10:20pm Aug 22 2009
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Posts: 694
Chippaw looked to Sparrowpaw, "Hello, Nice to meet you." her eyes sparkling as she looked at Skyshadow, "Time for training?" as she sat up, her tail wiggling as she nuzzled at Sparrowpaw then at Skyshadow.
10:25pm Aug 22 2009
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Posts: 694
Chippaw sighed as she waited for her training to start and she began wandering off exploring the territory when she stepped over the border and she looked around confused.
10:27pm Aug 22 2009
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10:30pm Aug 22 2009
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"Chippaw, your out of our territory! You just crossed the border. Come on back now! Let's see you try to hunt down some prey!" Skyshadow called out to Chippaw.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:16pm Aug 22 2009 (last edited on 11:13am Aug 24 2009)
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Posts: 706
((Sorry, Was gone.)) Frostwing smiled and said, "So..... how's Sparrowpaw doing...." She wanted to tell him something important, but was scared of how he would react. ((I is going to created a Darkclan bio!!)) Desired Name: Shadowfang Position: Warrior Family: None Mate: None Age: 30 moons Clan: DarkClan Additional Info Gender: Male Appearence:  Personality: Cold-hearted. Some say he killed his family, for when they were found dead, he appeared emotionless and covered in blood. He claims he was killing a fox and his mate, but no one can prove it as there were no bodies of the fox. He claims he buried them so they wouldn't attract crows. No one can keep a locked gaze with him.
1:29am Aug 23 2009 (last edited on 1:30am Aug 23 2009)
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Posts: 694
(I would do a darkclan character but I'm still not good enough at roleplaying to do one.) Unknown to Chippaw, she had wandered onto DarkClan territory. Yawning she sat down and began to wash herself and then pronced onto a crow. She carried it back to Skyshadow crossing back into her territory, "Like this?" She asked proudly.
8:36am Aug 23 2009 (last edited on 8:52am Aug 23 2009)
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((Ok Dash, I'll go add you charry, and ERlover, i think you're good enough to make a DarkCLan cat! Besides, I'm trying to see if I can get everyone to make at least one DarkCLan cat, and they would be fun to RP, since they are so agile and mean! And I don't know if you want to do this or not Dash, but what if Shadow was Shadowfang's brother or something but they didn't know?!?!? And ATTENTION EVERYBODY WHO RP'S ON THE FORUM: I know a lot of us have stopped using the colour code since StormClan was the only active Clan, but now we'll need to start up the colours again since DarkClan is alive once more. StormClan will be written in blue, DarkClan will be written in brown, rogues will be pink or purple, and loners will be in ANY light colour. Loners can have a background colour if needed, like so.)) "Uhhhh, well, I need to teach you the hunter's crouch, but could you smell the scent markers, because you just entered another Clan's territory! Come back over here before they find out! DarkClan aren't the nicest cats around!" Skyshadow quickly told Chippaw, hoping that DarkClan were all in there camp. In fact, she had hardly seen DarkClan for a while. Sure they don't come out much, but they're still very protective about their borders and prey. ".....We need to get rid of that scent...go roll in...that badger dung over there. We have to do this all the time when we don't want anybody to notice us."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:12am Aug 23 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((Yippee!)) "Deathfang, my own deputy, are you prepared to take on thisapprentice as your own, the waay you apprenticed Fishleap in her young age?" asked Bloodstar. Nightcloud stiffened and turned to Fishleap. "It does sound like a cat!" she said. "Go check it out, If Bloodstar needs you I'll explain you're absence." she said. She turned to Shadowfang. "You too, go with her in case it is an enemy." she ordered. Sparrowpaw looked up at her mentor. "Can we go to the training hollow now?" she asked.
11:52am Aug 23 2009
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11:53am Aug 23 2009
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11:58am Aug 23 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((whatever~ Shadesky is still talking to Frostwing! But I'm going to make him come back in the post, hopefully!)) "Yes, I am." Deathfang replied proudly. "Ok." Fishleap said as she whisked out of camp and into the open air. She ran all the way across her territory to see a she-cat standing on the edge of her territory, meowing out. Fishleap stopped running and walked up to the stranger. "Hello, who are you?" She said, trying to act nice. "Uhhh, we never started yet. He was just apprenticed to me. Frostwing, is all you want to say, because I need to get back to Sparrowpaw? She's been waiting a while!" Shadesky replied as he walked fast back into camp. "Sparrowpaw, come here. We're going to start hunting. Skyshadow and Chippaw already left."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:01pm Aug 23 2009
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Soulpaw gazed proudly at Deathfang. His tail twitched.
12:05pm Aug 23 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((*is too lazy to edit* Just pretend Sparrowpaw never talked)) Sparrowpaw batted a butterfly out of the air before aknowledging her mentor. "Great! So do we go to the training hollow to practice my crouch, or do we just go out there and wing it?" Bloodstar smiled. "Soulkit, you will now be referred to as Soulpaw and Deathfang will be your mentor. I want you two on the dawn patrol tomorrow, so get started." said Bloostar, hopping down from the hole. He examined the empty fresh kill pile. "Hmmmm. Fishleap?" he said, whirling around camp. Nightcloud padded up to Bloodstar. "Fishleap went to investigate mewing at the border, she should be back soon." she said. Bloodstar nodded. "Shadowfang, will you come hunting with me?" he asked.
12:09pm Aug 23 2009
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Posts: 1,299
Soulpaw looked at Deathfang. "What should we do now?" he asked.
12:23pm Aug 23 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((I can't find the page where I joined... Im sorry I think I cant keep up anymore. I will have to drop out, sorry!))
I'm Feline♥
12:49pm Aug 23 2009 (last edited on 12:50pm Aug 23 2009)
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((felineLOVER i could tell you the page you joined at if you'd like. or i could tell you what happened. i'm good at making summarys very short! and sorry that i havent been on much today everyone! im obsessed with playing Donkey Kong 64! XD)) Shadesky smiled. "Let's wing it." He ran out of the entrance with Sparrowpaw right behind him. Deathfang looked at Soulpaw. "We'll start off teaching you the hunter's crouch, so you'll be able to hunt tomorrow while we patrol the borders. Let's go to the training hollow so I can teach you how to hunt right."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:57pm Aug 23 2009
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Soulpaw nodded. "Okay."
1:01pm Aug 23 2009
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Deathfang walked out of the camp and ran to the training hollow, waiting for Soulpaw to catch up.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:03pm Aug 23 2009
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Soulpaw ran to the training hollow. He stumbled to a halt when he reached his destination.
1:08pm Aug 23 2009
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Posts: 1,441
"Alright, now copy what I do." Deathfang ordered Soulpaw as he crouched down, balencing all his weight on his 4 paws. "Make sure to balence your weight evenly and stay low, almost touching the ground."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing