8:11pm Sep 12 2009
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Shadowfang glared at Bloodstar and said, "What? I thought it was sorted out earlier."
8:14pm Sep 12 2009
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8:15pm Sep 12 2009
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8:15pm Sep 12 2009
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LP3! OMGsh!!!!
8:15pm Sep 12 2009
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8:42pm Sep 12 2009
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((gotta go))
9:25pm Sep 12 2009
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Wolf began to cry, his blind eyes searching her face. "Because I was born to not a cat, but a Starclan cat. He looked away, then turned back. He nuzzled Frostwing. ~ Canis yawned and he curled up closer to Frostwing and fell asleep.
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
9:30pm Sep 12 2009
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Frostwing looked at Wolf, then at her son.
10:58am Sep 13 2009
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"You wish it was! Are you too mouse-brained to wait for your leader's decision before allowing a rogue into my camp?! What about the warrior code? The clan leader's words are the warrior code! Remember Shadowfang?!" hissed Bloodstar. He was on a roll. Jadewhisper blinked. Backing out, backing out, wait for more chaos... Nightcloud figured this whole debate didn't concren her, s she dragged herself to the medicine cat den, exhausted. She thought about possibly taking an apprentice from one of Leafpaw and Shadowfang's kits to be. When Leafpaw became a warrior that is. Apprentices weren't allowed to have kits.
11:17am Sep 13 2009
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Posts: 706
Shadowfang growled, puffing up to be bigger than Bloodstar. Bigger he may be, but Shadowfang knew he was out skilled by far, "What the crap?!" he snarled, "You let her join Darkclan. As well as my sister. And then you told me to bring everyone else here! And it didn't take a genius to follow all the scents of Darkclan cats to the camp! She probably could've found it if I told her to meet me at camp while I stayed with you! And Jadewhisper already knew where it was, so she could've shown her! I was following your orders! Both Leafpaw and Jadewhisper have committed themselves to Darkclan! But if you want, Leafpaw, Jadewhisper, and I will just leave!" At the end of Shadowfang's tirade, which Foxtail totally agreed with, Foxtail stepped forward and said, "Bloodstar, you make them leave, I leave too." Shadowfang nodded as Foxtail stepped to his side. Frostwing looked at Canis, sleeping at her side, to Wolf sitting next to her. Her mate was a Starclan leader? And her son must take his place? Why? What had this family done to deserve Starclan's wrath like this? Why her family? Why Wolf? Why her son?

11:41am Sep 13 2009
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Desired Name: Featherkit Position: Kit Family: Rocketkit, Owlkit Mate:None Crush:None Age: 5 1/2 moons Clan: DarkClan Additional Info Gender: Feamale Appearance: click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomOut()')"> Personality: Robust and Daring, always trying to beat her brothers at something when the sad truth is, she's just not that good. She is half-deaf, but that doesn't stop her!
~ Desired Name: Rocketkit Position: Kit Family: Featherkit, Owlkit Mate:None Crush:Nada Age: 5 1/2 moons Clan: Darkclan Additional Info Gender: Male Appearance: click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> Personality:Very serious and little sence of humor. ~~~ Desired Name:Owlkit Position: Kit Family: Featherkit, Rocketkit Mate:None Crush:Nada Age: 5 1/2 moons Clan: DarkClan Additional Info Gender: Male Appearance: click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> Personality:Fun-loving and very hyper active. Is often caught sneaking out of camp to play in the brambles with his siblings. ~~~ All: Never have the clans seen three kits that were so different from eachother. These three kits, soon to be apprentices simply appeared in DarkClan nursery one day. No sign of any other cats. Many took this as a sign from StarClan that DarkClan needed more kits, and Bloodstar is trying to pursuade Fishleapto act as their mother, to make them seem a little normal. Nightcloud is most skeptic of them and suspects that some rogue or loner who didn't want the kits rolled in dung and placed them there, afterwards covering her traks. Nevertheless, these three kits will do anything for there clan and are excited to become apprentices.

11:46am Sep 13 2009
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Bloodstar growled. "You push my limits Shadowfang." he growled. Nighcloud smirked and sat at the edge of the medicine den. "Welcome to Darkclan." she said. Bloodstar hissed at her. "I'll be in my den, Shadowfang, you're on the dawn patrol tomorrow with Leafpaw, Foxtail and Deathfang and his apprentice." Bloodstar said, then stalked off to his den, muttering.
Jadewhisper bowed her head and trotted closer to her Clanmates. "Thanks Shadowfang, Foxtail." she said, stepping between them. "I'll go on a hunting patrol with Foxtail after your Dawn patrol, okay?" she purred, pressing her pelt against Foxtails lovingly.
12:03pm Sep 13 2009
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Posts: 706
Shadowfang smirked, saying, "Good." Foxtail purred, rubbing against her as well.
12:03pm Sep 13 2009 (last edited on 12:07pm Sep 13 2009)
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((Has anyone besides me noticed how StormClan is dieing out? We have like, no warriors besides mine! And A few apprentices, but that's it. And no medicine cat! Everyone keeps joining DarkClan! Which, I'm fine with, but sooner or later DarkClan will be the ONLY Clan left!)) Nightstar, feeling much better, walked foward, just to be stopped by Shadesky. "What happened to you?" He asked quietly, worried about his mother. "I'm fine now, don't worry. Some twolegs knocked me out and put a tracker in me, Wolf, and Foxpaw. But Nightcloud got out Wolf's, and Wolf got out mine, although I lost 3 lives in the process. But I'm feeling much better now." She slid her tail gently over her sons shoulder. "Frostwing had kits!" He blurted out quietly but on purpose to Nightstar. "What? She can't have kits. Deputy's aren't allowed to. They'd spend too much time with their kit then they would the Clan. And you and Frostwing haven't been mates for that long. How could she possibly be already kitting?" She queried. "They aren't my kits." He snarled a bit heart-broken. "She is Wolf's mate, a loner, and named the tom Canis! That's not even a warrior name!" Fishleap walked around camp, clueless as to what was going on. Shadowfang and Bloodstar were arguing, a rogue had entered approvingly, and all was confusing. Deathfang had arrived shortly after her and was plucking at a magpie sitting on the fresh-kill pile. He obviously was in a bad mood.
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:16pm Sep 13 2009
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Desired Name: Mosstalon Position: Medicine Cat Family: None Mate: None Crush: None Age: 17 moons Clan: StormClan Additional Info Gender: Male Appearance: click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> Personality:Caring and happy-go-lucky Always optimistic ((Better?))
12:18pm Sep 13 2009
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Rocketkit, Featherkit and Owlkit played in the nursery, throwing balls of moss to one another for play. They were almost ready to go to the aprentice den.
12:31pm Sep 13 2009
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((a little bit. ;D)) Skyshadow walked back to camp, waiting for the Clan to come back. It was a quiet night, almost morning, and she was bored to the bone. Fishleap trotted past the nursery, taking a peek too see what the kits were doing. "You guys still awake? It's pretty late out."
im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
12:35pm Sep 13 2009 (last edited on 12:36pm Sep 13 2009)
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Wolf rounded on Shadesky, his fur bristling and his eyes white hot with rage. "Shadesky. If you want my son, then you will have to kill." he said, deathly quiet. "But if it's the only way to save my son from the fate he has been given, then he is your son." Wolf's voice broke in the end. His voice had been calm and collected, but after saying that, his voice showed how truly he hated giving up his only son. He looked blindly at Canis. He could feel his tiny heartbeat. So young, yet such burdens thrown upon such tiny shoulders. He thought sadly. He gently nuzzled Canis's head and he licked his forehead. Then he turned to Frostwing, his blind eyes softer than ever before. He nuzzled her and licked the corner of her cheek. "I love you." He whispered, is voice finally revealing how truly he loved her. There was a slight blur and he became the Starclan leader again. He could see the ancient cats with his blind eyes, walking among the other cats. He nodded at Swiftstar who was beside Foxtail. "Take care of her. If you leave her body, she will surely die from the poison that has buried itself too deep within her." He said in a beautiful and feral voice. He turned to Nightstar and he smiled gently. "Take care, great leader. You are one of a kind and yet your clan is one of many. Do not let your head lead you, but your heart." He sighed and started to back away from them. "Shadesky, if any ill befalls Frostwing or my son, I will personally dag you down to the very depth of hades and torture your soul so badly that you won't even have the will to cry for mommy." he said in a deathly quiet hiss. ~ Swiftstar shivered at Wolf's threat. ~ Canis's ear twitched in his sleep. His paws raced on the leafy ground. He was dreaming of hunting and being a warrior. (( I have a great plot twist. Can I tell you, Nightshade, and you tell me if it is okay? ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
12:55pm Sep 13 2009
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Roacketkit said nothing, and as usual, turned to his brother to answer for him. He rarley ever talked. Owlkit shrugged. "It may be late, but we're bored! Besides, what's keeping StormClan from attacking us at night? A warrior needs to be ready all hours of the day!" he exclaimed. Featherkit rolled her eyes. "Oh please. We're only kits Owlkit, there's no way there gonna let us defend against StormClan, even if we were apprentices, we'd be stuck in camp of hunting rather than fighting." she replied. "Spoil sport." mumbled Owlkit. ____ Mossfang stretched in camp. He picked a bad time to sit out on a gathering. He was getting worried. Why hadn't his clanmates returned yet? Sparrowpaw yawned. "Nightstar, when can we go back to camp?" she asked drowsily. "I need to train tomorrow if I ever want to be a warrior."
12:56pm Sep 13 2009
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Frostwing cried as Wolf seemed to disappear. Then she decided that Starclan would know who Canis' true father was, so there would be no lie. "No," she said, "Wolf is Canis' father and no one will change that,"