4:55pm Aug 30 2009
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"And we'll make sure Leafstar gets a good bite out of it!" He sneered back to the StormClan cats. "Leafstar? For StarClan's sake, haven't you heard? Nightstar is StormClan's leader. And she's better than ever." Shadesky replied back. "Any Nightstar won't be too happy when she here's about how you were stealing herbs! And besides the fact that Bloodstar is a no-good furball of fox-dung, why should he avenge us? You crossed over to our territory!" SHadow told them
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:56pm Aug 30 2009
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((Oh it's ok wolf happens to me sometimes))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:04pm Aug 30 2009
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Nightcloud retreated with a final hiss with a beline towards her own camp. After a while, her leg got numb so she was limping. She cursed remembering her marigold was expired.
5:09pm Aug 30 2009
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Deathfang spit as he moved backwards, towards camp. All 3 StormClan cats were watching them as they stayed in few until they went underground. "Bloodstar! Leafstar is no longer leader! Nightshade is! She's now Nightstar!" He told his leader sternly. ((Idk whether Fishleap should be doing this or not!)) Fishleap stood by Terrorpaw and licked her shoulder like all mentors should do.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:17pm Aug 30 2009
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Bloodstar cringed. "You guys get the picture, go ahead and start training." he ordered, leaping down to meet his deputy. "What happened?!" he snarled. Nightcloud hissed. "I got attacked by some mouse-brained idots who seem to think that collecting herbs is a crime!"
5:31pm Aug 30 2009
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"Do you think they'll be back?" Skyshadow asked stupidly, the hit to her head confusing her a bit. "Oh they'll be back for sure." Shadesky declared. "Just who do they think they are, stealing OUR herbs?" He growled as he picked up a mouthful of dropped herbs. The three of them brought the herbs back to the med. cat den as Nightstar walked through the camp entrance. "DarkClan's medicine cat was stealing our herbs on our side of the border, so I attacked her, and then we got in a little fight, and then Shadesky and Shadow came and the DarkClan deputy came, and they said that Bloodstar would avenge it!" Skyshadow quickly told Nightstar. Nightstar cringed, hoping she would never hear that. "Get your apprentices and start training them near the border where you encountered DarkClan. StarClan knows what they'll do nowadays since they've returned. I'm going with you." She ordered them loud enough for the apprentices to hear. "Now come on." She replied sternly as she led the way towards the border. "Those mouse-brained fools attacked Nightcloud!" He hissed appropiatley.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
5:57pm Aug 30 2009
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Bloodstar growled. "I outta skin them alive for attacking our medicine cat!" he hissed. He calmed down a bit. "But I must discuss this with Leaf- Nightstar." he said. Nightcloud growled angrily. "You cannot reason with those fox-hearted liars!" she hissed. Bloodstar growled. "But we must Nightcloud." he said. "It's only fair. We'll meet at the gathering tomorrow,if it even goes on anymore since the other clan's downfall." he said.
6:15pm Aug 30 2009
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((A day has now p*censored*ed! It's time for the Gathering!)) "Frostwing, Shadow, Skyshadow, Shadesky, Chippaw, Sparrowpaw, and Lynxpaw will all come to the Gathering tonight." Nightstar delcared on Highrock. "Now come along." She ordered as she ran through her territory with her Clan members behind her. After a while, they reached the Gathering place, being the first ones there. She jumped up onto a High ledge where the StormClan leader stood.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:20pm Aug 30 2009
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Lynxpaw sat down somewhere in the clering below at the Gathering place. She looked around awed by the beauty of the place.
6:24pm Aug 30 2009
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Sparrowpaw leaped up excitedly and then landed stiffly, tencing as the scratches on her back stung. Bloodstar sat on the ledge. "Shadowfang, Deathfang, Terrorpaw, Souldpaw and Nightcloud will come to the gathering tonight." he announced.
6:26pm Aug 30 2009
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Soulpaw who had arrived back at camp yesterday, jumped up as he heard his name called to go to the Gathering.
7:11pm Aug 30 2009
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Fishleap sighed as she didn't hear her name. She walked out of camp and stood guard.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:33pm Aug 30 2009
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Bloodstar led his cats to the gathering at a run, but still slow enough that Nightcloud could keep up with her wounded leg.
7:41pm Aug 30 2009
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((b back 2maro after skool!!!))
10:35pm Aug 30 2009
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Posts: 27
(( sorry for interrupting!!)) Desired Name: Dayheart Position: Just recently became a Warrior! Family: Lost brother..(to be continued if accepted) Mate: Frantically looking- her old mate got 'accidentally' thrown off a cliff Crush: ^^^^look up ^^^^ Age: 13 Moons Clan: StormClan!! Yeah !! Additional Info Gender: She-cat Appearance: [Pic not mine!!] Personality: Quiet, feminine, finds unfairness hard to deal with, feel emotions very deeply, thoughtful, a quick thinker on her feet, loyal and strong.
1:27am Aug 31 2009 (last edited on 1:29am Aug 31 2009)
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Chippaw limped towards Skyshadow and followed beside, but her head was bowed as she stared at the ground then she asked softly "You don't want to mentor me anymore do you..." Terrorpaw said "Lets go and attack some StormClan I want some action." looking to Fishleap, her tail wagged like the naughty apprentice she was.
12:20pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 1,299
Soulpaw when he arrived at the Gathering went over to see other apprentices. He saw Lynxpaw sitting somewhere and trotted over to her. "Hello," he said blinking his eyes. Lynxpaw, shocked out of her thoughts by Soulpaw's voice turned and glared. "What are you doing over here? Shouldn't you join the rest of your herb-stealing clanmates." "Wait a second. You shouldn't hold a grudge just because of herbs!" Soulpaw blurted out. He stared at Lynxpaw as if she had fallen from the sky and landed in front of his paws.
5:23pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 441
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
6:21pm Aug 31 2009
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Nightstar walked up to Shadow quietly before everyone was seated. In case anyone asks, your name is Shadownight. I'm going to annouce this to the Clan after the Gathering, but for now just say your name is Shadownight so DarkClan doesn't get suspicious." She told Shadow quietly, in such a low voice that only Shadow and herself could hear. Shadow nodded approvingly as he found a spot and sat next the younger warrior, Shadesky. (anyone noticed how those 4 characters' names go together? Shadownight-Nightshade-Shadesky-Skyyshadow-Shadownight!)
Skyshadow looked worridly at Chippaw. "What makes you think that? Your training has been delayed a bit for our medicine cat hasn't showed himself for a long time, so I'm taking on the life of a medicine cat, but I'll still always be a true warrior and your one and only mentor. And once we get back to camp, we need to look at those scratches. I think one of them is infected." Shadesky turned to see Shadw sit down next to him. "So, how do you like the place?" "It's definately beautiful." He replied, looking around. Fishleap smiled. "You actually want to get in trouble from Bloodstar? I'd be happy to attack StormClan any day, but tonight is the night of the Gathering and a full moon, for we are not allowed to fight on this night. And besides, we may be strong, but how could we possibly defat a Clan of cats if there is only two of us? But if you want, we could sneak out and watch the Gathering."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:22pm Aug 31 2009
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((ok Sweety I'll add your charry and go ahead and make the brother if you'd like!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing