5:50pm Aug 3 2009
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heres the scene: its green-leaf and the sun is just peaking above the horizon and all the Clans cats are doing there normal duties. i guess i'll start...this is my first RP on here so yeah..... The morning air was chilly, the sun just starting to rise. The gr*censored* was thick with dew and birds were chirping all around. A large, plump squirrel scurried along the ground, looking for any seeds or acorns that happened to fall. Unaware of the danger so close, the squirrel continued to look for food. Creeping among the hazel bush just behind the squirrel, a hungry cat hunted down it's prey. Just as the squirrel began to climb up the oak tree, Nightshade burst out of the bush, taking a giant leap and landing on the squirrel before it even knew what was going on. Nightshade to a swift bite to the neck and killed the squirrel in seconds. Covering her catch with dirt, Nightshade continued with her hunt.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:46pm Aug 4 2009
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Posts: 1,441
hello? is anyone gonna RP? apparently nobodys checking their rmail!
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:15pm Aug 4 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing appeared behind her deputy, and muttered, "Good catch." For a snow white cat, her personality was oppisite. Her dark past made her a rather dark cat. She shouldered by Nightshade, and then quickly her paw struck out and a vole was stuck to her claws. She quickly bit it, then buried it next to a rather large Oak Tree that was nearby. She crouched down, apparently stalking thin air, when she jumped several feet in the air and came down with a bluejay in her jaws. Her past had been dark, but it had given her some skills that helped her now.
5:37pm Aug 4 2009
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Posts: 1,441
"Thanks. Nice vole." Nightshade replied just before disapearing up into a tree. She climbed about a quater up the tree before coming to a stop. Silently, Nightshade crept up on a blackbird, then pouncing on it with full force. SHe had just managed to kill the bird before it called an alarm call. Coming back down with a juicy blackbird hanging from her mouth she quickly covered up her catch, then whisked past Frostwing, following the sent of a mouse.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:43pm Aug 4 2009
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Posts: 993
Frosttalon smild, the two chatting. "Aye, you've both made great catches." His smile was warm and welcoming, gaze turning between the two. He was an extrordinarily ordianay cat, though he tried not to be. Leafstar was once his mentor, and that was a bonus, but that was also many moons ago. Now, he was just Frosttalon, the warrior. good though, he caught prey muchquicker than usually in greenleaf.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
5:52pm Aug 4 2009 (last edited on 5:59pm Aug 4 2009)
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Posts: 706
Frostwing looked at Frosttalon and said, "Thank you," curtly. Then she left, collecting her prey. Just too many peole for comfort. ((G2G. Be on tonight))
6:16pm Aug 4 2009 (last edited on 6:18pm Aug 4 2009)
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"Always a pleasure to serve my Clan." Nightshade meowed, bringing back a mouse. "Have you caught anything today?" she asked Frosttalon. Nightshade then walked back a couple of feet, digging up the rest of her caught prey. ((Sorry I didn't reply for so long! I had to eat dinner!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:20pm Aug 4 2009
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Posts: 993
"Just a rabbit and a few mice." He nodded towards where he buried it a while away. "Are you going back to camp now? I'll escort you there, if so." And if she didn't mind, he forgot to add. frosttalon's pelt gleamed in the green-leaf sunlight.
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
6:28pm Aug 4 2009
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Posts: 1,441
"Yup, I'm headed back right now." Nightshade mewed, with a mouth full of fur and feathers. "And nice rabbit." She added, looking at the rabbit Frosttalon had caught.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:49pm Aug 4 2009
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Shadesky stood at the entrance of StormClan camp. Alas, he was guarding the camp, alert for any ambushes or incoming cats. Why do I have to be on guard? It's so stupid, just sitting here doing nothing but greeting any StormClan cats that happen to come in! Why couldn't Leafstar of picked someone BESIDES me? Shadesky thought to himself. He was probably the most stubbornest StormClan cat you've ever seen. He doesn't talk much, is a picky eater, sticks to the shadows, and rarely makes appearences. He wasn't a bad cat or anything; he believed in the Warrior Code and StarClan and would do anything to protect it. But he just hated standing still for so long. He'd rather be out in the forest, catching prey or most of all, getting a good exercise and chasing foxes until he caught them. Or best of all, battling. He was more than just an average warrior, he was a natural at fighting. He had fast reflexes and packed a powerful slam to the enemy he preyed on. More than anything though, he wanted to explore the land beyond the Clans territories. But he couldn't leave his Clan, he just couldn't.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:32am Aug 5 2009 (last edited on 10:38am Aug 5 2009)
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Posts: 87
Just outside of camp, nothing seemed to move, not even the tree's dared rustle their leaves, for a cat was hunting. Her steathly crouch was perfect, as her lithe body was perfectly alined, not even a hair out of place. Her large piercing green eyes narrowed slightly as she glared at the mouse that she was hunting, its small body shivered as it fed quietly on a seed it had found, completely unaware of the dangers that were lurking in the brambles. Flattening her ears against her head, she crept forward, carefully placing each paw lightly on the ground, hoping she did not create any vibration for the mouse to notice her presence. Creeping forward a couple tail-lengths, she was only a mouse-tail away, when she heard a distance sound of twig a snapping. Before she had a chance to react, the mouse darted away and into the undergrowth. A low growl rumbled in her throat as she tried to focus her attention on the stupid creature that had cost her; her kill. Standing up, she shouldered her way out of the bramble and onto the well hardened path that the clan cats usually used. "Who's...?" she growled, but she could finish a large gray and white tom came crashing through the bushes behind her. She zipped around to face the intruder. "Hey Burningstar!" mewed the creature. "Mistpaw!," She growled, cuffing the cat over the ear. "You made me loose my mouse!" (c)

10:34am Aug 5 2009 (last edited on 10:43am Aug 5 2009)
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Posts: 87
Mistpaw's ears falttened against his head as he backed away, clearly not wanting a piece of the she-cat.
"Sorry, but I was tracking you. You didn't notice me cause I was downwind!" meowed the apprentice.
Burningstar's fur bristled in anger but she let it go, knowing the apprentice had only made an honest mistake. "I guess so. But you weren't being a very good tracker seeing you made that twig snap," meowed the black she-cat. Mistpaw sighed, knowing he was off the hook for now, but he knew for future references he would be more careful. "Let's go back to camp," suggested Burningstar, but Mistpaw only nodded. Flicking her rusty red tail to the side she trotted back to the camp, beckoning Mistpaw, her apprentice, to follow.
Her Name? Burningstar, Leader of Sunclan.
10:34am Aug 5 2009
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Posts: 87
10:49am Aug 5 2009
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Posts: 1,441
nice intro, shallow! i loved it! now if only everyone else would read their rmails so they would come and RP. hmmm, we need more SunClan members.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:52am Aug 5 2009
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Posts: 87
11:20am Aug 5 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing entered the camp and found a shadow to hide in. She needed someone who trusted her and who she trusted. Nightmares about her past were torturing her. She was tired and snapped a lot at cats, like Frosttalon, who didn't mean any harm. But she couldn't sleep. She was to scared to sleep.....
11:27am Aug 5 2009
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Posts: 1,441
"Shadesky, I can take over guard if you want." Shadownight meowed to his son. "Finally! I've been standing here for hours it seems like!" Shadesky replied, glad that he could finally leave his spot and find something to snack on. He then dashed through the brambles, making his way into the camp. The food pile was a bit small, but he didn't care. He took a large mouse from the pile and sat down next to a large rock that provided plenty of shade.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:47am Aug 5 2009 (last edited on 11:49am Aug 5 2009)
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Skyshadow walked sleepily out of the Warriors den, blinking at the bright sun floating high above her. She yawned, and then went over to the fresh-kill pile. Picking up a vole, she found her brother sitting under a large rock. She carried her vole over and sat down next to Shadesky. "Aren't you supposed to be on guard?" Skyshadow asked. "I was supposed to, but Shadownight took my place. I'm so glad he did though, because I couldn't stay there for much longer. It's just about one of the only place where there aren't any trees so I was standing in the sunlight forever and I find that to be bad. I never really liked the sun that much." Shadesky replied, taking a bite out of his mouse. "Well, you're awfully talkative this morning." She replied, giggling a bit. "What's so funny?" He asked, irritated. "The sun just isn't my thing. I'd rather be out at night or in the shadows." "It's funny because you're talking so much when normally you only say a few words and you're yelling at the sun!" Skyshadow burst out laughing. Shadesky finished his mouse quickly and then cuffed his sisters left ear. "Hey!" She squeaked, sitting up straight and stopped laughing. "What, you aren't used to me cuffing your ears?" He replied, standing up and walking away. Skyshadow sighed. "He can never hold a long conversation."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:53am Aug 5 2009 (last edited on 9:44pm Aug 27 2009)
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Posts: 441
((told ya i would join nightshade!!what color do you post in if your a loner?)) Desired Name: Dogheart Position: uhh none loner Family: seperated from when he was kit Mate: none Age: 9 moons Clan: none loner Additional Info Gender: male Appearence: stuning blue-black with stripes made of scares and scaches for battle almost make him look like a taby has pircing cold blue eyes that could make the brightest joy fad Personality: hates being in presants of other cas aways ready for a fight never lets even the smalest things go history: was seperated from twolegs when only 5 moons of age cought in batle with a elderly wolf at 7 moons defeated the wolf that was already weakend from a diforent battle but was half blinded in one eye (((is this too unrealistick????)))
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
11:58am Aug 5 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 441
((ohh im guessing this color becouse thats what color you rwrote loners in lol!!)))O
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...