Warrior Cats RPG

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4:58pm Sep 12 2009

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Wolf opened his eyes slightly, they were filled with pain. "I told them not too do it but they wouldn't listen. " Wolf turned to Nightstar. He looked different somehow. Like for example, his eyes had changed color. They were a deeper river blue and a faint mantle of black covered his shoulders. "I told them not to not warn you about the humans. They were supposed to warn you. " He snarled and lashed at the tree again, creating an X. He sighed.


Canis woke up and whimpered. "Mommy, why's daddy angry?" Canis asked Frostwing, glancing at Skyshadow. 

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4:58pm Sep 12 2009

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Ugh LP

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4:58pm Sep 12 2009

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4:59pm Sep 12 2009

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5:08pm Sep 12 2009

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((Eh, I have Jadewhisper, Nightcloud, Bloodstar and Sparrowpaw, and Snowpoint the kittypet))


6:13pm Sep 12 2009

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Posts: 706
((Frostwing had her kit. She told Shadesky that it's his son, but it's obviously Wolf's. And Wolf took the tracker out of Nightstar, but she lost three lives. Everyone in Darkclan are back at camp except for Nightcloud and Bloodstar. ERlover killed off her cats))

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6:14pm Sep 12 2009

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Posts: 706
Frostwing looked at Shadesky, and right then decided that he wasn't going to act as Canis' father, so she said, "He isn't your father. The one that scratched the tree that looks like you is your father. But he doesn't know it. I'll tell him later."

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6:20pm Sep 12 2009

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Posts: 507

(( Sorry, I was gone for about a day. Can someone fill me in? ))


6:24pm Sep 12 2009

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Posts: 5,279

((Dash just did))

Bloodstar stretched. "Wolf, Nightcloud and I need to get back to camp, I have some decisions to make, and Nightcloud needs her sleep to go herb gathering tomorrow."


6:30pm Sep 12 2009

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Posts: 2,046

(( Wolf's a rouge. ))


Wolf sighed and scrunched his eyes up in pain. He rubbed his head against the tree, tree blood smearing on the top of his head. "My head...." He muttered. 


Canis cocked his head in confusion. He shrugged slightly and flicked his tail, stirring a leaf. 

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6:39pm Sep 12 2009

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((And the leader of StarClan...))

Nighcloud growled softly and padded over to Wolf, bandaging his head wound with cobwebs.


6:51pm Sep 12 2009

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Posts: 706
Frostwing decided that Wolf was a great cat for the life he was forced to live, so she mewed, "Wolf? Can you come here please?"

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6:53pm Sep 12 2009 (last edited on 6:54pm Sep 12 2009)

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Posts: 2,046

(( LoL what ))


Wolf opened his eyes and looked at Frostwing. He padded over to her and was about to ask what was wrong when he say Canis. He froze, eyes slightly wide. He began to shake his head, horror in his eyes.


Canis gazed at Wolf. He didn't cower, but he didn't show disrespect. 

(( BTW, he's not upset about having a son, actually, he's thrilled, but his son is destined to have his place as Starclan leader and he doesn't wan that. )) 

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6:57pm Sep 12 2009

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Posts: 706

((I know))

 Frostwing sighed, saying, "Wolf. This is your son, Canis." 

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6:59pm Sep 12 2009

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Posts: 5,279

Bloodstar shrugged. "Nightcloud, our work is done here." he said. "Come back to camp." He ordered.

Nightcloud dipped her head and obediently followed Bloodstar back to camp.

Jadewhisper hoped Bloodstar would let her back in.


7:14pm Sep 12 2009

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Wolf didn't glance Bloodstar's way. He stared at Canis. "My..... son...." He said slowly, his voice filled with joy and yet horror.

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7:17pm Sep 12 2009

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Posts: 706
Frostwing's eyes narrowed, as she said, "What's wrong?"

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7:23pm Sep 12 2009

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Without thinking, Wolf began to tell her. "Starclan told me that I was too have a son that was to take my place as leader. But the cost of becoming Starclan leader is great. You know why. I couldn't be your mate. I couldn't live I a clan because I was too different. And I didn't have a choice in it." he whispered. "All because of me. I didn't want this to happen to your-our son." He whispered. A tear slid from his cheek.


Canis looked between Frostwing and Wolf, confused. 

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7:25pm Sep 12 2009

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Posts: 706
Frostwing looked at him, tears slid down her cheeks. "Why?"

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7:40pm Sep 12 2009

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Bloodstar growled upon entering the camp with Nighcloud on his heels. "Shadowfang, you have some explaining to do." he hissed angrily lashing his tail.

Jadewhisper growled and backed away, ready to bolt away if Bloodstar chased her.

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