Warrior Cats RPG

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2:20pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((Okies. I'll go and get Skyshadow))

Shadesky smiled warmly back. "I'll go and find Skyshadow. She's better at this stuff." He scurried away, out of camp and almost tripped over Chippaw. "Do you mind?" Skyshadow asked hastily. Ignoring Skyshadow's comment, he meowed "Can you come and see what's wrong with Frostwing. I can't figure it out. Not used to this kind o' stuff." Rolling her eyes, she nodded her head and stood up. "You two are all patched up. Go ahead and help yourselves to the fresh-kill pile. I'll be back in a few." She told them as she trotted after Shadesky into the medicine den. Flicking his tail towards Frostwing, he said "There's Frostwing. I'm going to go check on Chippaw and the kit." He told Skyshadow, stepping out of the den. Skyshadow stepped foward, examining Frostwing. She looked Frostwing over, not finding anything out of place. "I can't find anything wrong..." She began. "Maybe you just have-" She cut herself off when she looked at Frostwing's belly. Putting her paw on it, she widened her eyes. "Have you been with anyt oms lately..." She whispered. "Because I think you're pregnant!"

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

2:20pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 5,279

((Epic speech girls! *huggles*))

Jadewhisper looked down. "Foxtail, clan life was the best I had ever had, and I'm not letting you give that up for me." she said.

Snowpoint then realized she was in a clearing with turmoil of situations. There was a young cat supporting an older one, two cats with intertwined tails, they must be mates, and one cat trying to yank a tracker from another's pelt. "Don't do that!" she warned, pouncing over to Nightcloud.

Nighcloud hissed. "Who are you to tell me what to do? Someone chase this kittypet away, I haven't time for this!" She stroked Nightstar's flank with her tail grudgingly to relax her mucsles.


2:22pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 5,279

((wolf! There you are, are you gonna mate your own charries? *gasps*))

Bloodsar growled. "Shadowfang, here you have a choice, that," he jabbed a paw in Leafpelt's direction. "Or the warrior code. I'd hate to have to make a new deputy to replace you."


2:24pm Sep 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 507

(( Lost post? ))


2:27pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 507

(( Found. ;o

And ^3^ Fifi. ))


2:29pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 1,299

((Wasn't going to))

Lila yowled loudly,"Fine! Go ahead and hate me!" She bounded away into the trees.

Ace watched her go. "It's just plain weird that she has to love me! I will never love her," he whiskers twitching. 


2:32pm Sep 7 2009 (last edited on 2:34pm Sep 7 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 1,441

((-_- my post was lost. And it was a big one! :'c))

Gosh darnet! I finally re-post my lost post and it somehow shows up?!?!?! I don't think the forums like me. Wait, where the heck is Nightstar's post?!?!?!? >:c

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

2:35pm Sep 7 2009 (last edited on 2:37pm Sep 7 2009)

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Posts: 507

(( *Pokepokes NightShade* Silly. It's at the top of the page! ;P

And atleast it wasn't a 7 paragraph post like what happened to me before. :/ ))


2:40pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((Yeah I noticed. That must of sucked when you lost that post. :p The forums must hate me or something.))

Trying to relax, she cheekily opened her eyes seeing a non-Clan cat trying to order Nightcloud around. Nightstar glared at Snowpoint, hissing at her. "You actually think I want this think in me? It's killing me!" She meowed crossly at Snowpoint, then putting her head back down, exguasted (<- no clue how to spell that!)

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

2:45pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 706
Shadowfang looked from Bloodstar, to Leafpelt and said, "Well Bloodstar, you have a choice to make. Let Leafpelt join, or let me go."

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2:48pm Sep 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 706
((Whoops. I didn't see this page. And Deathfang is deputy, not Shadowfang))

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2:50pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 5,279


The decsion was obvious, gain one warrior or loose two. Bloodstar sighed. "Leafpaw will start training immediatly, with me as her mentor, seeing as you already have an apprentice." he said helplessly.

Nightcloud growled at Snowpoint and gently re-opened the already scabbed over wound, just that had to hurt a lot, so Nightcloud braced herself and waited for the agonized yowl.


2:50pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((Oh. XD Sorry Deathfang))


2:50pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 706
Frostwing's eyes got big as she whispered, "Please give me herbs to help me, then don't tell anyone. I will tell Shadesky when it becomes to big to go unnoticed."

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2:53pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 1,299
Ace stared up at the full moon. Giving a sigh, he walked away. After a few minutes he stumbled upon other cats. He hid away in the shadows, peering out from behind a tree to see what was happening. He picked up the scent of Clan cats and kittypet.


2:54pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 507

(( LOL, Fifi. Leafpelt. ;] ))


2:55pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 706
Shadowfang looked at him and said, "I have no such apprentice, and since she knows better I believe it would be best for me to mentor her. That way you don't have to worry about her."

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2:58pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 507

Now, Leafpelt was overjoyed. She was happy that now, she could see Shadowfang with no danger, and that meant just about everything to her. She was secretly happy, however, that now she had the protection of a clan. Being a loner was hard, especially with the strong cats that roamed the forest.

(( Gotta go! ))


2:59pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 1,441

Nightstar yowled, her blood turning to fire as the cut was reopened. Her eyes were squeezed shut as she dug her claws into the earth, wishing she had something to bite on. She screamed in pain as she tried to hold back the thought of losing a life.

Skyshadow nodded, understanding the problem. "Sure thing." Disapearing inside the med. cat den, she returned moments later with some herbs that would help. "Here are some poppy seeds if you want them." She held out her paw, dropping the seeds on the ground. "And the rest of the herbs are right here."

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

3:03pm Sep 7 2009

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Posts: 2,046

Wolf slowly stopped leaning against Sparrowpaw. He limped over to Nightstar, keeping his injured leg off the ground. "Nightstar." He rasped. "Listen to me." His voice was strong, but he couldn't hide the rasp. He knew he had a terrible fever. He could feel it coursing through his veins. but Nightstar, could not die. "If you die because of a simple tracker and cut, I swear I'm gonna curse your name forever and kill off your clan. I know you don't want that so fight the pain and get through this!" he knew he was being harsh, but threatening her would be the only way to save her life. As well as threatening her clan. If that happened and she died, Wolf would either have to take control, or appoint the new leader. The deputy wasn't ready yet. His mind kept slipping away, but he wouldn't let himself p*censored* out on Nightcloud and Nightstar. His eyes glittered with fever and something else..... stars. "I swear by Starclan that if you die, I will personally drag you out of Starclan and back to earth." He whispered in a hushed voice. He knew he could do it. he also knew that Nightstar could either die from the pain or the loss of blood.


Foxpaw watched her mentor. Swiftstar slowly retreated into the back of her mind and her image went back to normal. "Nightstar..." She whispered, tears in her eyes. 

OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n
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