11:36am Sep 5 2009
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"Yes, this is the gathering place," Lynxpaw to Soulpaw. "Isn't it beautiful?" "It is," Soulpaw said gleefully, tail twitching."Have you been to Gatherings before?" "No, this is my first one." Soulpaw smiled. "This is my first Gathering too."
11:43am Sep 5 2009
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((ZOMG He has Rabies!!!!!)) Sparrowpaw catiously went over to Wolf. "Wolf, It's me, Sparrowpaw, remember? You helped me join Stormclan." She backed away a little. "You don't look too good.."
11:48am Sep 5 2009
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(( No he doesn't. He just has a tiny bit of poison in his body that has a tracker device in it. LOL. The humans are testing again. *sighs and laughs* )) Wolf flinched slightly, then he lay still, his eyes glaze. "Sparrowpaw..." he said, his voice toneless. He flinched and he sat up. He turned to his thigh and looked at it with his blind eyes. he sniffed around until he found the needle. Then, he yanked it out. His yowl echoed through the forest. He clenched his eyes and tears sprung to them. He began licking the wound, even though each time, he trembled with pain. He spat out some of his blood. "There's tiny flecks f poison. And something else. A tracker?" he wondered out loud. he continued cleaning the wound. ~ Foxpaw kept her paw on her head to staunch the bleeding. head wounds really did bleed a lot.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
11:51am Sep 5 2009
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Nightcloud instantly forgot Bloodstar and Nightstar's debate and rushed over to Wolf, she, like every other cat in the forest knew the importance of this cat. "Wolf, tell me where it hurts." she said.
11:56am Sep 5 2009
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Wolf hissed trough clenched teeth. "My thigh. my whole body. Everywhere." He said with a wince. His leg with the wounded thigh trembled violently and he stumbled slightly, catching himself before he could fall again.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
11:58am Sep 5 2009 (last edited on 11:59am Sep 5 2009)
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((Omg this was totally unexpected yet so good! And just wondering, but don't the cats call humans twolegs and how in the world would a cat know about a tracker? O.o Oh well! XDD And we should so totall have sombody here RP out the twolegs! Maybe not but oh well!)) Nightstar looked at Foxpaw sympathetically. "I can't leave right at the moment, why don't you go and find some cobwebs for yourself? But don't stray too far. I don't want any other cats ending up like Wolf." She turned back to Dogheart, seeing him go. She flicked her tail a good-bye, then faced Wolf again. She pawed at the needle Wolf had pulled out, examining it closely. She bent down and sniffed it. The smell wasn't too pleasent and her eyes were clouded with worry. "When did this happen?" She asked Wolf. ((Should we act like the peoples are coming because Wolf pulled the needle out?))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:05pm Sep 5 2009
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Nightcloud found the oozing blood on Wolf's thigh. It was a reddish color, like normal but with strange darker spots littlering it. "Looks like some poison or something, probably only meant to knock poor Wolf out." she said. "StarClan help me" she mumbled under her breath as some of the foul blood sprayed her muzzle.
12:06pm Sep 5 2009
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(( Wolf has been alive for longer than normal. He's learned some of the human speech, but is still patchy about it. the knows what a tracker is because an old fox told him long ago when he was still young The fox had been friendly until it had been given a tracker and set wild. It died on the road. )) Wolf flinched. "A few hours ago. Many miles from here." he said slowly, carefully. He flinched again when he felt something pulse in his thigh. The tracker? ~ Foxpaw nodded and she went scavenging. It felt good to get away from Wolf and the other cats. Peaceful. She found some cobwebs and she placed them on her head. The flow of blood ceased to a tiny drip occasionally. She smiled and she lied down, closing her eyes. Suddenly she heard voices. Not cat voices, but two-leg voices. She froze, her fur blending slightly with the red and brown leaves. It wasn't enough. She felt the sharp pain stab her leg and she let out a silent yowl of pain. She ran back to her Nightshade, her leg throbbing. Everything went black and she skidded to a stop. ~ Wolf lifted his head when he felt Foxpaw's pain. He turned to Nightshade. "Foxpaw." he whispered. ~ Foxpaw opened her eyes to a blinding whiteness. Then the white faded and the pain that racked through her body was too much. She let out a tiny and silent whimper. She felt like a kit again. She tried to move her body, but she was paralyzed. She could see the needle in her leg and the blood oozing from the cut, but she couldn't reach it. The pain was too much. She sank into the dark abyss again.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
12:14pm Sep 5 2009
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Nightcloud saw something metal inside of the wound. "Brace yourself Wolf, Theres something in there that doesn't belong." she said.
12:22pm Sep 5 2009
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Nighstar dashed into the forest, searching for Foxpaw. She could sense something was wrong as she tracked down her apprentice, frantically scanning the territory. After a bit, she found Foxpaw bleeding...with a tracker. She quickly padded foward only to hear footsteps behind her. She froze, hoping it would all just go away. It was right behind, as she tried to run away but only got two tail-lengths away before falling down and seeing nothing but blackness. Nighstar woke up, opening her eyes and then closing them once more. Pain seathed through her as she couldn't feel her front right leg. Blood was spilled around her leg as she held back a yelp. Screaming in agony inside her head, She worked her way up and stood up, then opening her eyes. She almost fell down once more, but took her strength and stayed up.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:26pm Sep 5 2009
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After a while, Bloodstar hopped off the rock. "What is taking Nightstar so long?"he growled. "None of my clan is to leave the clearing!" he ordered, "And no apprentice can even move without a warrior by their side!"
12:26pm Sep 5 2009
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Shadesky felt his heart punding harder than usual. Something wasn't right but he wasn't sure who or what. He sighed, padding into camp and taking an eagle, spitting out the feathers in his mouthe. For once the night was quiet, a little bit awkward. He looked up at the stars, Skyshadow plopping down right next to him, tearing at the other bird. It was a beautiful night, yet something didn't feel right. He closed his eyes, waiting for the rest of StormClan to come back from the Gathering. It was a bit late for them to stay, but maybe the Clans were just arguing about something.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:28pm Sep 5 2009
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Fishleap stared in horror as she watched Nightstar take off, not coming back. She also couldn't bare to see the poison seep out of Wolf's body. She held her breathe, staying in the bush. She was too scared to come out in case anything happened. ((I gotta go take a shower. Bbl!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:35pm Sep 5 2009
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Posts: 441
dogheart sat down in his oak treeand sighed had she realy forgotten him?
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
12:54pm Sep 5 2009
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Nightcloud stroked Wolf's pelt with her tail. "Are you ready? It'll hurt." she cooed soothingly, trying to calm her patient before yanking the thing out of his pelt.
1:02pm Sep 5 2009
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Nightstar groaned as she fell back down, pain seeping through her. The tracker device was deeply dug in to her. Sheslowly stood back up again, this time taking a few steps twoards Foxpaw. "Are you ok?" She asked stupidley, already knowing the answer.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:08pm Sep 5 2009
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Posts: 441
dogheartwhen hunting looking for a good mouse or two but had too much on his mind
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
2:27pm Sep 5 2009 (last edited on 2:27pm Sep 5 2009)
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Posts: 441
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
3:01pm Sep 5 2009
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Posts: 2,046
Wolf grabbed a heavy and thick branch. No cat could probably break it. He clamped down on it hard and nodded his head. ~ Foxpaw shivered and opened her eyes Nightshade looked different. Suddenly her form shifted and there stood Swiftstar. His eyes were a blaze with anger, but his face was full of concern and worry. "Foxpaw? I need you to wake up. I'm going to help you stay alive, but you must stay awake." he said urgently. he glanced behind his shoulder, staring into space as if someone was calling. With that, Swiftstar melted into Foxpaw. Foxpaw let out a loud yelp. Foxpaw jumped to her feet, careful to stay of her wounded leg and nodded her head. "Yes, Im fine. What about you Nightstar?" She said. her voice had gained a feral purr to it. it must have been because Swiftstar had entered her. She froze. She had talked! Because Swiftsar had entered her, he had not only eased the pain, but had cured her muteness! Or until he left he had. She smiled broadly at Nightshade. her fur seemed a little off it's usual color and her left eye was the same shade as Swiftstar's eyes while her right was the same color as before. Swiftstar and done the impossible and entered her body, becoming not only her by appearance, but by mind and soul.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
3:16pm Sep 5 2009
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Nightcloud nodded and opened the wound a little further so she could grasp the little metal ob ject and tear it out where it had attached to his hip bone. She felt around behind her for cobwebs, where they always were in here den. "Someone bring me cobwebs! Now!" she yowled, trying to cover the wound with her paws so that Wolf didn't bleed out. "Stay awake Wolf, don't join StarClan yet!"