2:26pm Aug 5 2009
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Posts: 441
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
2:27pm Aug 5 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 441
he kept eating
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
2:36pm Aug 5 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 441
he sniffed around and looked at the strange clearing he new someone must live here but they were not here or asleep he took afew voles and a rabt in his mouth and started out of the clearing
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
2:46pm Aug 5 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 441
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
2:46pm Aug 5 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 441
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
2:54pm Aug 5 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 441
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
3:32pm Aug 5 2009
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Posts: 1,441
Nightshade sprinted back to the camp, fresh-kill dangling from her mouth. She finally reached the camp, but noticed that no one was on guard, and that a strange smell emitted the air. She quickly ran into camp to find a cat munching on a magpie. She quickly ran behind some ferns, dropping her fresh-kill there and staying hidden from the intruder. Just as the cat swallowed a bit of magpie, Nightshade unsheathed her claws, and made a jump, landing a suprise attack. She slashed across the cats back many times before falling off of the cat.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:33pm Aug 5 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((sorry i got off without telling you! I had to go somewhere!!!))
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:35pm Aug 5 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing was walking around the forest, scared to go back to camp. Suddenly she scented a rouge. She followed the scent, coming across NightShade attacking a cat.
3:39pm Aug 5 2009 (last edited on 3:53pm Aug 5 2009)
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Posts: 1,441
Shadesky's curiousity overcame him. He went through the farthest left tunnel, leaving behind his camp. As long as I stick to the wall, I'll remember where I went. After minutes of exploring the tunnel, Shadesky noticed a light coming from the end of the tunnel. Normally he would of stayed in the tunnel to explore more, but he wanted to get some fresh air. He sprinted to the opening as fast as he could.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:42pm Aug 5 2009
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Posts: 1,441
Nightshade jumped back up pinning the mysterious cat to the ground. "Just what do you think your doing?" She questioned the cat angrily.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
3:44pm Aug 5 2009 (last edited on 3:50pm Aug 5 2009)
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Posts: 1,441
Shadesky ended up crawling out of a large rabbit hole. Peering into the forest, Shadesky noticed Frostwing standing there alone.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:22pm Aug 5 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing turned, to see a pair of cat eyes looking at her. She hissed and said, "Who are?"
6:25pm Aug 5 2009
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Posts: 993
Fosttalon walked back to camp, Nightshade running. He had cllected huis kill, and entered the clearing, placing his catch on the pile. Sun still beat down hard, more than normal, even for green leaf. ((Ahhh.... @.@))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
6:32pm Aug 5 2009 (last edited on 6:33pm Aug 5 2009)
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Posts: 441
dogheart ran from nightshade just making it to his home in the tree stump forgeting about the vole he had cought earlyer
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
6:35pm Aug 5 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 441
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
6:37pm Aug 5 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 441
((ill make sure i check back every couple minutes))
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
6:52pm Aug 5 2009
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Posts: 1,441
((ok)) Nightshade hissed and ran off after the cat at full-speed. he wasn't gonna get away from StormClan this easy! Nightshade spit furiously; she had lost track or the cat near the stream. she jumped over it and continued to try to track the cat down again.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
6:55pm Aug 5 2009 (last edited on 6:56pm Aug 5 2009)
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Posts: 1,441
"Shadesky." Shadesky hissed back. "You're Frostwing, right? Haven't seen you around much. Yet not many cats have noticed me either." Shadesky felt something brush against his fur, and turned around just in time to see a cat sprinting off. He grunted and then turned back around.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
7:01pm Aug 5 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 706
Frostwing hissed louder. She didn't like this strange cat. It was rare someone could sneak up on her like that, and she didn't like it. She snarled, "What do you know about me?!"