4:48pm Sep 4 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((You can get one, just go to her thread and name your price and stuff, the link is in her siggy. XD))
4:49pm Sep 4 2009
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Posts: 5,279
4:55pm Sep 4 2009
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Posts: 27
(( how can i pay her?Can you just give people money/tu? sweet!))
5:19pm Sep 4 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((Yepo, just transfer it in the bank))
6:52pm Sep 4 2009
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Posts: 441
dogheart noticed the cat he had seen before plodding twARD HIM
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
7:18pm Sep 4 2009
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Posts: 2,046
(( YO! WHAT DID I MISS?! You guys like totally ignored my post. I really want to catch up! ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
7:20pm Sep 4 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((I is back! It's a 3 day weekend so I is happeh! Anyways, hopefully it still isn't going on, but drop the talk about the unsults. Do that anywhere else BUT here. Thankies! And Wolfie, not much I can tell you because I don't no how long you've been gone! XP DarkClan has been revived, (c:<) and now the two Clans are at a Gathering. Just pretend that Foxpaw has been training alot, just to save time. Anyways, Nightcloud, the medicine cat of DarkCLan, took a few herbs from StormClan territory so some warriors attacked her and now they're talking about it a little bit at the Gathering. CHippaw thinks she's being abandoned and recently got attacked by an eagle. Fishleap and Terrorpaw snuck out of camp to watch the Gathering and Leafpelt, a rogue, is watching the Clans from a bush and Dogheart got caught at the Gathering. rMail me for any other info!)) Nightstar had almost forgotten who Dogheart was, it had been so long! She pretended as if she had not known him and mewed, "Do you have a clue as to who we are? and can't you smell the scent markers?" She questioned. Shadesky padded over to where his apprentice was, and sat down. Skyshadow spoke up. "I only attacked because StormClan needed those herbs, and stealing was not an answer to that. And she could of kept all the other herbs she'd gathered. Just the ones she got from our territory I wouldn't let her have. And at least We aren't like RockClan! They wiped out LeafClan by destroying the whole of their medicine supplies!" She answered honestly. ((Anything else I need to say?)) Fishleap bounded up the ravine, then dashing toward the gr*censored*y clearing. She skidded to a stop in front of a bush, poking her head through to see the Gathering she turned to see another she-cat, the one she had encountered yesterday, hiding inside the bush. "What are you doing here?" She seethed. Deathfang growled leaping down from his spot and padding over to where the rogue was.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:36pm Sep 4 2009
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Posts: 2,046
Foxpaw glared at Dogheart, her eyes burning. She couldn't speak, but her eyes made it clear. She would do anyting, to keep her clan from going to war. Even if it meant starting one. ~ Wolf snarled. he had had enough. he leapt down from his tree between the two. "ENOUGH!" his voice was like a whiplash through the air. the birds silenced. The animals in the woods froze. His anger seemed to radiate off his skin, making even the dogs and foxes cower in fear. ~ Foxpaw put her ears back and cowered on the ground, tail tucked against her stomach. She had never seen Wolf so mad. It frightened her to the very depth of her soul.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
7:56pm Sep 4 2009
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Posts: 507
(( Fifi, are we still doing the plan when both Shadowfang and Bloodstar like Leafpelt, or is it just Shadowfang now? ))
8:45pm Sep 4 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((Nah, I'm just gonna leave Bloodstar single until someone less wanted shows up XD))
9:17pm Sep 4 2009
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Posts: 694
Chippaw began howling as lots of eagles began to peck at her and she fall out of the tree, she began to run around trying to attack each of them, "HELP HELP I'M A WEAK APPRENTICE.........!!!! Sigh its no use no wonder SkyShadow doesnt want me."
10:25pm Sep 4 2009 (last edited on 10:26pm Sep 4 2009)
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Posts: 441
doghjeart was surprised at nightstars worlds had she forgotten him?she acted like she had never seen him before could she of realy forgotten him his first friend he could barly keep tears from flying out of his cold blue eyes that now shown suprise and sadness his eyes sstill watering he was no friend of thers anymore ovously, he was a thret to the clan and she had no reson not to atack, he thought to show hs not a weak loner or afraid he spoke "nightstar,"he started wondering if saying her name would start suspition "imean no harm but if you want a fight i wont back down" he said with a bow of his head
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
10:27pm Sep 4 2009
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Posts: 441
((any1 on?))
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
10:47pm Sep 4 2009
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Posts: 694
((nano i'm on lol))
10:48pm Sep 4 2009
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Posts: 694
Chippaw walked back to the camp after she had caught an eagle and dragged it to Skyshadow's feet, and said "Here, you like?" curious.
10:50pm Sep 4 2009
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Posts: 1,441
Nightstar blinked in suprise. Had Dogheart really fallen for it? "Er..." She was speechless. She tried making a look at him I do remember you! Just go along with it and we can talk later! She pleaded silently, for now was not the best time to talk.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:50pm Sep 4 2009
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Posts: 1,441
Nightstar blinked in suprise. Had Dogheart really fallen for it? "Er..." She was speechless. She tried making a look at him I do remember you! Just go along with it and we can talk later! She pleaded silently, for now was not the best time to talk. Skyshadow
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:50pm Sep 4 2009
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Posts: 1,441
Nightstar blinked in suprise. Had Dogheart really fallen for it? "Er..." She was speechless. She tried making a look at him I do remember you! Just go along with it and we can talk later! She pleaded silently, for now was not the best time to talk. Skyshadow pricked
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:50pm Sep 4 2009 (last edited on 10:57pm Sep 4 2009)
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Posts: 1,441
Nightstar blinked in suprise. Had Dogheart really fallen for it? "Er..." She was speechless. She tried making a look at him I do remember you! Just go along with it and we can talk later! She pleaded silently, for now was not the best time to talk. Skyshadow pricked her ears, hearing the faintest yelp. Without warning, she bounded down the hill and ran like lightening down to where the sqeal had come from. She found Shadesky following her as he jumped up gracefully, landing on an eagle attacking Chippaw and biting down hard on it's neck, falling as it lost flight. He landed with a thud and then turned to see an eagle coming straight at him. His eyes grew huge as he curled up, holding his breath as the eagle tore at his pelt. He shrieked, something he normally didn't do, and spit with fury as he lunged madly at the eagle, swiping his flailing paws at the fox-hearted bird. The bird fell to the ground, and he fell down as well, panting hard. Skyshadow ran ahead and rammed into an eagle swooping down. While the eagle was in a daze, she quickly took advantage and clawed mercessly at the bird, killing it within moments. OMG what the heck I was typing and then it frickin posts this like 5 times?!?!?! What did I do wrong? I didn't even finish! -_-
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:57pm Sep 4 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 441
4 duoble posts?lol
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...