10:16pm Sep 5 2009
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Chippaw was pacing back and forth in front of the medicine den howling "I want training! I want training! I want training!" she was now getting very inpatient and decided to try to get Skyshadow's attention by being a bad apprentice. She run in and out making a mess of the medicine den and pulled off all the herbs. Then she run outside and trotted into another clan's territory and caught as much prey as she could and carried it back onto the freshkill pile, "Skyshadow If you aren't gonna train me, I'll go and train myself!" She hissed angrily and she went to find the training hollow, her head hold up proudly, showing another side of herself. Terrorpaw went and grabbed some cobwebs and said "You need more Nightcloud." placing it by her. (I'm bored here, so I made Chippaw misbehave because she is angry at Skyshadow.)
10:18pm Sep 5 2009
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((hey where my post go))
10:22pm Sep 5 2009
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((I quit....I cant roleplay, no wonder Chippaw rarely get noticed))
10:30pm Sep 5 2009
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"Stormclan I quit for good!" Chippaw yelled and walked out of the clan and went back to her twolegs. (Bye bye)
11:29pm Sep 5 2009
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(Who else thinks I shouldn't quit, if I join Chippaw wants a new mentor)
11:31pm Sep 5 2009 (last edited on 11:35pm Sep 5 2009)
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((ERlover, Skyshadow asked if Chippaw wanted to train, even though it's extremely late out. O.o)) Nightstar blinked, not sure what just happened. First she blacked out, now Foxpaw looked weird and was.....talking. What in the name of StarClan is going on? She then went back into reality, the poison crawling back into her and blood spilling out a bit. She regained most of her strength, though a lot of it was holding off the poison, and warily made her way back into the clearing where her Clan and DarkClan were waiting. She sat down immediatley, still trying to tak in the poison and everything that had just happened. She became very dizzy, but urged herself to stay awake, even though she was swaying quite a bit.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:36pm Sep 5 2009
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((I didn't see that post, well Chippaw isn't far from the camp, she near an old twolegs place)) Chippaw laid her head in her paws, tears fall from her eyes, her twolegs didn't look for her or wait for her. She was confused, she wanted a home but she didn't know where she belonged. Then she heard a soft mew and a kitten came near her, not any kitten but her daughter. She picked her up and said "Rose oh Rose I'm so sorry for leaving you." Chippaw gasped.
11:37pm Sep 5 2009
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Skyshadow's heart sank. Was she really that bad of a mentor? Her ears lowered as she padded out of camp, sitting down under a tree trunk and staring up at the sky. Just then, an owl swooped down, aiming right for her. She shrieked, shutting her eyes tightly and hung tight as the owl came down. She opened one eye to see the owl flying back up with a black flower with little white dots on it that looked like the sky. Was that an omen?
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:41pm Sep 5 2009
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Chippaw felt bad and she walked into the camp with Rose in her mouth and she walked over to Skyshadow and laid down cuddling up to her, but she was so tired, she fell asleep in her flank. (Someone said somethign good has to happened to Chippaw, so I wrote she has a daughter but her daughter is 5 months so she doesnt really need Chippaw's milk anymore)
11:42pm Sep 5 2009 (last edited on 11:45pm Sep 5 2009)
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I'm making a rogue, because DOgheart, Leafpelt, and now....Chippaw I guess seem very lonely! Desired Name: Mystic Age: Middle-Aged. Like a teen I guess Gender: Female Family: All Deceased Rank: Rogue Appearence: Has pretty hazel eyes and a strange purpleish pelt, though an extremely dark purple, and can only be seen at night when the moon is shining. Preferably on a night of full moon, when her eyes turn a silvery white and her pelt shines like the stars, the purpleness swaying across her pelt like waves. Otherwise, her pelt is a dark blue during night with dark yellow eyes and in the morning is has a blood red coloured pelt with hazel eyes once more. Personality: Hidden, shall RP out! Other: .....Friendly, yet couragous and strong. Like to meet new friends. That's all I'll tell you about her personality!
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:43pm Sep 5 2009
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.....How old is Chippaw?????????? That's so creepy to have an apprentice have a kit! O.o
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:43pm Sep 5 2009
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(what a rouge?)
11:44pm Sep 5 2009 (last edited on 11:44pm Sep 5 2009)
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(Chippaw didn't want to have kit but hermama left her so Rose is her kit and sister)
11:49pm Sep 5 2009
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((Oooooooooh!)) Skyshadow lifted her chin to see Chippaw with a little kit, almost an apprentice what it looked like. As Chippaw fell fast asleep, she looked more closely at Rose. She was a very pretty cat, but Skyshadow just wondered how she'd survived the long seasons. A smile drifted across Skyshadow's face as she fell asleep under the great oak tree, with her apprentice and a kit at her flank. She dozed off as Shadesky walked up, sitting down next to her and keeping guard for them as they slept peacefully under the moonlight.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:53pm Sep 5 2009
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Mystic dashed through the forest, staying ouside the Clan territories. She ran across a large plump, red squirrel, stepping on it and heard the bones crack as she winced. She carefully stepped off the squirrel as it lay there twitching, then slowly dieing away. She didn't like the look of it, but bit down on it's neck and took a bite out of it. It was so juicy and meaty, and.....hard. She spit out her kill as a small silver thing came out of her mouthe. She stared at it curiously, pawing at it to see what it was. She then pushed it away, not interested, and searched the squirrel for any other metal things. She found a needle, quickly pulling it out. She then saw little dots coming out with the squirrels blood. She backed away from the squirrel, running away, hoping nothing would happen to her.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:54pm Sep 5 2009
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Next Morning Chippaw woke and she licked at Rose but she pushed herself into Skyshadow even more, she didn't know how to say sorry to her yet. Her ears were strained with blood from protecting Rose from the night before before she ended up next to Skyshadow, because dogs tried to take Rose from her, which was the reason she run back to Skyshadow.
12:00am Sep 6 2009
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Skyshadow awoke with a startle, forgetting that she had fallen asleep out of camp. She heard Chippaw stir as she woke up. Skyshadow groggily blinked her eyes and stood up, shaking away the rest of nighttime out of her fur. She saw Shadesky, still awake but just barely, sitting next to her. "StormClan never came back." He yawned, just about asleep. She scratched off some moss that had grown on the oak tree and made a little nest for her brother. "Sleep. You need it." She answered him gently as he collasped into the nest, falling asleep instantly. She turned back to Chippaw seeing yet another injury. "Where'd you run off to?" She asked her apprentice, with a tinge of sadness in it. "I thought you left."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:04am Sep 6 2009
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"I thought you didn't want me, I thought I was a bad apprentice. So I went back to my old home but found their had left, then I found Rose, my sister was left before. Some dogs attacked me but I didnt' really care. I don't care about my injuries anymore." Chippaw explained. "I try to be patient but you too busy with the other clan...I know I was a loner but I don't want you to be abandoned, I want to do the best thing by you."
12:10am Sep 6 2009
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Skyshadow's eyes shined, a smiled crossing over her face. "I always wanted you, or else I never would of taken you in to camp. I've just been so busy and not used to training, I couldn't catch up. And we should really get those wounds checked before they get infected and hurt even worse. We can eat too if you want. We have plenty of bird! We could even train if you want, but we have to stay nearby so Shadesky doesn't get hurt while sleeping. He pulled an all nighter and stayed awake until just a minute ago." She looked sympathetically at her older brother, glad she had him.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:11am Sep 6 2009
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((Update please?))