6:23pm Sep 22 2009
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Posts: 706
((Oops, sorry)) Frostwing turned to see Shadesky, she ran out of the den, yelling, "Nightstar!!!"
6:27pm Sep 22 2009
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Posts: 706
6:27pm Sep 22 2009
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Posts: 706
6:27pm Sep 22 2009
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Posts: 706
6:28pm Sep 22 2009
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"Leafpelt, Shadowfang and Foxtail, come forth to accept your new apprentices." said Bloodstar happily. "Rocketkit, from this day until your warrior ceremony, you will be known as Rocketpaw, and Foxtail will serve as your mentor." he said. He turned to Foxtail. "Foxtail, I trust tht you will be a great mentor to Rocketpaw, and teach him everything he will need to know to become a warrior." Jadewhisper purred with pride for her crush. But she couldn't help feel a little disappointed that he got an apprentice and she didn't. Bloodstar continued and beckoned to Owlkit. "Owlkit, from this day until your warrior ceremony, you will be known as Owlpaw, and Shadowfang will serve as your mentor." he said with a smile. Owlpaw was very similar to how he was when he was an apprentice. "Shadowfang, I hope it isn't too soon after Leafpelt to give you an apprentice, but I am confident that you will be able to do it." he said. "Last but not least, Featherkit, come forward and accept your apprentice name. From this day until your warrior ceremony, you will be called Featherpaw, and Leafpelt will be your mentor." said Bloodstar. "Leafpelt, I am very proud of you. Not only was your training fast, but you also learned skills as a loner that many Clan cats couldn't imagine. I'm giving you this apprentice because by teaching her those skills, you will be strengthening DarkClan." purred Bloodstar. Featherpaw, Owlpaw and Rocketpaw toughed noses with their new mentors happily.

6:43pm Sep 22 2009
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Posts: 507
Leafpelt approached Bloodstar, nodding her her head to his words. She was very happy at her rapid rising status of the clan. "Yes, Bloodstar." she meowed, bowing gratefully. "Thank you. I will do my best." she added. Excited and happy for all of her new friends, Leafpelt roughed heads back with Featherpaw.
6:43pm Sep 22 2009
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Posts: 706
Shadowfang smiled, touching noses with Owlpaw. Then he looked over the newly name apprentice at Leafpelt, smiling as she did touched noses with Featherpaw. Bloodstar was right, she did have things as a loner. He smiled to himself, thinking that hopefully his sister could be teaching one of Leafpelt and his kits. Foxtail touched noses with Rockpaw, proud that Bloodstar trusted him enough to give him an apprentice. He smiled at Jadewhisper. Hopefully they would have kits of their own soon, sitting together to watch them become apprentices, and then warriors. Maybe even deputy and leader. Maybe....... Frostwing ran back into the nursery, first taking out Canis, laying him at his father's paws, then ran in, dragging out Shadesky. Letting her anger get a hold of her, she bit his scruff harder than needed, but that helped keep him with her, or at least that is what she would say. When she was at the foot of High Rock, she called, "Nightstar! Shadesky is hurt!"
6:50pm Sep 22 2009
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((Rocketpaw hun, not Rockpaw ^-^)) Featherpaw bounced eagerly next to Leafpelt as Bloodstar went back to his den. "Can we do battle training now!" she purred excitedly. Rocketpaw licked his lips. "I'm hungry. Can we hunt? I've already mastered my crouch!" he said, flattening against the ground to prove it. He narrowed his eyes and crept up on a gr*censored*hopper, pouncing on it , crushing it under his paws. Owlpaw sat tall and proud. "What do we do first?" he asked his mentor. He acted very serious, and calm, unlike his siblings, even though excitement buzzed louder than bees underneath his pelt... or he had a tick. Jadewhisper walked over to Foxtail and Rocketpaw. "I'll go hunting with you too." she purred.
6:56pm Sep 22 2009
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Posts: 706
((Whoops, sorry.)) Foxtail smiled, saying, "Of course."
6:59pm Sep 22 2009
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"Great!" said Jadewhisper. "Let's head off now, before any other cat wants to come too." purred Jadewhisper. Maybe she'd be able to find some alone time with Foxtail. It wouldn't be hard to get Rocketpaw hooked on a squirrel, then they'd make a break for it. Rocketpaw shoved himself between Jadewhisper and his mentor. "Let's go!" he said excitedly.
7:10pm Sep 22 2009
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Posts: 507
Leafpelt smiled at the excited little apprentice. "Sure, we can start now." she smiled, leading Featherpaw the way. As they were exiting camp, Leafpelt thought of an idea. "Hey, Featherpaw, do you want to go hunting with all of your siblings?" Leafpelt asked. Although before Featherpaw could answer, Leafpelt started walking towards Shadowfang to ask him to tag along.
7:24pm Sep 22 2009
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Posts: 441
my sad story . .
yes, i am leaveing this rp for good for many reasons, 1.i am not very literate 2.i have not been on in a long time and cant keep up i need to read like 30 pages to get back on track and 3.im munch bussyer now that summer is over so here is my last post on this rp i have only but an hour click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> Doghearts final hour. . . unlucky day. . . dogheart sat in his tree crying he had not seen nightstar for a long time and knew he was a threat to there clan, so there was nothing to do but move to a new home were he was no threat and were there was no threat to him... near moon stone, he had reamemberd long ago he had whent with nightstar there, but he had to be careful there were many dangers.it was time to start his jurney. . the jurney dogheart was never going back here it was his choice uless he realy needed to. a thunder that had spread long and far had not been the worst of his trobles. he cousuosly moved foward without looking he was being mouse-brained there was a monster coming right twads him he was luky it only ran over his tail but it was very painful any way he did not get far before another came he barly got up it ran wright over his paw most likely braking it than he fl;ed limping to the nearest side of the rock like surface unluckly it was were he had just came, so from he desided to walk forther down even if it meant going through clan terriory he was wounded slow and weak so he was vonerible to anything he could not even eat his limping would make him too loud. but more troble came a fox in the distance he must of lost his scents of smell too to have mistook this creature for a fox it was not a fox but a wolf and by the look of it it was not like the one he had defeated many moons ago it was stronge and young looking he had no chance, it leaped andhit him on the back fure;y at least fracturing his spine he lay there motinles was he dead? were did he go when dies he belived in starclan but he was not in a clan sudenly he noticed the cats around him from clans? or were they lones like him? they were both loners and clan cats and even some kitty pets was this? could it be? . . . "StarClann" he said to himself unsure but this was it he was with them now
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
7:24pm Sep 22 2009 (last edited on 7:26pm Sep 22 2009)
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Posts: 441
double post
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
7:25pm Sep 22 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 441
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
7:29pm Sep 22 2009
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Posts: 441
hi girls
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
7:32pm Sep 22 2009
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Posts: 441
dogheart as a meber of starclan had someone he had to say good bye to but it wasent nightstar but leafpelt he walked twards her for final good bye "hello leafpelt"
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
7:43pm Sep 22 2009
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Posts: 507
(( Don't leave! )) Leafpelt stopped in her tracks and turned away to look at Dogheart. "Do-Dogheart?" she questioned, completely flustered. "Wha-what happened? You look so different! What happened to you?!" she cried, worried about her old friend.
7:44pm Sep 22 2009
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Posts: 441
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
7:44pm Sep 22 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 441
a wise wolf(me<---) once said
my heart is in the pack my pack is in the heart
a small wolf walks up to you what will u do?...
8:07pm Sep 22 2009
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Posts: 5,279
Featherpaw looked at her mentor. "Leafpelt? Are you okay?" she looked arouns. No other cat stood near them. "Who's Dogheart?" she asked. Owlpaw sat down next to Shadowfang. Rocketpaw blinked at his mentor, Foxtail."You lead the way, I don't know the territory very well." he said. Jadewhisper smiled at Rocketpaw. "Okay Foxtail, go ahead." she purred, standing up.