are we touring the territory?" she asked Shadesky. (That is her mentor right?) She gave her pelt a quick lick in case they would find something to eat on the way. She didn't want her pelt to gleam with grease in the sunlight.

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