Warrior Cats RPG

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3:09pm Sep 6 2009

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She felt her head turn to glared at Deathfang. "He looks strong. Good. Your clan is healthy Bloodstar. Strong." She heard herself say in Swiftstar's beautiful voice. Foxpaw knew it was a compliment and she smiled slightly. Swiftstar didn't want her to smile, but he wasn't evil. She could feel his soul shifting inside her, trying to get comfortable. For how long would he remain inside her. She turned to Nightstar when she heard his name called. "I'm keeping your apprentice alive." he said simply. Foxpaw was confused. the poison and tracker was out. What did he mean?


Wolf winced and hissed. His wound was flaming with pain. "Sorry, but I really can't think straight." he said through gritted teeth. He slowly rose, his wounded thigh shaking terribly. he stood straight and tail even though his wound gave him away. "I need to go." he said, his voice raspy. 

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3:12pm Sep 6 2009

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OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n

3:12pm Sep 6 2009

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LP 2

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3:12pm Sep 6 2009

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Found them.

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3:55pm Sep 6 2009

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Posts: 706
Shadowfang smiled again, not knowing what to say. Then the scent hit him. Jadewhisper "What are you doing here. you trader?" He glared at the place where she hid. He whispered, "Leafpelt, I have to go." He snarled as he said, "Now, Jadewhisper. Why are you here? You still go by that name? Why? You want to disgrace the clans by keeping your warrior name?"

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3:59pm Sep 6 2009

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Wolf whirled around and snapped at Shadowfang. "Silence! I've had enough of fights and angry taunts! Leave her be! She can be here if she wants! Bloodstar will be fine with me being here. He better be. I save his clan once from starvation!" he hissed. He winced terribly and his leg almost gave out. "If she sees us, she will tell Bloodstar and he will come. he doesn't dare challenge me." Wolf let the threat hang in the air.

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4:23pm Sep 6 2009

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Posts: 706
Shadowfang was about to snarl something back, when Frostwing jumped in front of him and said, "Wolf! Leave him be! Why do you lash out at others when you are mad at me? Why do you keep returning? To show me I have no one to love and I ma loved by no one?"

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4:38pm Sep 6 2009

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Posts: 5,279
Jadewhisper purred and was about to reply, but Wolf had for her. "Since when do you go picking on rogues Shadowfang, you're obviously not pursuing that loner girl." she said stealthily, stepping out of the ferns.


5:06pm Sep 6 2009

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Wolf almost snarled, but he was stopped when his thigh throbbed painfully. "I'm not mad at you. I return because I must. It is my job to watch the clans and to stay at the gathering, speaking for Starclan." Wolf's sightless eyes grew distant as he remembered his old friends and his clan. He had been chosen by Starclan ever since he was a kit. And when he had refused to take the job, they had taken everything away from him. his clan, his home, his mate, and his leadership. He shut his eyes, refusing to let himself start crying. "You will always be loved by me." He whispered. his whisper was so quiet, he was sure only the wind could hear him. His wound throbbed again and he shut his eyes again. It didn't help. He still saw the battles to come. That's when he saw a different image. it was him, but younger. He was still blind. But when Wolf looked closer, he realized that the color of his eyes were different. A jolt went through Wolf and fear coursed through his veins. No.... No! My son cannot and will not take my place when i die! He thought. he opened his eyes and his fear reflected through them. he heard a soft voice in his head. This is the future Wolf. Accept it as we have accepted it.... Wolf would of yowled with rage and grief.  No! I will not let my son be clan-less, mate-less, and heir-less! he will not have the same fate as me! He screamed back at Starclan.

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5:17pm Sep 6 2009

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((Who is Wolf's son?))


5:32pm Sep 6 2009

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(( No one yet. Wolf doesn't have a mate or kits. That's just a glimpse of his future. ))

OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n

5:34pm Sep 6 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((O.o but isn't he old already? How is he supposed to have kits?))


5:39pm Sep 6 2009

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(( He looks like a young adult, but no one knows his real age. Starclan gave him the gift of immortality like them. In other words, yes, he is old, but he can still have kits. ))

OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n

5:50pm Sep 6 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((*shudders* Creepy *feels bad for Frostwing*))


6:08pm Sep 6 2009

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Posts: 2,046
(( Hey! >_< ))

OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n

6:10pm Sep 6 2009 (last edited on 2:17pm Sep 7 2009)

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Posts: 1,299

Desired Name: Ace

Position: None

Family: All Deceased

Mate: None

Crush: None

Age: 10 moons

Clan: None

Additional Info

Gender: Male

Appearance: The family cat Pictures, Images and Photos

Personality: Quiet, distrustful of everyone around except for those he knows, ever since his parents were killed by a pair of twolegs. The same twolegs took Ace in but were abusive, so one day, he snuck out, into the woods and never came back. He's recently considering joining one of the Clans.





Desired Name: Lila

Position: None

Family: None

Mate: none

Crush: None

Age: 10 moons

Clan: None

Additional Info

Gender: Female

Appearance: Silver Cat Pictures, Images and Photos

Personality: Lila is sweet, loving, and caring. She has been alone and a rogue since birth. Once Lila meets Ace, she is willing to follow the tom anywhere even to a Clan. Lila adores Ace.




6:13pm Sep 6 2009

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Posts: 5,279


Snowpoint yowled angrily at the dog. "Stop chasing me right now! My housefolk will have your head for this!" she yowled as she bolted into the dense forest.


6:15pm Sep 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 5,279
((O.o mating your own charries is kinda of dull wolf... Wouldn't you rather pick someone else?))


6:53pm Sep 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 706

((Oooohhhhh. Wolf!!! I know, Frostwing is pregnant with Wolf's kits, but neither of them know it!! Wolf just knows he is going to have a son, but doesn't know the mother. How about in fear, he tells Frostwing his vision and when she has her kits, realizing they're his, she won't let him near them or let anything that was kinda like his life near them. What do you think of that??))


Shadowfang snarled at Jadewhisper and said, "Not all Darkclan warriors are as vicious as their leader, or you. But can a trader really be called vicious or bloodthirsty? Or are they just that? A trader. You had always been the favorite because I had a soft spot for the innocent. But who would be the favorite now, if mother and father were alive? The loyal warrior with a soft spot for what's right, or the back-stabbing trader who was kicked out of both clans, who must now live off crow-food?" With that Shadowfang cocked his head and smirked, waiting for his sister's reply.

Frostwing had turned to listen to Shadowfang, then turned back to look at Wolf and said, "See, Wolf? Why is it so wrong that I am protecting Shadowfang when all he is doing is what's right? My own Stormclan attacked Dogheart for listening in on the gathering. Why kill when you can warn? Why order when you can ask?"

Foxtail had been bored, having to be the only cat in the camp waiting for the others to return. So he left. He had stumbled across the group of Jadewhisper, Shadowfang, Frostwing, Wolf, and Leafpelt on his way to the gathering place. He had heard that Jadewhisper had been kicked out of Darkclan, so he stepped behind her and said, "Why were you banned from Darkclan? I was banned from Stormclan for being to cruel." Then he turned and saw Frostwing and Wolf. "Frost, Wolf," he purred with a smirk.

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7:10pm Sep 6 2009

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Posts: 5,279
Jadewhisper winced as if he had hurt her. "Ouch Shadowfang, your words sting me." she said sarcastically. She ignored Her old friend Foxtail and dismissed him with a flick of the tail. She was having too much fun here. "I was mother's favorite for a reason Shadowkit." she mocked. "I'm simply better than you." she purred. "And I'm sure Bloodstar would punish you pretty harsh if he caught you with her..."

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