12:13am Sep 6 2009
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((Here's the easiest way to say it: The cats are STILL at the Gathering and teh humans went crazy and put trackers and a needle in Wolf, Nighstar, and Foxpaw. But the humans left already and Wofl just got the tracker and needle ripped out of him by Nightcloud, the DarkClan med. cat. Chippaw left and then brang back her little sister, Rose, after being chased by dogs.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:15am Sep 6 2009
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((Dash: Wolf, Nightstar, and Foxpaw got human needles and trackers put in them by humans and Chippaw left, then came back with her little sister Rose after being chased by dogs. Wolf just got his needle and tracker ripped out by Nightcloud, the DarkClan med. cat and I made a rogue anemd Mystic))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:20am Sep 6 2009 (last edited on 12:21am Sep 6 2009)
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((BUMP????? Oh come on seriously? After posting the updates a bunch of times, they never showed up so right after I rMail Dash the update and bump the RP, it shows up. -_- Sure, so that's how you wanna play? I'll play hard-ball with ya! >:c :p))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:22am Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 694
"Am I even tough enough for training. I would love to." Chippaw said licking at Skyshadow as she tucked Rose near Shadesky. She looked at Rose and said "It aren't fair, that mum had to abandon us. She did love us, she was killed because she pushed us off the road when the monster came."
12:27am Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 694
(I bbs)
12:31am Sep 6 2009
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((Kk ERlover)) "Sure you're tough enough! And I'm so sorry for your mother, but I can bet she's watching over you right now, whether she's in StarClan or not."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:46am Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 706
((Okay)) Frostwing looked at Wolf. Why was he here? Why now? She had just gotten her life back. She was over Shadesky, but not Wolf. She figured she'd get over Wolf because she never saw him. Well, here he was. Great. She turned to Deathfang, watching his ex pression. Should she worry about how it would look that Nightstar was so friendly with the rogues and loners? Shadowfang watched where Leafpelt had disappeared. Then turned to look at Frostwing and the rogue Wolf. Should they be looking at each other like that? Then he remembered the Darkclan deputy used to be a loner.
12:55am Sep 6 2009
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((You mean StormClan deputy? XD And is anyone gonna look at Foxpaw and Nightstar? Oh wait, Foxpaw is being looked at right now. XP I wonder what Nightcloud's gonna find! Tee-Hee!)) Nighstar groaned as she struggle back up and towards Wolf. "She got it out....." Nightstar observed, looking at the metal laying next to Wofl and the needle next to it. She sat down once more, then slowly layed down, closing her eyes. She wanted everything to be back to normal, when all the Clans were thriving and happy, no pain whatsoever and peace was at even. Now twolegs had gone mad and cats were injured. That made her realize that her two kits were gone. Where were they? Proabably back at camp with Chippaw since she is alwasy getting hurt.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:06am Sep 6 2009
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Chippaw said to Skyshadow. "Can you train me not to get hurt?" curious as she smiled at Skyshadow
8:47am Sep 6 2009
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Wolf froze when he saw Froze. Then he saw she was with Shadowfang. Pain clashed through his body. Pain from his wound, and pain from his heart. He groaned in terrible pain and looked away from Frost. "Nightstar... Let me take the metal out." he said in a raspy voice. he had felt how Nightcloud had done it and he was sure he could repeat it. ~ Foxpaw watched Bloodstar. She felt better, but still dizzy. Swiftstar had stayed inside her. She could imagine how the other cat's saw her. Exactly like Swiftstar. A large and handsome red and black tom with emerald green eyes with stars in them. She sniffed the air and she realized, because of Swiftstar, she could smell more than scents. She could smell problems and ancient cats from long ago. She smiled and looked up at Bloodstar. (( Right now, she looks a hell of a lot like Swiftstar so if ever approach her, don't call her Foxpaw, but Swiftstar because in fact, you aren't talking to Foxpaw. This is how he looks. ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
9:07am Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 507
(( Lol. I can't really do anything right now since Leafpelt is waiting for Shadowfang. Well, I can't really do anything until the end of gathering. XD ))
9:36am Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 706
((Wolf, Frostwing is standing next to Deathfang because they are both deputies. Shadowfang is looking for Leafpelt)) Frostwing watched painfully as Wolf turned away from her. She hardened her gaze into a glare at Deathfang. Shadowfang couldn't wait anymore, with the commotion he left, quietly calling out, "Leafpelt."
10:32am Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 507
Leafpelt, alerted that Shadowfang was aware of her presence, meowed back quietly in response. She saw him leave, but she did not know exactly whayt he was doing, or were he was going. Leafpelt padded over to Shadowfang, following as he walked. "Yes?" she asked, smiling.
10:34am Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 5,279
((Terrorpaw isn't listed. His mentor is Fishleap, in DarkClan)) Desired Name: Jadewhisper Position: Rogue Family: Open Mate:Open Crush: Open Age: 23 moons Clan: None Additional Info Gender: Female Appearance: click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomOut()')"> Personality: Mischievious and Cunning,many say she can outwit a fox anyday. Was once the Bloodclan deputy, but was exiled when they found out that shewas plotting the downfall of DarkClan behind all their backs, really spying for StormClan. Of course, Stormclan didn't want to take credit for her, so they betrayed, her, not accepting her into their caln, forcing her to live as a rogue. ~~~ Desired Name: Snowpoint Position: Kittypet Family: Nope Mate:None Crush:None Age: 25 moons Clan: None Additional Info Gender: Female Appearance:click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomOut()')"> Personality:Terrified of the wild, but ran away while being chased by a dog. Her two-legs were very rich and she wears a blue collar studded with diamonds. She is the reason why random cats in the forest are being shot down, there is a m*censored*ive reward for whoever finds her, so people are hunting the cats.

10:45am Sep 6 2009
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Nightcloud looked at Wolf. "Wolf! You still need to recover! And, excuse my rudeness, but you're no medicine cat!" she said, her pelt ruffling.
11:31am Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 706
Shadowfang smiled and said, "Why are you here?"
11:50am Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 507
Leafpelt chuckled, sitting down comfortably. "I had nothing else to do." she said, jokingly. (( Braindead. DX ))
12:16pm Sep 6 2009
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Jadewhisper heard a commotion by the gathering ground. She peered through the bushes to see her old friend, and littermate(?) Shadowfang... With a loner cat. This was just too good. She couldn't wait to report it to Bloodstar! But then she rememebred one small detail... she was a rogue. If she were ever caught on clan territory she would be killed, unlike this she-cat loner. She remained hidden among the muddy ferns.
12:59pm Sep 6 2009
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((I gotta go soon because I'm going over to my cousins house for the night! So this will be my post of the day, I guess.)) -Ok I dun really know what to say, so here goes nuthing- Nightstar barely smiled as Nightcloud turned Wolf down. Stifly, Nightstar stood up and showed her side where the piece of metal was stuck in. Before it was already too deep, bu now it had been pushed in even farther and was covered blood. She winced as she looked at it, and then turned her head away. She looked back at Foxpaw and remembered that look......Swiftstar! Nightstar silently gasped. "Wha, what are you doing here...in Foxpaw's body?" She asked, shocked. Deathfang shot Frostwing a look. "What are you looking at me ?" He growled angerily. Jumping down, he walked over to where his leader was. Why was he bowing to an apprentice? "....Bloodstar, when are you planning on leaving?" He asked, confused now. Fishleap stepped out of the bushes looking to get a better view. She saw Shadowfang with Leafpelt, Bloodstar with Deathfang and Foxpaw, Nightstar by Wolf and Nightcloud, and Shadownight.....sitting all alone. He was staring at Shadowfang, but why? She looked at the two more closely, and gasped at how they looked alike. Are they brothers? Skyshadow purred. "Sure thing! But it's going to be hard to battle if you don't want to get hurt! Come on over hear, it's a little gr*censored*y clearing. We can train here, and watch Shadesky at the same time." She pointed with her tail towards a gr*censored*y area.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
1:39pm Sep 6 2009
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Bloodstar whacked Deathfang on the back of the head. "No mouse-brain! This is Swiftstar!" he hissed angrily. Sparrowpaw fidgeted uneasily, wondering if this gathering was going to end before sunrise. She was getting tired.