8:54pm Aug 22 2009
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((I think I'll make a medicine cat unless someone else wants to.))
8:55pm Aug 22 2009
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((My post is missing, *healing powers activate*))
8:59pm Aug 22 2009
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((Ok yeah you can be med. cat. I wonder how sympathetic DarkClan medicine cats are...? I guess I'll have to find out! XD))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
9:04pm Aug 22 2009 (last edited on 9:18pm Aug 22 2009)
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Desired Name:Nightcloud Position: Medicine Cat
Family: Secretly mother to the Darkclan leader, Bloodstar. Mate: Deceased Age: 25 moons Clan: DarkClan Additional Info Gender: Female Appearence:A light, ashen gray she-cat with a fluffy white undercoat Personality: Nightcloud is a very troubled cat with a dark and mysterious past. She is Bloodstar's mother, and tries hard not to let it show. She abandoned him and his brothers in a tall tree nest in LeafClan territory and that tree happened to be struck by lightning, killing all the others except for him. Nightcloud, despite breaking the warrior code, couldn't be more proud of her son.
9:04pm Aug 22 2009
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((Epic right?))
9:08pm Aug 22 2009
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((lol yeah thats epic! in my own little warrior cat world, Stormcloud was the original maker of StormClan! XD and wait a second, should a cat be named after a Clan? oh well, we already have a Leafpelt. so are we gonna act like Leafpelt runs into these cats or....?))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
9:11pm Aug 22 2009
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((Ooooh yeah. Do you want me to change it? I forgot. XD I feel like I'm insulting Darkclan now by naming their med. cat after their enemy. Why don't we just have Bloodstar *censored*ign Soulpaw a mentor and stuff then go from there?))
9:14pm Aug 22 2009
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((Ok yeah sure and lol, i laughed when i read the part about Stormcloud's name insulting DarkClan. i laugh at many random things and sure, just start off by naming Soulpaw's mentor. either of my to charrys could be the mentor, doesnt matter/ or any other cat in DarkClan. any now that im thinking about this, why didnt we make LeafClan cats? that would of helped whats going on right now, but DarkCLan would be more fun to RP, so whatever. you start))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
9:20pm Aug 22 2009
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be right back i gotta go for a couple of minutes but no longer than 5 minutes!
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
9:21pm Aug 22 2009 (last edited on 9:22pm Aug 22 2009)
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9:23pm Aug 22 2009
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((*is excited*)) Bloodstar looked down at the rotting camp. It smelled foul. "How long was I gone?!" he growled, grinding his claws on the hard metal. Nightcloud leaped out of the medicine den. "Bloodstar! You're back! I'm sorry, a terrible plague swept through camp, killing off many, leaving only Soulpaw, Deathfang and Fishleap." Bloodstar yowled angrily. "So now I'm left with a mere two warrios, an apprentice and you?!" Blodstar growled and turned away. "Terrible." Nightcloud gulped. "Souldpaw was just apprenticed today, he needs a mentor." she said. Bloodstar yawned. "Of course." he said. He padded over to the entrance to his den, a beaten rabbit hole, higher than the rest of the cave. "Soulpaw, please step forward." he said, flicking his tail impatently. "Deathfang, please step forward."
9:25pm Aug 22 2009
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Soulpaw went forward. His heart leaped as he heard Bloodstar call Deathfang to come forward. Me, apprenticed by the deputy!
9:28pm Aug 22 2009
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Bloodstar saw the apperent happieness on Soulpaw's face and felt peased by his desision. He didn't choose Fishleap because he didn't want her beauty to distract Soulpaw's training, after all this cat showed great potential!
9:33pm Aug 22 2009
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((maybe i'll be a bit longer.... more than 5 minutes. i gotta do quite a bit, but i'll be back on later. post whenever you log off so i know please!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
9:34pm Aug 22 2009
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((ok... *sigh*))
9:55pm Aug 22 2009
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((gotta go!))
9:56pm Aug 22 2009
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((ok bye))
9:58pm Aug 22 2009
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Posts: 507
(( Oooooh, new clan. *plots* Can a high-ranked cat from DarkClan be interested in Leafpelt but she doesn't like him? Or the other way around? :D )) Leafpelt sat in silence, patiently waiting for a response of some sort from a cat from StormClan. After waiting several minutes however, she grew tired of waiting. Obviously, Leafpelt would have to come back at another time. When she turned to venture off in a different direction, her eyes were caught on another cat. Dogheart. Annoyed, Leafpelt rolled her eyes and sighed. Why is he here? Why is he still following me? Dogheart was acting weird, but now was not the time to get to the bottom of it. If he were to continue to follow her, Leafpelt would start to show her feelings. As she padded over the soft forest floor, Leafpelt's ear's picked up some noises. Noises of other cats. She followed the sound, hoping to find a clan. Although a clan that wouldn't tear her to shreds. When she reached where the sound was coming from, Leafpelt sat near the border of clan territory and started to meow. She meowed in an alerting, peaceful way, just like she had done when she came across StormClan.
10:11pm Aug 22 2009
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Deathfang stepped foward, proudly walking towards the center where his new apprentice now stood. "Wait a second." Fishleap called out. "What's that noise? It's like a cat of something. Should I go and see what it is before we start this ceremony?" She said. ((Leafpelt don't go anywhere, DarkClan might come! I just got to wait for Bloodstar to make the decision! and yeah, i love the plot! i would probably make if Leafpelt likes...some DarkClan member and then go on from there!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:12pm Aug 22 2009
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((I edited/am editing the first page and it's going to say the plotish thing that's going on! and Wolfmoon, where are you? Foxpaw needs to move!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing