8:32pm Aug 24 2009
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Posts: 706
((I is bored, so I am creating another cat. Should it be Darkclan or Stormclan? I like either and have one in both, so please choose.))
8:40pm Aug 24 2009
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Posts: 706
((I feel like making another cat. But I can't decide what to make him/her. Loner, Rouge, Darkclan, or Stormclan? I don't really care, for I like either choice, and I have a cat in both clans. Help?))
8:44pm Aug 24 2009
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Posts: 694
((Hmm I say make an Darkclan which could be an ex Rouge hehe))
8:47pm Aug 24 2009
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Posts: 706
((Kool. I almost made a wolf that stalked the cats.))
9:01pm Aug 24 2009
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Posts: 507
(( Sorry! I didn't see yer posts. )) Leafpelt frowned when she saw she upset clan members already. Now, there was nothing much she could do. The best thing she knew was to lay low, and slowly grow a relationship with the cats. "I'm sorry.." she started, lowering her head. "My name is Leafpelt, and I- I've come to make peace with the clans." she said in a low voice, trying not to anger the cat. "You know, just so I can be safe as a loner, sort of.." she added, looking up to ShadowFang.
9:05pm Aug 24 2009
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Posts: 706
Desired Name: Foxtail Position: Warrior Family: None Mate/Crush: Fishleap? Age: 20 moons Clan: DarkClan Additional Info Gender: Male Appearence:  Personality: Was a rouge that lived with Shadow, Frost, and Wolf. But he was always crueler than the latter. He heard Wolf talk about the clans and the great battles they had. Just the though of battling made adrenline run through his veins. When Frost left Wolf, Shadow and himself, Fox had said good riddence. Who needs a single she-cat in a group of toms any ways, right? When Wolf left, Fox said he's just heart broken over Frost. When Shadow left him, Fox said it's time to get a taste of life. He got up and crossed StormClan borders, asking to join. Sunstar had agreed, but had quickly regretted his choice when he learned how Blood thirsty Fox was. Fox would hunt constantly, but it was never for the food, it was to take something's life. He would track down foxes and badgers to kill them. For this he was kicked out of StormClan. But he knew he wanted another clan. So he crossed the border and found DarkClan. It was just his luck to find a clan just as evil as he was. He was named for the fox tail he had been dragging from the fox he had killed crossing the border. His only soft spot is for Fishleap, but only he knows that.

9:06pm Aug 24 2009
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Posts: 706
((G2G)) Shadowfang scoffed. "You? Be safe as a loner? What idiot told you that?"
9:10pm Aug 24 2009
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Posts: 507
Leafpelt cringed back, intiidated a little by Shadowfang. "Well, I know that loners are never safe..." she said, making no eye contact. "But your clan looks big and interesting, you see" she added, trying to blurt out any compliments she could think of. "I mean, maybe I can be a friend of the clan... maybe." Once she spoke, she stepped back. It was too late now, and after she said it, it sounded like she was some sort of idiot.
9:45pm Aug 24 2009
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Posts: 706
Shadowfang flinched inwardly. Why did it bug him that he scared her? Why was he feeling this way about a cat he met two minutes ago? Was he going crazy? Was there catnip nearby? Then he realized he was still, trying, glaring at Leafpelt and said, "Well, I am Shadowfang. And you picked the wrong clan to be friends with. This is a warning. Step foot on our territory again and you won't be able to make that mistake again." He said told her what would happen for her, and also for himself. If anyone found out he let her live, he would be put on apprentice duties, not that there was much to do. But he didn't care, and half way hoped she wouldn't listen to him and return anyway. But he hoped she returned when only he was near... Foxtail laid in the shadows of the entrance, awaiting the return of Fishleap. He had found his reason to talk to her. He had overheard Shadowfang and Bloodstar talking in the entrance tunnel. Dispite his coloring, he was unseen in the shadows. When she returned, he half-way growled, "Where have you been? Bloodstar wants you to train Terrorkit and has been waiting on your return." Frostwing stared at the ground, embarr*censored*ed. So she had asked her leader about her son, what could happen? Everything could happen. Wouldn't Nightstar be interested in why her deputy had asked about her son? Wouldn't she wonder what was going on? She would've noticed how Shadesky seemed to be avoiding Frostwing, after spending many days together. Frostwing nervously kneaded the ground, waiting for an answer.

9:45am Aug 25 2009
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Posts: 4,848
Mystery watched. I should get out of here... She thought. But for some reason her paws would not carry her away.
10:28am Aug 25 2009
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Posts: 1,299
Soulpaw gave a growled of frustration. This time he leapt at Deathfang and landed onto his back battering him and sometimes kicking his sides.
3:25pm Aug 25 2009
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Posts: 5,279
Bloodstar halted and whirred around. "Shadowfang, what took you so long? What was the matter?" he said.
3:26pm Aug 25 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((Oh and Ribunny, you need to use color coding, Rogues and loners are pink i think.))
3:41pm Aug 25 2009
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Posts: 507
Leafpelt nodded, before even interpreting what she was nodding to. Shadowfang scared her, but she felt that deep inside he had some good in him. When he left, Leafpelt decided it was her time to leave, too. She did not want to spend anymore time in a place where it was gaurenteed she was not safe. She left herself to continue to wander around, not knowing where she was going. Although her brain told her not to, Leafpelt walked along the sides of Darkclan territory, almost invading across their scent lines. She just had a feeling that something good might happen.
3:49pm Aug 25 2009 (last edited on 3:49pm Aug 25 2009)
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Posts: 5,279
((How about a spat with Nightcloud?)) Nightcloud wandered away from camp to collect herbs that grew along the border. She scented a loner and growled, following the scent. It was awfull suspicious for a loner's scent to be so close to the border to the wastelands of DarkClan.
4:09pm Aug 25 2009
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Posts: 507
Leafpelt froze when she heard someone following her. She quickly turned around, and saw another cat. A darkclan cat. "He-hello," she paused, frightened. "I'm Leafpelt." Slowly, she inched towards the cat, hoping she wouldn't get hurt. (( I have to go for a few hours now.. Bye! ))
4:20pm Aug 25 2009
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Posts: 5,279
Nightcloud hissed. "Stay back loner, one hair on Darkclan Territory and you'll be shredded! I did my time as a warrior!" she growled, unsheathing her claws.
7:29pm Aug 25 2009
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Posts: 706
Shadowfang flashed around and growled, "I made a loner leave our territory with fear in her heart."
8:06pm Aug 25 2009
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Posts: 507
Once again, Leafpelt cringed back in fear. "Oh-ok," she started, backing away slowly. As she backed away, her eyes were caught on the sight of Nightcloud's sharp claws. She did not want to get hurt. In fact, she did not even want to stay around. Out of nowhere, Leafpelt immdiately turned around and across the border of their territory. She hoped Nightcloud would just leave her alone, leaving another cat to deal with her. Hopefully, a nicer one. (( Wait, what does yer post mean, Dash? ))
8:28pm Aug 25 2009
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Posts: 706
((Shadowfang had returned to camp and was being questioned on how long it took him to deal with Leafpelt.)) Shadowfang half-sighed, half-growled, before saying, "I'm going to hunt." He knew he shouldn't have snarled at Bloodstar, but he was guitly about letting Leafpelt live, but he knew part of him wouldn't let him hurt her. He turned to the tunnel, enjoying the slight pain that was brought with the thorns tugging at his fur. He was kinda hungry, and he knew that bringing extra kill would make Bloodstar not as angry. Killing, the feeling of something being torn beneath his claws. He swiftly tunred his slow, plodding walk into a swift, graceful movement of a run. He was soon at the borders. He opened his mouth, trying to scent some prey, instead he scented Leafpelt quiet near. "Leafpelt!" he called quietly.