Warrior Cats RPG

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1:33pm Sep 7 2009

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Jadewhisper nodded and closed her eyes as she remembered the past. "I was wrongly accused." she began, he voice creaking. She was a great story teller. She opened her eyes again and Foxtail was beside her. she tensed, suprised at his subtlty, but ignored it to continue. "Bloodstar was about to leave, well, he was Bloodclaw, he deputy then, and my brother, Shadowfang and I were close.  Very close. He told me everything, and I told him too. When the plague came..." she paused and looked at the ground. "Many cats died, and they needed someone to accuse. At that time, I was seeing a StormClan cat against the warrior code, trying to weasel clan secrets out of him, when I was caught. They accused me before I had time to explain, and just like that, I was just another rogue. Shadowfang knew what I was trying to do, but he didn't defend me." Jadewhisper looked into Foxtail's eyes. "And here I am." she said.

Bloodstar was behind Shadowfang when he came into the clearing again with... a loner? He growled and left Fox paw to stand in front of him. "Care to explain yourself Shadpwfang?" he said calmly, but coldly, looking him in the eyes. His burgandy eyes showed his rage at him, but he remained calm, like a serpent ready to strike.


1:37pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 5,279

((That she-cat reminds me of the cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. XD))

((Who is Sparrowpaw's mentor? I can't remember.))


1:37pm Sep 7 2009

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((Missing post))


1:40pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 706

((Kool. I only have one issue. Frostwing is to have Wolf's kits, but she doesn't want him knowing they're his. So she'll need a mate...... I was half way counting on Shadesky, but..... Are there any other males open??))

Frostwing's stomach seemed to kick at her, making her gasp. She looked at the cats around her, suddenly panicking. She ran back to camp, but found Skyshadow near the border treating two apprentices. Fear, panic, and exhaustion seemed to have gotten the best of her, for she collapsed at Skyshadow's paws.

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1:41pm Sep 7 2009 (last edited on 1:56pm Sep 7 2009)

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Posts: 507
Leafpelt, uncomfortable with the situation, stayed quiet. Most of these cats she had never met before, and she could tell that they already did not like her. Leafpelt was tough, and she would have easily spoke up if there was only one cat. However, there were a few cats, and she did not want to start anything big. Already, Jadewhisper was one to upset Leafpelt. She could tell even by her scent that she was a sly and sneaky, evil cat. With a low hiss, Leafpelt bent down to the ground, giving away her dominance. Now was not the time to fight.


1:44pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 706

((Didn't see your post))

Shadowfang looked at Bloodstar and said, "I have met Leafpelt. I love her." He kept a locked gaze on Bloodstar. He was caught, so why lie about it?

Foxtail looked up at her face, growling, "I never really liked him. You'd still be there if I had been there with you." 

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1:44pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((XD Bloodstar! *Is kidding* And it's Jadewhisper girls, not paw))


1:44pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 1,441
(( Shadesky is Sparrowpaw's mentor, I believe. And Shadesky is confused on mates. He wants to be Frostwing's mate but doesn't know if he could trust her or not because of Wolf. I think he has a grudge or something over Wolf, I dunno. And is anybody gonna help poor Nightstar over there?!?!?! She bleeding to death people! Who wants to see a leader loose a life on the night after becoming leader?!?!?!?! And Shadesky knows about herbs to, because Nightstar taught him. He just prefers not to show that he knows. That would be a good time for him and Frostwing to talk. And uh...what's wrong with Frostwing anyway?))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

1:47pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 706
((Frostwing's pregnant, but she doesn't know it so the things that happen to pregnant cats are happening to her and it's scaring the life out of her. She really like Shadesky, but she felt like he got angry when she went to talk to Wolf about asking Shadesky to be her mate. So now she doesn't know what to do.))

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1:47pm Sep 7 2009 (last edited on 1:50pm Sep 7 2009)

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Posts: 1,441
Skidding to a halt, Shadesky stopped a few tail-lengths away from Skyshadow. "I'm back." He reported. He gasped to see Frostwing collaspe next to Skyshadow. Quickly, he picked up the deputy and hauled her to the medicine den. It was so hard to see, but he could sniff out the herbs needed. "What's wrong?" He asked her, not able to tell in the darkness, Shadesky's eyes turning a light amber, as if switching to a caring mode.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

1:50pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Jadewhisper headbutted Foxtail gently. "Thanks Foxtail." she purred.

Bloodstar blinked. "You are in love with a fluffy loner cat?" he said, trying hard not to burst out laughing.

Snowpoint panted heavily as the dogs finally left her. Her collar gleamed in the light, erupting rainbows from the diamonds. She was scared, and what was worse? She smelled other cats.

Nightcloud hissed. "Stormclan needs a medicine cat." she growled. She had to save Nightstar now. She never liked Nightstar, but it was her job. "Hey you!" her eyes darted accross the clearing. "Sparrowpaw! Come here and hold Wolf up!" she ordered.

Sparrowpaw lifted her head, and was about to protest, then remmebered Nightstar's sorry state and rushed over to support Wolf.

Nightcloud looked at Nightstar. "Where were you pricked?" she demanded. She knew that Nightstar would surely loose a life soon if she didn't help fast.


1:58pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 706

Frostwing looked at him and said, "I.... I.... don't know." She was in such a hysterical state that she seemed to say what she thought, which is why she muttered, "I love you, Shadesky. Do you love me?" 

Shadowfang growled, "Don't act like it's ridiculous! Your life is something to be ashamed of!"

Foxtail smiled again, then licked her cheek. 

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1:58pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 507

(( Agh. Sorry, lol.

And is Jadewhisper actually bad? Because I can edit my post. I can actually imagine Leafpelt and Jadewhisper being friends. In the future? ))



2:01pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Bloodstar growled. "Do you wish to keep your status Shadowfang or do I have to send you to your sister?" he hissed, demanding respect.

Jadewhisper cocked her head at Foxtail. "I'm sorry Foxtail, I really like you but, I don't wat you ending up like me. Go back to your clan." she said, pained inside.


2:02pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((No cat is truley bad, they all have their motives, it only matters about your perspective. Cunning, sly, both words that sound like Jadewhisper. But evil is a perspective thing. XD))


2:03pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 706

Shadowfang growled again, but turned to lay next to Leafpelt.

Foxtail laughed, "End up like you? I started out like you." 

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2:08pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 1,441

Nightstar opened one eye and then turned to her other side, showing her right side where the tracker and needle had been pushed in. It was certainly in farther than Wolf's was. But why? She groaned once more as she closed her eye again, her paws shaped into fists, trying to hold back the pain screaming at her.

Shadesky blinked his eyes at the question, then, comp*censored*ionatley said, "I do." ((Omg that totally sounded like they were getting married! XD)) Shadesky felt Frostwing's legs and neck, looking for any signs of injury. None. He then felt along her belly and stopped.

((Should he know that she's pregenant?))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

2:12pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 706

((No, let's have Skyshadow figure it out. Then Frostwing will say they're his.))


Frostwing looked at him and said, "Wha?" and then realized she had said that out loud. She smiled and said, "I always have." 

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2:12pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 507

Leafpelt was amazed by Shadowfang's words. He loved her, and they met only days ago. She could see it in his eyes, but Leafpelt did not know if she felt the same way about him. Yes, he was a friend, and one of her only ones. She looked up at him, looking into his eyes. Leafpelt felt strongly about Shadowfang, and she wanted to find out if she truely loved him back.

As the fight continued, there was one sentence that stood out to Leafpelt. Something that Jadewhisper said made Leafpelt think differently about her and Shadowfang. He was in great trouble; being seen with her in this situation. Shadowfang and Foxtail were both in a bad situation. Both of them liked the two loners very much, even when their clan respect was at stake. Leafpelt did not want that to happen to Shadowfang, no matter how much she liked him.

It was then when she knew how she felt about Shadowfang.
She did love him back.


2:17pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 1,299

Ace walked out from under a bush. He had been sleeping during the day, because of a late night walk he had last night alone. Ace yawned.

Lila was watching quietly. "Hello. Out looking for a squirrel you can't catch," she teasingly said. 

Ace glared at Lila. "No," he spat, angrily. He lashed his tail.

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