3:37pm Sep 3 2009
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Bloodstar strutted into the clearing, showing his glory without aggression. "Good evening Nightstar." he said, jumping lithely onto the large rock where Bloodclan sat. "I have some things to report." he said. "For one, Darkclan has risen to it's former glory since my, re-arrival to find the previous leader, eh, dead." Sparrowpaw's ears flattned. She had never smelled Darkclan before. Disgusting! She saw their medicine cat stalk into the clearing, sitting as far from Stormclan as possible. Weren't medicine cat's supposed to be caring. ((I modeled Nightcloud after Yellowfang in the series XD just for those of you who were wondering)) Nightcloud sat at the end of the clearing with flattened ears, representing annoyance. Why wans't Bloodstar talking about the attack Stormclan had launched on her? Were theytrying to start a battle? Her scrathes still stung and there was still other places where fur was missing. She knew her cut might be infected, but she had no more herbs to treat herself.
3:37pm Sep 3 2009
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4:15pm Sep 3 2009
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((Ooooooh, ok!)) Skyshadow stared at Chippaw in dismay as she watched her apprentice collaspe. She hurridly grasped Chippaw by the scruff and into the forest. She saw her brother and quietly muttered "I need to take Chippaw back to camp really fast. I might not be back until after the Gathering, so cover for me, will you?" She told Shadesky. "Sure thing." He replied, turning towards Chippaw. Skyshadow once again picked up Chippaw and brought her to the ravine. She was worn out and the journey down the ravien would be too stressful. She dashed off, looking for any herb that could help Chippaw. She found some cobwebs, moss, and a few herbs and brought them back to where Chippaw was. She then tried to treat the infections and anything else that was wrong with her apprentice. Nightstar nodded, acting as if she was listening intently though she really didn't care as she already knew that. "Very well. Leafstar has retired, for she had been attacked by a family of foxes. We have some new warriors also. Shadownight and Blazingheart. Our new apprentices are Chippaw, Lynxpaw, Foxpaw, and Sparrowpaw. And Frostwing is the new deputy." She stared out into the clearing, looking out at all the cats. She saw that Chippaw and her daughter were missing, but she said nothing as she hoped they would be ok for whatever they were doing. Deathfang stalked across the clearing, jumping up to where the deputys sat and took a seat next to Frostwing. "You're the new deputy?" He held his tongue, and then continued on. "Congratulations." He sounded sort of nice, but his eyes were as cold as leaf-bare. Fishleap nodded approvingly. "Sure thing! Just let me get a mouse before we go. It seems as if I haven't eaten in moons!" She told Terrorpaw as she bounded down the tunnel and into the camp. She looked in the fresh-kill pile, spotting out a juicy mouse. She delightfully picked it up, ripping into it and ravenously eating. Once she had finished, she stretched, then noticed Foxtail a few fox-lengths away.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
4:26pm Sep 3 2009
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Bloodstar nodded. "I have appointed Nightcloud as our new medicine cat after Berrybark died of the plague we had. We have Terrorpaw and Soulpaw for our newest apprentices and Foxtail recently joined our clan." he said casually. "Also, I'd like to report an attack on our medicine cat by two of your warriors, Shadesky and Skyshadow." he said. Nightcloud's pelt bristled. Finally!
5:55pm Sep 3 2009
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Posts: 441
dogheart crept closer and sat next to some of the darkclan cats hoping they wouldnt relize he wasent a clan cat
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
6:07pm Sep 3 2009 (last edited on 6:13pm Sep 3 2009)
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Shadesky sat silently, disgrace and rage burning up inside his heart. DarkClan was accusing StormClan for attacking, when they were stealing StormClan's herbs! A low growl started up in his thorat, until he turned to see the same rogue he had encountered days ago hiding behind the ferns. "What are you doing here?" He hissed. Nightstar glared at Bloodstar, staring him down with ice cold eyes, turning to mint green. "Last I heard, Nicloud was stealing our herbs, for which gave us permission to attack. And how were we to know that she was the medicine cat? One of my warriors reported that they were told that she was a medicine cat only just before she'd left. So actually, DarkClan were attacking StormClan." She meowed defiantly. Shadow looked around, listening intently on what the two leaders were saying. It was unbelievable, that the DarkClan leader had accused StormClan of attacking the medicine cat! She had been stealing our herbs, and we weren't just going to sit around like the borders were nothing!
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:27pm Sep 3 2009
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Nightcloud hissed, but Bloodstar silenced her with a flick of his tail. "Nightcloud, is this true?" he asked, motioning for her to rise. Nightcloud stood up with a growl. "Yes, I splipped over the border once or twice, but I only took one herb from them so that I could treat my ingrown claw, when I was visiously attacked by a warrior. And after telling them I was a medicine cat, they proceeded by insulting me, then attacking me." she said. Bloodstar turned to Nightstar calmly, his deep red eyes burning into her pelt.
6:28pm Sep 3 2009
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Posts: 441
dogheart lisened to the conflict couruosly ignoring shadeskys hiss
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
6:39pm Sep 3 2009 (last edited on 6:45pm Sep 3 2009)
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Sparrowpaw was getting bored. She flicked her tail and stepped a little ways away from the rest of the cats so she could breathe her own air. She didn't realize she almost bumped into Dogheart.
6:43pm Sep 3 2009
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Posts: 441
dogheart wonder what to do had that aprentice seen him noticed he was not a clan cat?
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
6:49pm Sep 3 2009
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Posts: 441
did any1 not finish all the warriors serises?besides me im anly on the second serise im half-way through moonrise
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
6:51pm Sep 3 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((I'm on the third series, I haven't started the fourth one yet))
6:52pm Sep 3 2009
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Posts: 1,441
Skyshadow urged her way on, and dropped Chippaw off at the medicine cat den. She hoped Chippaw would be ok on her own, for she knew that she would probably be needed at the Gathering about the conflict between her, Shadesky, Sdhadow, and the DarkClan medicine cat. She rushed back to the Gathering, panting when she got back She arrived just in time to hear Nightstar question her. Nightstar eyed her Clanmates, scanning the area for any sign of Skyshadow. She thought for a moment, then said, "Skyshadow, Shadownight, and Shadesky were all there, is what I've heard. Are you telling me that we aren't allowed to attack cats whom have crossed the border? It is said that you must challenge all cats who cross the border, but you must not kill. Clear enough? And for your information, Skyshadow is the new medicine cat, whom was protecting Clan herbs."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:53pm Sep 3 2009
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Posts: 441
yay im not alone i just found out how many series there r i cant wait to get to the manga one
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
6:54pm Sep 3 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((I'm reading Bluestar's Prophecy and Code of the Clans right now. I just bought the boosk yesterday. Besides those 2 books, the only other book I need to read is the final Tigerstar and Sasha manga triology. The one with Moth, Hawk, and Tadpole. And omg this is so hard, trying to defend StormClan! XP I'd better go and check my new RP now.....brb!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:56pm Sep 3 2009
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Posts: 1,441
Shadesky growled, growing impatient of the rogue who had not answered and was obviously ignoring him. He unsheathed his claws, then leaped onto Dogheart, knocking him down into the forest, out of the clearing, and pinning him down. "I said what are you doing here?" SHadesky sniffed the air and noticed Sparrowpaw a few fox-lengths away.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:59pm Sep 3 2009
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Sparrowpaw jumped and followed the warrior. "Who is that?!" she hissed, bristling. Bloodstar shrugged. "Fair enough, but the attack should not have continued after Nightcloud explained herself." he said.
7:03pm Sep 3 2009
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Posts: 441
dogheart couldnt think of anything to say i cant atack nightstars clanmates whaat sould i do?? he pushed him off and thought off what to say "i.. i . was just" he strugle to think of anytheing to say"p*censored*ing by and i wanted to now what was happening"
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
7:08pm Sep 3 2009
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Posts: 5,279
Sparrowpaw bristled further. "Likely story!" she hissed. "I'll bet you were gonna attack us!"
7:11pm Sep 3 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 441
he was agen speeckless he was just trying to see what was happening"i was not" he snaped
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...