Warrior Cats RPG

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10:45am Aug 24 2009 (last edited on 11:07am Aug 24 2009)

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Bloodstar paced around the camp. What was taking Fishleap so long? Terrorkit was in need of a mentor! Bloodstar clawed athe the ground impatiently.


10:51am Aug 24 2009

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Posts: 706

((Read everything so I'm caught up.))


Frostwing stared after Shadesky with a hurt ex
pression. Had her meeting with Wolf pushed him away? All she had wanted to know was if she really loved Shadesky. Now she knows she does, but doesn't get a chance to let him know it. She returned to camp and said, "Nightstar?"


Shadowfang nodded sharply and follwed his leader out of the camp. He knew he should have listened to Nightcloud and followed Fishleap, but Deathfang had taughter her well and she would yowl if she needed help. She had the looks of a friendly, safe she-cat. But that was way off. She would be fine. IT aggrivated him that Nightcloud felt that she had the authority to order him around. He would listen to Deathfang and Bloodstar because they were ranked above him. He turned to look behind him before leaving the camp and saw Terrorpaw. He lightly bumped Bloodstar's shoulder, for that was the gentlest Darkclan was, and said, "Sir? What about Terrorpaw? He is still unapprenticed."

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10:52am Aug 24 2009

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Posts: 706
((Whoops. Late post))

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11:02am Aug 24 2009

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Posts: 5,279
Bloodstar shrugged. "Terrpaw- I was planning on apprenticing her to Fishleap, but seeing as she is unavailable, I suppose you could do it. I was hoping on hunting though." he said.


11:15am Aug 24 2009

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Posts: 706
Shadowfang nodded sharply once more. He didn't care who mentored Terrorpaw, he just wanted her mentored to help the clan grow. "Do you want me to find her? You can hunt while I find her and then we meet back at camp to apprentice Terrorpaw. Officially." It angered him that Fishleap got an apprentice before him, even though he was older. But having Deathfang as a mentor had made her the better warrior. It made him think of Frostbite. It wasn't his fault she wasn't the best warrior Darkclan even had.

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11:22am Aug 24 2009 (last edited on 11:22am Aug 24 2009)

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Posts: 5,279
"Good plan." said Bloodstar. "I think Terrorpaw will be either in the nursery, apprentice's den or the medicine den." he said. "Hope that helps." Bloodstar started out of camp into the dark ferns.


1:37pm Aug 24 2009

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Posts: 441

ya who will like leafpelt???

a wise wolf(me<---) once said my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...

1:56pm Aug 24 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((Hows about we make it super epical and Bloodstar likes her? She doesn't join the clan and the two meet secretly?))


2:01pm Aug 24 2009

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Posts: 5,279
Bloodstar's coat blended with the sands above the tunels. A scrawny bird plucked at the ground in secrh of worms. Bloodstar creot forward and waited. A hawk swooped down and killed the sparrow. Bloodstar lept on top of the bird swiftly and cracked it's wings before biting the neck. Two pieces of prey for the price of one.


2:16pm Aug 24 2009

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Desired Name: Mystery

Position: rouge

Family: all dead

Mate: none

Age: 3 moons

Clan: none

Additional Info

Gender: Female

Appearence: Black fur and cold blue eyes.

Personality: Myterous, shy, extreamly good at stalking since her fur smells so much like the land around her and that she is so quiet, calm for a kit.



Mystery woke up from a bad dream, and snuggled close to her mother, but something was wrong.  Her mother was cold!  "Mama?" She asked.  A strange sent was comeing from her mother.  "Mama!" She cried, worried now.  Suddenly, she smelled a monster.  A big one.  "Wake up!" She cried to her mother.  But she would still not wake up.  The monster was close to them now.  Mystery let out a cry and raced in the other direction.  She heard the sound of a twoleg chasing her.  But she was faster.  When she got away she relised that she was in a strange place.  She let out a soft cry and hid in a bush.  When she calmed herself down she relised she sented cats.  Too afraid to come out, she stayed in the bush and wached what was happing.


2:18pm Aug 24 2009

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Posts: 706

((Or we could make it that Bloodstar and Shadowfang both like her, but they don't know the other does. So they are both sneaking around to meet her.)) 


Shadowfang returned to the camp entrance to find Fishleap's scent. He quickly found it and swiftly followed it to where Leafpelt and Fishleap were talking. He looked at the she-cat Fishleap was talking to. She was beautiful, but he knew he couldn't let that affect his duties, "Who are you?" he growled.

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2:46pm Aug 24 2009

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Posts: 5,279

((Oooooohh! THAT'S Epic!!!!))

Bloodstar dragged his kill to the DarkClan camp. The hawk was big enough to feed the whole clan! Bloodstar's proud air went away. Only because the clan had a mere few cats. He tore the wing of the hawk and dragged it to the medicine den to share it with Nightcloud.


3:31pm Aug 24 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((gotta go))


4:17pm Aug 24 2009

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Posts: 441
whatever- are you coming back????

a wise wolf(me<---) once said my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...

4:38pm Aug 24 2009 (last edited on 4:39pm Aug 24 2009)

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Posts: 1,441

((Sweet! EPICNESS!!!!! And why hasn't Leafpelt talked back yet? I posted two times of Fishleap trying to talk to her, and she hasn't written back! And you guys can pick out which ever love case ya want. It's between you guys. Love the epic one, lol! And does anyone know where Wolfmoon is? Maybe Wolfy went to school or whatever, because everyone's starting school again. WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T DROP OUT!!!!!!!!!!Nano post more of Dogheart!!!!!))

Fishleap turned around, he smile for Leafpelt turning into an evil frown. "Deal with her, I'm going back to camp. And why'd ti take you so long to get here?" She whisppered quietly to Shadowfang, too quiet for Leafpelt to here.

Shadesky chuckled a bit. "Sure, just don't take too long of a nap. I'll wake you around(Let's just say whatever the next thing is that means later on! Like sunset, dawn, ect. Whatever fits!) _____." He told Sparrow paw as he made his way back to camp.

((Omg did we do a ceremony for Shadow? O.o I don't think we did but oh well! And should we say that Shadow is Shadowfang's brother but they don't find out until later? Just trying to make up plots here!))

Shadow ran out into the forest, wind rushing through his fur. Yes! He was finally a Clan cat! He climbed up a trere and saw a robin and a bluebird chatting, but that conversation would soon be over. He pounced, biting the robin on the neck and clawing the blue jay's neck, killing them both. He jumped down with his catch, burying the birds for later. He then walked fowards, and saw three cats on the other side of the border. There was a pretty she-cat, a tom, and another she-cat who seemed to be a rogue. "Who are they?"

Skyshadow padded quickly over to Chippaw, immediatley scanning her over. "Does anything hurt?"

Nightstar looked at the new deputy as she called her name. "Yes, what is it, Frostwing?"

Shadesky saw Shadow as he spoke his words. "That's DarkClan. I haven't seen them for a while! They disapeared a couple seasons ago and didn't show their faces for a while. Something happened down in the tunnels that was very tragic to the Clan. Nobody but DarkClan knows what happened, because those mangy cats won't tell!"

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

6:25pm Aug 24 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Sparrowpaw stretched awake and padded into the clearing. It was just before the time Shadesky was to wake her up. She flicked her tail happily.

Bloodstar finished the hawk wing. "Nightcloud, keep an eye on camp, it's been a while and niether of my warriors have returned." he growled.


8:00pm Aug 24 2009

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Posts: 5,279


8:22pm Aug 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 441
girls didnt post back cuase she was at my house today and we had a sleepover yesterday lol

a wise wolf(me<---) once said my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...

8:24pm Aug 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 706

((Kool. That is why they are both named Shadow. I'm kool with it.))


Shadowfang growled, "I could have just left you here. I was trying to hunt with Bloodstar. Return to camp, he wants you to mentor Terrorkit." Under his breath he added, "Whelp." This he turned his gaze to Leafpelt. She was indeed very attractive. Damn Fishleap for leaving him with her. He growled again, trying to seem meaner, but it turned into just a sound, not a real threat. That only angered him more, but he couldn't seem to take that anger out on this strange she-cat. "Once again, who are you?" he asked in a strained voice.

 ((Sorry for the swearing, but when I try to think of his character, I think of a jerk in school who swears a lot. Which in my mind is evil people= evil cat.))

Frostwing sighed and said, "Just to make sure, Shadesky's your son right?"

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8:31pm Aug 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 694

Terrorpaw was walking around the place bored and she suddenly attacked a crow sitting on the ground with a blood sucking look in her eyes as she bit it.


Chippaw was waiting for training to start and she looked to her paws and said "I wonder if i'm good enough to train out loud." her white ears flicking around at the sounds, "A ex loner who is an orphan." 

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