Warrior Cats RPG

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4:16pm Sep 16 2009

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Posts: 706
Shadowfang smiled and nodded, licking her ear.

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4:20pm Sep 16 2009

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4:21pm Sep 16 2009

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4:21pm Sep 16 2009

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5:13pm Sep 16 2009

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Posts: 1,441

((I'd rather not say my age. It's probably way off then what you think. But I'm certainly not old!!!))

Ok, lets just say that all of StormClan is back at camp from the Gathering, since it's apparently already the next day


im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

5:28pm Sep 16 2009

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Posts: 5,279

((Hmmm. Lemme guess... 24?))

Sparrowpaw yawned. She wanted to train. But the strange thing was, she hadn't been trained in so long, she couldn't remember who her mentor was. She thought it would be embarr*censored*ing if she asked, so she would let her mentor come to her.


5:56pm Sep 16 2009

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Posts: 5,279
((Wolf, I hate to break it to you, but I realize now why this roleplay isn't interested. The only users who have charries connected to wolf is Dash and you. It leaves everyone else out. Seriously, why should Sparrowpaw or Shadesky or Jadewhisper care about Wolf? If he dies, it really only includes you and Dash because you control Canis too. I think it's actually a really good idea, but it leaves me and Night and Nano out.))


6:22pm Sep 16 2009

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Posts: 507

(( Who's Dashz? ))


6:31pm Sep 16 2009

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6:32pm Sep 16 2009

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((Oh wait, I do know. He's Frostwing right?))


7:09pm Sep 16 2009

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((Dashz is Dash for Ca$h, who plays Frostwing and Shadowfang. Dash got the username changed because it had spaces in it. And I'm working on a warrior cats elemental RP, where some cats are born with special powers like darkness, fire, wind, earth, ice, ect. So I'll let ya know when that comes out if that's any better. And if you have a better plot, feel free to post it, whatever.))

Nightstar awoke the next morning, stretching her limbs to the limit before collasping on her mossy nest. Padded out of her den, she blinked blearily as the sun shined down into her eyes, making her shut them for a few seconds before regaining normal sight. She trotted silently over to the nursery, poking her head inside. "Are you awake, Frostwing?"

Shadesky woke up early that morning. Walking out of his den, he saw Sparrow paw just outside the apprentices den. "Hey, Sparrowpaw! Sorry we haven't trained in a while. But anyways, that's the past. Wanna go an learn how to fend off a badger and a fox?"

Skyshadow walked into camp. Her shift as guard had made her egxausted. Slowly padding into the warriors den, her damp pelt soaked the moss making out her nest. Groaning, she ignored the wetness and closed her eyelids shut, letting the blackness take her breath away into a sleep.

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

7:11pm Sep 16 2009

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Posts: 1,441
((Oh yeah, and I'm not 24. How old are you? I'm kinda afraid that everyone RPing here is way older than me. XP))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

7:13pm Sep 16 2009

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Posts: 507

(( Ahhh, that makes sense.

I'm 15. :P ))


7:16pm Sep 16 2009

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Posts: 1,441
((Oh cool, your my lucky number! And I'm 3 years younger than you. I feel so lonely, I'm so much younger than everyone else on this site!!!))

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing

7:20pm Sep 16 2009

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Posts: 5,279

(I'm 14!)

Sparrowpaw purred. "That's sounds amazing!" she purred happily. "Do you want to go to the dunes? There's a soft patch of sand that's easy to manuever on." she said.


7:31pm Sep 16 2009

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Posts: 1,299
Soulpaw stepped forward quietly.


7:49pm Sep 16 2009

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"I call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this apprentice, and recognize her as a brave warrior. Soulpaw, from this moment forward, you will be known as Soulpetal and you will sleep in the warrior den after tonight's silent vigil with Leafpelt." announced Bloodstar. "Your intelligence and cunning will surley improve DarkClan."

Jadewhisper began the cheers. "Leafpelt! Soulpetal!"


8:38pm Sep 16 2009

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Posts: 706

Shadowfang and Foxtail called along, "Leafpelt! Soulpetal!"


Frostwing nodded, angry with herself for having Canis, but not imaging life without him now 

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3:36pm Sep 17 2009

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Posts: 507
Leafpelt bowed and nodded again in respect for Bloodstar. "Thank you." she called. So happy and excited, she strutted over to Shadowfang, with Jadewhisper and Foxtail to celebrate.


3:56pm Sep 17 2009

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Posts: 1,441

"I could bring you some fresh-kill if you'd like," Nightstar offered.

Shadesky nodded his approval. "Lead the way!"

im back!!!!!!(: what did i miss..? haha..a LOT im guessing
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