10:39pm Sep 11 2009
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Posts: 694
((Chippaw is also now a member of Riverclan in a Private RP i'm doing, not sure if i will keep doing this one))
10:49pm Sep 11 2009
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Posts: 694
I might quit not sure, Chippaw however is in riverclan in a private rp and she is invisible here
10:54pm Sep 11 2009
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Posts: 694
Chippaw and Rose yowled as they were backed into a corner and suddenly everything went black as dogs attacked them and soon they found themselves in Starclan starring down at their dead bodies, lying alone. (sorry guys i cant keep up with this rp, i'm quitting)
11:27pm Sep 11 2009
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my post T_T
11:28pm Sep 11 2009
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Posts: 694
oh there it is
11:37pm Sep 11 2009 (last edited on 11:39pm Sep 11 2009)
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(( Ok first of all, I apolagize everyone. I have been on in who knows how long because stupid school has kept me off the computer andmy scheldule is tight sooooooooo yeah. Sorry! OOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyy gooooooooosh I only had to read a page and 1/2 but so much has happened!!! And didn't Nightcloud already take the tracker out???? I don't really care, so I guess I'll just go along with what Wolfy said. And ugh, I'm just gonna ignore the post about Nightcloud asking Nightstar is she wanted to help clean up, just because it wouldn't really go along with what is happening now. And omg Frostwing just found out she was pregnant and now she already gave birth! 'O' Hopefully I can RP along with this!)) Hmmmm, just edited this paragraph. Can't really re-write it now that Chippaw and Rose have died.....-_- ((What was I supposed to approve of??? And omg Dash you sound like Kate when she wrote Bluestar's Prophecy; the two she-kits die but the tom lives!)) Laying back down once more, Nightstar mewed, "If I bit on your leg, you'd surely bleed to death, not to mention what you just went through." Her eyes grew as big as the moon as Wolf sawed through her bone, making her yelp, high-pitched like a kit. The intensity grew as more and more blood spilled out of her body, making her pant hard. She felt like crying out loud right now, her blood on fire. She had completely forgotten about the poison that had seeped into her and the fact that she was once medicine cat. She bunched her muscles, screaming in her head as she waited for Wolf to find the tracker. What am I doing, letting a blind cat take a tracker out of me? I guess I don't really have much of a choice, though. Shadesky bounded up to the Gathering, hearing Frostwing's caught-off-guard cry, he sprinted forward, feeling as if he could run forever. Once reached the clearing, he quickly padded toward Frostwing to see a newborn tom-kit suckling at her belly. "A kit?"
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:50pm Sep 11 2009
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Frostwing looked at her mate and said, "Yeah.... I was kinda pregnant."
11:54pm Sep 11 2009
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(( XDD )) Shadesky was lost for words. "..............Umm.....congratulations.............." He fumbled around, shifting his paws and staring blankly embarrased down at them.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:17am Sep 12 2009
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Frostwing stared at him, then decided how to control her son's life away from Wolf, "Shadesky, this is your son."
7:39am Sep 12 2009
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Wolf barely heard everything. He grabbed the tracker with his sharp teeth and he yanked. it came out swiftly. Almost like it had just fitted in a slightly too big slot. He crunched the tracker in his jaws, spit it out, and he began mending to her bone. He filled it with a strange thick substance that smelled strongly of metal and he started to close up the wound by gently tugging the layers of muscle together and finally, there was only a large cut on her side. Wolf was covered in blood and gore. He couldn't remember how he had closed the wound. He had done everything in a blur. He gasped and he began to pant, taking a step away from Nightstar. "You need to drink. A lot. To recover the lost blood you had. Here." he grabbed a dock leaf and he ran to a small puddle, filled it with water, and ran back to Nightstar. ~ Canis nuzzled one of his dead sisters. They smelled of not-breath. He whimpered. His fur was unlike any other cat fur. It was a gorgeous silver and he had a black dorsal stripe on his back that ended with a star at the tip of his tail. He had a splash mark of black on his forehead that looked strangely like a star. Canis opened his eyes slowly to reveal a shocking sight. His left eye was the color of an eerie purple while his right eye was a beautiful sky blue. He blinked his eyes. Everything was bathed in a strange purplish mist. He blinked again, thinking that something was in his eyes. Nothing was. He cocked his tiny ears slightly and listened to the sounds of the cats voices. He not only heard the cats voices though, he heard faint whisperings. (( OMG! I love him! He's like my perfect warrior cat character! *squee* ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
10:10am Sep 12 2009
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Ace turned his glaring eyes back onto Soulpaw. Soulpaw flinched at the glare. This rouge looked very threatening.
10:43am Sep 12 2009 (last edited on 10:58am Sep 12 2009)
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((Eeeeew that's nasty Wolfy! I almost gagged!!!...Bleah, blood and gore, muscles and bone sawing. XDD)) Shadesky's eyes grew as big as the moon. "Ou.......our kit?" He stammered. "It's so early! Er.........what do you want to name it?" His gaze softened as he peered down on the little kit. He blinked confusingly yet sadly as he spoke, "What happened to those two kits?" Nightstar was ready to kill Wolf, the pain she'd just gone through. It still went on, and hurt more than ever as he hit her bone, grabbed the tracker and yanked it out, then cllosing the wound up. But that didn't stop the bleeding or the poison. The poison stung the heck, and the blood kept seeping out of her and draining onto the cold ground below. Shrieking one more time, she looked up to see Wolf set a dock leaf holding water in front of her paws. Too exausted to do anything, even drink though she was extremely thirsty, she closed her eyes as she felt darkness sweep over her vision, returning moments later with a starry forest. The pain was gone though a huge scar was still across her right flank. Standing up effortlessly, she turned to see Scorchstar, a previous leader that had predicted a prophecy about her appearence to the Clans. He'd died when she had just been apprenticed, but the two cats were close friends, no matter what the age difference was. Turning her head from side to side, more and more cats she knew from StarClan circled her. "Such a long cat to lose lives so soon." Scorchstar murmered quietly. "Lives? I thought I only lost one!" Nightstar exclaimed. Shaking his head with his head hung down, he gently explained to her. "You've lost 3 lives. One for loss of blood, one for too much poison inside you, and one for just the pain you've went through. I didn't think you'd lose so many lives at a Gathering, the night after you visited us for your nine lives." Nightstar felt hollow inside, with not as much power. The lives she'd lost and the pain she'd went through just didn't seem to add up. But then again, when was the last time she'd died? Wordless, she turned around, closing her eyes as she waited for her to leave StarClan. Opening her eyes for a quick glance, she noticed an outline of her body awaiting in the circle of cats. No! Before she knew it, the darkness had come back, leaving her with the starry and bloody night of the Gathering. Coughing loudly, she staggered up, remembering that she would still be pretty sore and in pain, though not as much as before. Spitting crossly, she looked up at the star-lit sky. ((Oof! I almost forgot about Mystic! She's a rogue she-cat with a gleaming black pelt, with what looks like waves flowing through it. In the day, the wave is an orangey-red colour, on the night of full moon, the wave is a beautiful dark purple, on the night of no moon, the wave is green, and on any other night, the wave is a mystical blue.)) Trotting through the forest, Mystic smelled blood and many cats. Walkiung foward, she found herself in the middle of a clearing with Clan cats, mostly StormClan by the smell of it. Creeping around unnoticed, she hid behind a yew bush. Bad idea, it smelled horrible in there. Stepping out backwards, she ran into another Clanless cat(Ace?).
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
10:54am Sep 12 2009
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Swiftstar walked out of the starry trees and looked sadly at Nightstar. His eyes were tender and warm though. "Hello Nightstar. Welcome back. I'm glad you met our leader." He said quietly. ~ Wolf saw her close her eyes and his eyes widened with disbelief. He lifted his head and let out a yowl so loud and so angry that the birds and animals too fright. ~ Foxpaw froze, ears rammed against her head and tail tucked against her stomach. ~ Canis listened to the yowl. He tired to copy it, but managed only a small squeak. The whisperings grew louder and suddenly, he was in a forest that had pretty stars every where. He gazed at the circle of cats. He saw a single cat in the middle of them. he crawled towards the circle and he slipped under their legs and walked up to the female cat only to find it wasn't his mother. 'Where's momma?" He demanded, staring up at the she-cat. (Nightstar) Canis's ear twitched in his sleep. ~ Swiftstar smiled fondly at the kit. "Look! Canis is his name I presume."
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
11:05am Sep 12 2009
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Nightstar looked down at the little kit, not knowing who his mother was. Then she remembered: Just before losing her lives, she had heard Frostwing collaspe, with Nightcloud rushing over, then smelling the milky-warm scent of a newborn kit. "I'm not so sure sweety, but she'll be back soon, I promise." Hearing Swiftstar's voice she turned and saw him by a tree. Making the smallest smile in the world, she replied, "It's not exactly what I had planned, especially the life-losing thing. I can't wait to see what Wolf thinks of this." She had a hint of humor in her voice, though she still remembered Wolf's threat.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:08am Sep 12 2009
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Ace fell down as he felt something knock him to the ground. Staggering back onto his paws, he whipped around growling angrily.
11:14am Sep 12 2009
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Posts: 706
Frostwing looked at the dead kits, and said, "They were stillborn. And yes, he is ours and his name is" she cut herself off, realizing Canis was gone. "Canis!" she jumped up, panicking. Her only surviving kit was gone!
11:19am Sep 12 2009
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((Wait did Canis die or did he just walk off??? If he died I need to edit my previous post.)) Shadesky jumped at Frostwing's panic-stricken voice. As he searched for words to comfort her, he'd found none. What kind of a father was he if he couldn't even help soothe his mate?
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:20am Sep 12 2009
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"Whoops. Sorry about that!" She smiled mischeviously, a hint of humor in her eyes. "Yew bushes aren't the best bushes to hide in!"
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
11:21am Sep 12 2009
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Canis let out a tiny whimper that turned to a growl. His hackles raised slightly. Everything was still bathed in a purplish mist, but the faintest touch of red died the purple. ~ Swiftstar froze slightly, feeling strange, but he shook the feeling off. "Nightstar. Are you ready to have one of your lives taken away." Swiftstar said quietly. ~ Canis growled louder. ~ Swiftstar began to feel uneasy.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
11:23am Sep 12 2009
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A tiny smile started to appear on Ace's face. An amusing cat, he thought. Lila had followed Ace, even though she knew he didn't like. She peered out at Ace. A growl syarted to rise in her throat when she saw a she-cat with him.